Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2016

WWE Roadblock: End Of The Line predictions

Here are my predictions for tonights WWE ppv

WWE Universal Championship
Kevin Owens (Champion) vs. Roman Reigns

Guess: This match could be the match that finally makes Kevin Owens' run as WWE Universal Champion seem legitimate, or it could be every IWC member's worst nightmare, myself included.
There's no doubt that these two will have a match worthy of the main event and RAW's top title, as they showcased how well they work together on RAW a few weeks back. That being said, I don't feel it makes sense for Reigns to hold both the Universal title and the United States Championship. His US title run is refreshing for him, but the rebuild of Roman Reigns into a full-fledge main-eventer needs to happens slowly and organically, and now is not the time to make the same mistakes WWE made last year I see KO retaining on his own, but through shenanigans. For me, a title match at the Royal Rumble between Owens and Chris Jericho is too good to pass up, and Reigns possibly going nose to nose with Goldberg in the Rumble match is something of a fantasy booker's dream.

WINNER: Kevin Owens

Raw Women’s Championship – Ironman Match
Sasha Banks (Champion) vs. Charlotte Flair

Guess: Certainly the top contender for match of the night, Sasha Banks and Charlotte will continue to create the magic that they have conjured for the better part of 2016. However, as the tagline suggests, this 30-minute Ironman match will be the end of the line for their rivalry. The story of back and forth between these two has seen Sasha win the gold on an episode of RAW, only for Charlotte to win it back at the next PPV (Summerslam, HIAC). Once again, the last meeting, on RAW, resulted in Sasha winning the title in a Falls Count Anywhere match, leading to this encounter.

While the grand finale in Pittsburgh is being advertised as the rivals' last meeting regardless of outcome, I feel that The Boss needs to win this match. If Charlotte wins again on PPV, the status quo of The Queen getting the last laugh is maintained. For this blowoff to be memorable, the current chain of events needs to be disrupted. Either way, this match will bring the magic of the years best women's feud in years with the best match type to showcase their abilities. Sit back, and enjoy women's wrestling at its finest.
WINNER: Sasha Banks

Raw Tag Team Championship
The New Day (Champions) vs. Sheamus and Cesaro

Guess: First off, a hardy congratulations to Big E Langston, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods. They took a gimmick that everyone dumped on, and not only made it entertaining, fresh, and successful, but have officially made it legendary. The New Day deserve to hold that record, and, much like former record holders Demolition, it likely won't be matched for a very long time, meaning we'll hear their names for a while.

That being said, in the wake of their record-breaking reign, the RAW tag division is in need of a desperate shake-up, and for that matter, so is The New Day. Not only will a title change on Sunday give us a fresh face at the top of the division, but it will force the record-breaking champs to re-evaluate their characters and do something the haven't done in over a year: chase the gold.
While I was personally hoping that the ones to dethrone The New Day would be Gallows and Anderson, I have no qualms with Sheamus & Cesaro continuing both their stellar ring work and entertaining odd-couple antics as champs.

WINNER and NEW CHAMPIONS: Sheamus and Cesaro

Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho

Guess: While this match gives the feeling that Seth Rollins has downgraded from challenging for RAW's top title to fighting the champ's lackie, it should provide a decent showcase for both men to strut their stuff. Chris Jericho's breakup angle with Universal Champ Kevin Owens has provided a more serious demeanor to his humorous character, which should provide some contrast to what we've seen in previous matches between the two. That, along with both wrestler's premier ability, should be enough to keep the match fresh. In the end, I give this to Rollins. Jericho is likely on his way back to Fozzy for a tour, while Seth is building slowly but surely to a WrestleMania feud with Triple H. The Architect need to rebuild a lot of lost momentum from his feud with KO, and a win makes the most sense for him. There may also be the posibility of Kevin Owens influencing the match.
WINNER: Seth Rollins

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Rich Swann (Champion) vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Perkins

Guess: I don't mean to knock on the cruiserweights, but WWE is revisiting their history of putting them in the backburner. Even with 205 Live on the network, very few true highlights have come from the newly established division. Sure, Rich Swann is fun, Brian Kendrick is cunning as a heel, and TJ Perkins...has a cool entrance and dabs, but their extraordinary ring work has been heavily diminished since the Cruiserweight Classic wrapped up. It will be good wrestling, but it'll take some work for the audience to care. In the end, I see Rich Swann retaining. He seems to be the charismatic face that WWE were aiming for with TJ Perkins the first time around, and the division needs all the help it can get connecting with the fans. P.S. Were all still wondering when Neville will join the division. Hurry up WWE. WINNER: Rich Swann

Sami Zayn vs. Braun Strowman

Guess:  First off, we all agree that we wanted to see Sami Zayn head to SmackDown Live instead of this, right? Still though, the passion that The Underdog From The Underground showed in his segment this past RAW with Mick Foley has got me fired up for this match, and the caveat of a 10-minute time limit adds a well-thought out, yet predictable, outcome of a draw, in which Zayn can show his resilience, while Braun Strowman gets to be the extraordinary monster that he is.
I expect Zayn to hit at least one Helluva Kick at some point in the match, but in the end, a time limit draw will protect both superstars for future programs.

WINNER: Time Limit Draw

Kickoff Match - Big Cass vs. Rusev

Guess: The backstory of Rusev getting the better of Cass' pal Enzo Amore was genius, and it sets up a match that can showcase what Big Cass can do against someone just as dominant as him. I believe that Cass will give the Bulgarian Brute a run for his money. That being said, Rusev is still a singles star, and a victory here can set him up for a dominant Rumble performance, and possibly another confrontation with Goldberg. Rusev takes the momentum, and Cass goes back to the tag ranks with Enzo. WINNER: Rusev

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