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TNA World Tag Team Championships The Decay (c) w/Rosemary vs. The Charismatic Storm (James Storm & Jeff Hardy)
Steve has Jeff in a side headlock as we come back from break but Jeff shoves him into the ropes only to eat a running shoulder block from the crazy clown. Steve hits the rings but eats a hip toss from Jeff. Storm tags into the match and hits a Diving Axe Handle Drop from the middle rope on Steve followed by a Butterfly Suplex for a nearfall. Storm whips Steve into the corner and charges into a boot from Steve. Steve charges right into a boot from Storm followed by a Hangman’s Neckbreaker for another nearfall. Steve rolls over and tags in Abyss and the former Revolution members go at it. Storm kicks Abyss in the gut and then hits a series of clotheslines. Storm hits a Calf Wrangler for a nearfall and Steve tags back in so Storm Hip Tosses him into the ring. Storm hits a big uppercut and hits the ropes only for Abyss to hit him from behind followed by a nasty Lariat from Steve. Abyss comes in and Chokeslams Steve down on top of Storm with a Backsplash Senton! Abyss headbutts Storm and then whips him into the corner and hits a big Running Clothesline. Steve tags into the match and beats Storm down in the corner. He attempts a Rolling Cannonball but Storm moves out of the way and gets the hot tag to Jeff. Jeff hits a Flying Forearm on Steve and then an Atomic Drop followed by the Leg Drop to the nuts and Basement Dropkick! Jeff gets another nearfall and goes for the Twist of Fate but Steve blocks it and tags in Abyss who then charges and misses Jeff. Storm hits a Leaping Enziguri from the corner and Jeff hits the Twist of Fate! Jeff goes to the top for the Swanton but the lights in the Impact Zone go out. Willow’s music hits and he appears on the stage twirling his umbrella. Jeff looks confused but as Rosemary distracts the referee Abyss and Steve spit mist in Jeff’s face followed by the Black Hole Slam from Abyss for the pin!
Winners & STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Decay via pinfall (Black Hole Slam)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship “The Chosen One” Drew Galloway (c) vs. Eli Drake
Drew beats Drake down in the ring and tosses him into the corner. Drew backdrops Drake over the top but Drake lands on the apron and catches Drew with a Neckbreaker on the top rope for a nearfall. Drake chokes Drew down in the corner and then chokes him in the ropes. Drake puts him in a headlock but Drew counters with an armdrag only to walk into a Spinning Powerslam! Drake hits an Elbow Drop for a nearfall and then he goes to toss Drew to the floor but Drew turns it around on Drake. On the floor Drew lights Drake up with some nasty chops and then goes to toss Drake back in the ring, but Drake catches him with a Jawbreaker on the ropes. Drake climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Axe Handle only for Drew to catch him in midair with a Belly-to-Belly Overhead Suplex! Eli and Drew exchange rights but then Drew ducks one and hits a nasty Knife Edge Chop. Drew charges at Drake in the corner with a Running Elbow followed by a Flying Clothesline off the top! Drew goes for the Future Shock DDT but Drake counters it and then hits the ropes only to run right into a Snap Powerslam from Galloway for a nearfall. Drew kicks a charging Drake in the corner and then he climbs back up top only for Drake to leap to the top and toss Drew off with a beautiful Superplex! 1…2…NO Drew kicks out! Drake goes to the floor and grabs the World Title but the referee takes it away from him. As the referee turns around Drake swings his briefcase at Drew. Drew ducks the briefcase and the referee takes it away from him, and Drake turns around into the Claymore followed by the Future Shock for the pin!
