Sonntag, 27. April 2014

my TNA Sacrifice 2014 predictions

Here are my predicitons for tonights PPV matches at TNA SACRIFICE:

Tip: Eric Young will kepp the title and Magnus will go on the feud with Abyss.

Tip: Willow and Angle will win this match. Hopefully a short match.

Tip: Good booking so far and a very good ppv match. I´ll go with Bobby Roode.

 Tip: Feud of the year in TNA so far. I guess Gunner will win.

Tip: Angelina is back in TNA and will win the Title with help of her BFF Velvet. Maybe Brittany will turn against Madison.

Tip: 2 very good matches so far and a chance to bring the X Divison back into the spotlight. Sanada will kepp the title.

 Tip: I like both wrestlers and their skills. I bet on The Creepy Bastard to win.

Tip: Please let The Wolves win the Tag Titles.

Where are Kenny King, Bobby Lashley, Austin Aries, Gail Kim and OBD on this card?

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