Freitag, 29. Mai 2015

WWE Smackdown results 28.5.15

Tag Team Lumberjack Match
The Lucha Dragons vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

Lumberjacks included The Prime Time Players, Los Matadores, The Ascension and New Day. Music for The Prime Time Players hits.
The match starts with Kidd and Sin Cara locking up in the center of the ring. Kidd springs off the ropes and takes down Sin Cara. He Tags Cesaro in for the cover and a kick out by Sin Cara. Calisto is tagged in and thrown out of the ring by Cesaro. The Lumberjacks are there to send him right back in. Cesaro tags Kidd back in while holding Calisto in a Suplex position. Kidd off the top rope with a cover and a kick out by Calisto. The crowd starts a New Day Sucks Chant. Kidd is sent out of the ring. Los Matadores put him right back in. Calisto with a cover of Kidd. He kicks out. Calisto catches Kidd off the top rope and sends him out to the Lumberjacks again. Cesaro and the New Day are exchanging words at ring side.

The match continues with Cesaro holding a headlock on Calisto in the middle of the ring. Calisto is sent out of the ring and the Primetime Players roll him back in. Tag to Kidd by Cesaro. Calisto jumps off of Cesaro's shoulders and catches Kidd and covers for a hard two count. Sin Cara and Cesaro are in. A series of uppercuts by Cesaro all the way across the ring on Sin Cara. Cesaro kicks Calisto out of midair. Sin Cara rolls up Cesaro. He kicks out. Calisto with a hurracanrana to Cesaro. Cesaro is Pinned for a two count. Calisto flies off the second rope and takes Cesaro down again. Cesaro counters with a back body drop. Calisto out of the ring again. Primetime Players roll him in. Kidd hits him with an elbow off the top rope. Calisto kicks out at two. Calisto hits Kidd with the Listo Kick and pins him for a two count. Cesaro is kicked out of the ring. Calisto goes for another Listo Kick but it’s countered by Kidd and he puts Calisto in the Sharpshooter. Calisto is fighting but Kidd drags him to the center of the ring. Sin Cara jumps off of the top rope to break up the Sharp Shooter. Kidd sends Cara out to the floor. Calisto is still the legal man as he is rolled into the ring. Xavier Woods grabs the foot of Kidd and Calisto hits him with the Salita Del Sol . Covers and 1..2..3…for the win
Winners: The Lucha Dragons

R-Truth vs. King Barrett
Truth comes out singing What’s Up. He tells WBPA to make some noise...What’s Up! King Barret is out next. The crowd erupts with loud boos for the 2015 King of the Ring. He gets in the ring and exclaims "All hail King Barrett." The bell rings.  Truth is taken down and thrown into the corner. Barrett covers for a two count. Barrett stomps Truth. Another cover by Barrett and another two count. Barrett with a headlock to Truth. He counters with an elbow. Barrett his with a kick off top and a cover for a two count Barrett relentlessly stomps the head of truth. Barrett declares, "Who’s the Bloody King." Barrett then hits with a kick to the head of Truth. Barrett suplexes Truth and begins taunting again. Barrett hits Truth with the Royal Bullhammer. Cover by Barrett and Truth counters rolling Barrett into a two count. Barrett is up and Truth connects with the Lie Detector to finish King Barrett. Truth with the three count and the win!
Winner: R-Truth

Ryback vs. Rusev
USA chant fills up the arena. They lock up. Series of reversals and lock ups. Rusev is sent head first into the corner. Punches in the corner by Ryback. Slap on the chest with a loud wooooo! from the crowd as Ryback connects. Rusev pounds Ryback. They go back and forth.

Back from commercial, Rusev has a headlock on Ryback. Ryback punches out and takes it to Rusev. They exchange punches. Ryback with an elbow off the ropes. Rusev is limping. Rusev falls out of the ring in pain favoring his ankle. Ryback out to Rusev and Rusev sends Ryback into the post. The ref calls it after warning Rusev not to do it again and he does. Ryback gets the win via DQ.
Winner via DQ: Ryback

Paige vs. Naomi w/ Tamina
Paige is out first. Crowd goes crazy. Naomi is out next with Tamina. Naomi shoves Paige and dances around. Paige puts her into the ropes. Paige is in the corner. She takes Naomi down and stomps her. Naomi rolls out. Paige with knees to Naomi’s head as she comes back in. Naomi attacks Paige in the corner. She stomps on the arm of Paige. Arm Lock on Paige now. Paige counters and hits a clothesline. Superkick by Paige. Paige with Rampaige to win.
Winner: Paige

Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins & Kane
Match starts with Kane and Reigns. Rollins takes out Ambrose. They continue to battle. J&J are seen throwing Ambrose in. Ambrose is stuck in the ring for a very long time. He finally tags Reigns. Reigns on the offensive until J&J break it up and the unfair advantage begins. The Authority beats down Reigns and Ambrose. Kane calls for The New Day to help contain the former Shield members. Reigns and Ambrose get an offensive push but Kane and Rollins come in and take control. Reigns and Ambrose are down for the count.
Winners via DQ: Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns

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