Dienstag, 29. April 2014

RAW 28.4.14 - CHAOS

The show starts with a Cena  Wyatts promo. The Wyatts still creeps me out a lot.

Tag Titles Match - Usos (c) vs Rybaxel

Hopefully the Usos will win the match because Rybaxel is the worst tag team for years. Looks like Jay injured himself by flying over the top rope outside the ring. Superkick for Ryback and the Big Splash for Axel and The Usos win the match and are still the Tag Champs.

Sheamus vs Titus ONeill

Titus attacks Sheamus right on the entrance way. In the ring Sheamus hits The Bro Kick after 10 seconds and the match is over.

Dolph Ziggler in the ring to promote Hugh Jackman aka Wolverine. And both kicked Damien Sandows ass.

Jack Swagger vs Cesaro 

Cesaros music still sucks badly. Cesaro wins with a huge german suplex after 2 minutes.

Alberto Del Rio vs Cody Rhodes

Boring match - DelRio wins after 3 minutes with the arm lock.

Alexander Russev vs Xavier Woods

R-Truth attacks Russev and together with Woods they are able to bring Russev off his feets. Winner Russev by DQ.

3MB vs Los Matadores

3MB won a match - WTF

Stephanie McMahon tried to apologies to Daniel Bryan for Kane´s attack last week. Full of crap.

DIVAS Title Match - Brie Bella vs Paige (c)

Paige is very agressive but the fans are behind Brie. During the match Kanes firework went off and Kane shows up in the middle of the ring and tried to kidnapp Brie. Daniel attacks him with a wrench but Kane hits a chokeslam on him. Brie is able to escape from the ring.

Backstage Brie is calling Steph a bitch.

IC No 1 Contender Tournament finals: RVD vs Bad News Barrett

I guess, that heel Barrett will win this match and will face Big E at the next ppv. Cesaro shows up at the ring and alomost cost RVD the match. Conter on the Frog Splash, Bull Hammer and Barrett is the winner. Cesaro attacks RVD after the match. So we will see Cesaro vs Swagger vs RVD at the ppv and Cesaro will win that match.

EVOLUTION promo in the ring with Ric Flair. but Flair choose the SHIELD as the new force in WWE.

Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton

Orton dominate´s the match until the Superman punch and chaos break loose. All 3 members of Evolution against Roman Reigns. Just before Triple H hits the Pedigree on Reigns the SHIELD is back together and speared HHH to hell.

pics (c) of wwe.com

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