Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling Results - 7/29/15

"Sarge" Chris Melendez vs. "Showtime" Eric Young
EY ducks under a lockup attempt from Melendez and slaps him on the back of the head repeatedly to taunt him. They lockup and Melendez gets EY in a waistlock and then takes him down to the mat. EY gets back to his feet and gets in Melendez's face before slapping him. Melendez lays EY out and then EY takes Melendez down and lays into him with right hands. EY slams Melendez's head into the turnbuckles and hammers on him with right hands before stomping him down in the corner. EY taunts Angle at ringside as he continues to beat on Melendez and choke him in the ropes. Melendez and EY begin exchanging strikes but Melendez gets the better of it with some stiff forearms until EY rakes his eyes. EY then hits the Spike Piledriver and gets the pin.
Winner: Young via pinfall (Spike Piledriver)

TNA Knockouts Championship
Marti Belle w/The Dollhouse vs. Brooke Tessmacher (c)

Brooke attacks Jade and Terrell as she comes down to the ring and throws them into the steps. Marti then attacks Brooke but Brooke clotheslines both Marti and Jade. Brooke then chases Terrell into the ring which allows Marti to attack Brooke from behind to kick off the match as the bell rings. Marti chokes Brooke on the ropes and stands on her back as her throat was laid across the ropes. Marti puts the boots to Brooke and then lifts her up to the top rope and hits her with some forearms. Marti climbs up top with Brooke but Brooke shoves her off and then dives off the top with a Flying Clothesline. Brooke gets back to her feet and connects with a series of clotheslines and elbows. Brooke hits a Flying Forearm and then hits a Russian Legsweep for a nearfall. Brooke whips Marti into the corner and then runs right into a boot from Marti. Marti charges at Brooke but eats a Spear from the champ. Jade gets on the apron but Brooke drags her into the ring, but as the referee tries to get Jade out Terrell slams Brooke to the mat by the hair. The lights go out and then as they come back on The Dollhouse searches for Gail Kim only for  Brooke to catch Marti with the Butterface Maker for the pin.
Winner: Brooke via pinfall (Butter Facemaker)

Main Event
Mixed Tag Team Match
The Revolution (James Storm & Serena Deeb) vs. Magnus & Mickie James

This is Serena's in-ring debut on Impact but she has worked a couple of One Night Only PPVs and she appeared on PPV one year when she challenged Awesome Kong in an Open Challenge I believe. This is also her last televised match ever as she has just officially retired. I believe she has struggled with concussion issues in the last couple of years which is the reason she has decided to retire. This is the first time Magnus and Mickie have ever teamed up as well I believe despite being engaged for quite some time. Storm is wearing new camo styled tights for this one. Mickie hasn't worked a match in TNA in about two years. Magnus and Mickie hit the match and go right after The Revolution! Magnus and Storm brawl aroung ringside as Mickie and Serena watch from their respective corners. Magnus tosses Storm into the ring and is distracted by Serena allowing Storm to poke him in the eyes and take over control of the match. Storm whips Magnus into the corner but Magnus explodes out with a clothesline! Magnus hits the ropes but Serena hits him from behind and then Storm lays him out with an elbow to the back. Storm hangs Magnus up in the ropes and then goes to the apron and hits a Leaping Enziguri! Storm hits a Snapmare Takeover followed by a Knee Drop for a nearfall. Storm taunts Mickie and then puts Magnus in a rear chinlock.

Mickie chases Serena around ringside as we come back from break and Storm hits Magnus with the Backstabber out of nowhere. Storm taunts Mickie again by blowing her a kiss and then he chokes Magnus in the ropes. Storm then distracts the referee as Serena chokes Magnus as well. Storm continues to taunt Mickie as he beats Magnus down. Magnus tries to fight back but as he bounces off the ropes Storm lays him out with a back elbow for another nearfall. Storm hits a Snapmare Takeover followed by a Leg Drop for yet another nearfall. Storm puts Magnus in a chinlock again but Magnus fights back to his feet and breaks the hold only to get laid out with a high knee. Storm tosses Magnus to the floor and then whips Magnus into the guardrail. Storm tosses Magnus back into the ring and catches Magnus with the Closing Time! Storm sets up for the Last Call but Magnus blocks it and then goes for a Lariat, but Storm ducks and then they both hit the ropes and crash into each other with cross body blocks. Both men tag out and Mickie lays into Serena with elbows and clotheslines followed by a dropkick! Mickie hits a Flapjack and then nips up to her feet!

Mickie climbs up top and dives off with a Cannonball! 1...2...NO Storm pulls her off of Serena by the hair but Mickie slaps Storm only for Serena to catch her with a nasty Gutbuster! Mickie rolls to the floor and Serna follows as Magnus Spears Storm! Serena screams for Khoya to come out and then Khoya lays into Mickie with slaps and forearms. Serena whips Mickie into the steps and then Khoya runs down and tries to hit Magnus with the big stick! Magnus ducks and Khoya hits the referee! Magnus hits Storm with a nasty Powerbomb but then Serena jumps onto Magnus' back. Magnus Snapmares Serena over and Mickie hits the Mickie-DT! 1...2...3!
Winners: Magnus & Mickie via pinfall (Mickie-DT)

After the match Mickie hits Storm with a Tornado DDT!

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