Winner & STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Drew Galloway via pinfall (Future Shock DDT)
TNA Knockouts Championship Jade (c) vs. Gail Kim
Jade and Gail lockup with Jade taking Gail down with a Waistlock, but Gail reverses into a side headlock. Jade. Jade fights back to her feet but Gail takes her back down to the mat with a side headlock takeover. Sienna is shown watching the match at ringside. Jade reverses the hold but Gail counters with a Back Suplex attempt only for Jade to reverse it into a Side Headlock Takeover. Gail fights back up and shoves Jade into the ropes only to eat a shoulder block. Gail answers with a shoulder block of her own and then eats an arm drag from Jade. Gail answers with her own arm drag leading to a staredown between the two. Gail quickly rolls Jade up for a nearfall but then Jade catches Gail with a body scissors for a nearfall of her own. Jade attempts a La Magistral but Gail counters into a rollup for another nearfall. Gail catches Jade with a side roll for another nearfall. Gail goes for a Crucifix only for Jade to block it and Gail to catch her with a Spinning Arm Drag. Gail follows up with a hurricanrana but then hits the ropes and runs into a rana from Jade of her own! They stare each other down again and then Gail offers a handshake which Jade accepts only for both girls to exchange forearms. Jade whips Gail into the corner but Gail leapfrogs a charging Jade and lays into her with more forearms. Jade floats over a charging Gail and hitsa nasty Bridging German Suplex for a nearfall! Jade goes for the Pedigree but Gail blocks it and counters into a Backslide attempt. Jade blocks it so Gail pulls Jade into a Shortarm Clothesline. Gail lifts Jade up to the top rope and climbs up with her only for Jade to shove her off. Gail gets back to her feet and swings at Jade but Jade catches her arm and locks her in a Hanging Armbar over the top rope! Jade releases the hold and then goes for a springboard move but Gail sweeps her legs knocking Jade to the floor. Gail hits a Plancha off the top onto Jade on the floor! Gail rolls Jade into the ring and then she catches Sienna as she started walking towards the ring. Jade hits a Tope Suicida through the ropes onto Gail on the floor! Sienna slams Jade into the ring post and then the ring steps to cause a DQ as Sienna swings Jade by her legs into the steps!
Winner: Jade via DQ
Al Snow vs. Mahabali Shera
Snow lays into Shera as he tries to chase Snow around ring. Snow puts Shera in a Hammerlock and then tosses him into the ring post. Snow puts Shera in a wristlock but Shera breaks it with forearms and then a shoulder block. Shera hits a series of shoulder blocks knocking Snow to the floor which irritates him. Snow pulls out a foreign object and jabs Shera in the throat with it as he had the referee blocked. Snow gets a nearfall and then another Hammerlock into the ring post. Snow hits a Side Headlock Takeover and then he uses his wrist tape to choke Shera with. Snow gets another nearfall before tossing Shera out to the floor. Snow slams Shera’s arm into the ring steps repeatedly and then kicks him in the face as Shera tried to climb back in the ring. Snow gets another nearfall and then hits the Snow Plow for yet another nearfall. Snow argues with Hebner leading to Hebner shoving Snow and screaming at him. Grado runs out and distracts Snow allowing Shera to hit the Sky High for the pin.
Winner: Mahabali Shera via pinfall (Sky High)
Six Sides of Steel Cage Match EC3 vs. Rockstar Spud
Spud hits the ring and goes right after EC3 only to get thrown all around the ring. EC3 chops Spud repeatedly and then goes for a Powerslam, but Spud blocks it and slaps EC3. EC3 tosses Spud into the cage wall and then slams him into the turnbuckles repeatedly. Spud tries to escape through the door but EC3 pulls him back in and goes for a Press Slam only for Spud to block it and low blow EC3. Spud pulls off his mini belt and whips EC3 with it. Spud chokes EC3 with the belt but EC3 backs him into the corner to free himself. Spud jumps on EC3’s back and locks him in a Sleeper, but EC3 Snapmares Spud over and then charges at Spud only to run into the boots of the Spudster. Spud tries to escape through the door again and again EC3 drags him back in. Spud kicks EC3 away and then almost escapes but EC3 grabs Spud by the ankle and drags him back into the ring. Spud kicks EC3 in the head repeatedly and then EC3 takes him down and hits a clothesline. EC3 hits a Jawbreaker and then a Stinger Splash in the corner. EC3 tosses Spud into the cage wall but Spud does his Spider monkey impersonation by catching himself on the wall. Spud kicks EC3 away and then climbs to the top, but EC3 pulls him down onto the top rope. Spud slams EC3’s head into the cage and then rakes his eyes and shoves him to the mat. Spud dives off the top rope with a Flying Elbow Drop! 1…2…NO EC3 kicks out! Spud wraps the belt around his hand and tries to jam the sharp point of the belt buckle into EC3’s eye, but EC3 blocks it tosses Spud into the cage repeatedly on each side. EC3 Press Slams Spud into the cage and then goes for the One Percenter, but Spud counters into an Enziguri. Spud goes for the Underdog but EC3 blocks it and backdrops Spud into the corner. Spud lands on his feet on the top rope and then starts climbing to the top of the cage again. EC3 stops Spud but Spud starts biting EC3’s head knocking EC3 back to the mat. Spud almost climbs out but EC3 gets back to the top and stops him again and drags Spud back in. EC3 Press Slams Spud off the top of the cage! EC3 hits the One Percenter and gets the pin.
Winner: EC3 via pinfall (One Percenter)
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