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Non-Title Match WWE United States Champion Kalisto vs. Ryback
The bell rings and Ryback charges at Kalisto, bringing him down hard before following with a body slam. Kalisto in the corner, and Ryback tosses him across the ring. Ryback charges at the champion again, hitting Kalisto with a hard shoulder tackle. Ryback wrenches the arm of Kalisto, bringing him down hard. Ryback continues tossing Kalisto around, but Kalisto responds with some hard kicks to the legs of Ryback. Kalisto off the ropes, but Ryback drops him with a military press before he throws the champ into the steel post! Kalisto is looking worse for wear as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Ryback has Kalisto up top as he lifts him into a delayed superplex! Ryback gets just a nearfall though, as he picks the champ back up and sets him into the tree of woe before laying into Kalisto with a boot to the midsection. He keeps going at it until the ref pulls him away, and charges at Kalisto…who gets up just in time, sending Ryback right into the steel post! Ryback on the outside now, as Kalisto finally gets out of the corner. Ryback gets back in the ring, but Kalisto catches him with a legdrop to the back of the head! More kicks from the champ now, Ryback shoving him but getting a dropkick and a flying corkscrew for his troubles. Kalisto with some more kicks that ends with an enziguri! Kalisto off the ropes, hitting a spiked rana for a nearfall! Kalisto looks for the Salida Del Sol, but Ryback catches him with a Meat Hook instead! Ryback looking for Shell Shocked, but Kalisto catches him with a DDT for a nearfall! Kalisto to the second rope, jumps but finds himself on the shoulder of Ryback. Kalisto gets out with a spinning heel kick, but is caught into Shell Shocked for the win by The Big Guy!
Winner via pinfall: Ryback
Non-Title Match WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz vs. AJ Styles
Both men lock up, and Miz gets AJ in the corner. AJ turns things around with a brief flurry of offense until Miz gets him in a headlock as the crowd chants for AJ Styles. AJ powers out, but Miz catches him with a shoulder tackle and a body slam. Miz goes back to AJ, who catches him with a kip-up headscissors and a knee to the face for a nearfall. AJ sets Miz up, locking in the Muta Lock until Miz can power out. Miz leaves the ring for a breather, but AJ brings him right back in. Miz with a knee on AJ, following with some stomps and off the ropes…only to take a dropkick by AJ! AJ back to work on Miz, who hits a knee to the midsection on AJ! Miz with a knee to the back, and a sleeper hold that AJ manages to get out of. Miz looking for a back suplex, but AJ catches him with a spinning heel kick that forces Miz to retreat to the outside. AJ chases Miz around the ring until Miz gets Maryse to stop him before catching him. Miz rolls back in and back out, before continuing the attack on AJ by sending him into the barricade as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Miz is still in control inside the ring stomping away at AJ. Miz charges into AJ in the corner with the clothesline, before hitting a double axe handle on AJ for the nearfall. Miz right back on top of AJ with a sleeper hold, but AJ catches him on the jaw to get out. Miz with a reverse neckbreaker into the nearfall. Miz pounding away at AJ with right hands and a boot to the face. AJ in the corner, lays into Miz with some chops as Miz goes for a knee that AJ reverses into a rollup for the nearfall. Miz with a big boot for a nearfall of his own now. Miz has AJ in the corner again, looking for a superplex but AJ headbutts Miz to the mat. AJ up top, but gets caught on the turnbuckle by Miz who looks for that superplex again…but AJ slides out, and both men catch each other with a crossbody that brings them down hard! The ref begins the count, as both men quickly get up. AJ with second wind now, hitting forearms aplenty before landing a pumphandle gutbuster for a nearfall! AJ looking for Styles Clash, but Miz gets him into the corner before hitting a hard kick. Miz following with kicks to the injured leg, rolling AJ up for a nearfall before going for another quickly. Miz looking for the Skull Crushing Finale now…but AJ blocks it, hitting Ushigoroshi for a nearfall! Miz back to the leg again, before locking in the Figure Four Leglock! AJ is wincing in pain, looking for the ropes. Miz pulls AJ back to the center of the ring, and AJ looks to reverse the hold…finally doing so, putting the pressure on Miz! The hold is broken as Miz is now favoring his leg. Miz charges at AJ, who rolls him into the Calf Crusher! Miz reaches the ropes, just barely grabbing it to break the hold. Miz’s leg is still hurt as he goes for–AJ gets the Victory Roll for a nearfall, followed by a Pele Kick! Miz in the corner as AJ hits a couple chops, going for a Phenomenal Forearm until Miz rolls out of the ring. Maryse grabs the title from ringside as Miz starts up the ramp…but Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson stop him in his tracks. Miz turns around, as AJ catches him with a springboard forearm to the outside! AJ brings Miz back in the ring, hitting the Phenomenal Forearm for the win!
Winner via pinfall: AJ Styles
Women’s Tag Team Match Team BAD vs. Paige & Natalya
Tamina and Natalya start things off, Natalya with a waistlock that Tamina powers out of before working on the arm of Natalya. Natalya tries to counter out, but is brought down hard by Tamina who tags in Naomi. Naomi catches Natalya in the corner, bringing her down hard as well. Natalya drops Naomi to the mat before tagging in Paige, and they double team Naomi before Paige gets some more offense in. She tags in Natalya, who hits a dropkick before going for the Sharpshooter…but Naomi powers out, rolling out of the ring. Naomi hits a high kick to the head and a leg drop on Natalya for the nearfall, before tagging in Tamina. Tamina hits a hard clothesline on Natalya for the nearfall, before dropping Paige off the apron. She lays a boot into Natalya before tagging in Naomi, who gets an assisted dropkick on Natalya for the nearfall. Naomi with a sleeper hold, bringing Natalya into the corner as she tags in Tamina. Tamina working a sleeper hold before missing a leg drop that allows a hot tag to Paige. Naomi tagged in as well, but takes a kick to the jaw by Paige for the nearfall. Naomi going for a cross body, but eventually thrown into the corner by Paige. Paige hits the Paige Turner but Tamina gets involved, as Natalya gets Tamina in a Sharpshooter. Paige gets Naomi in the Sharpshooter as well, and gets the victory!
Winners via submission: Paige & Natalya
Special Guest Referee: Goldust R-Truth vs. Fandango
Both men lock up, and Truth hits a shoulder tackle on Fandango, who responds with a hip toss and a hip swivel for the crowd. Fandango goes off the ropes, but Truth stops him just to twerk a little before dropping Fandango with a hip toss. Truth laughs as both men begin a brief dance-off. Goldust tells them they have to fight, but Truth begins a pop and lock that leads into a Fandango tango between Fandango and Goldust, who adds in a stanky leg before insisting he can’t be doing that because he’s the ref. The distraction is enough for Truth to hit a Flatliner on Fandango for the win!
Winner via pinfall: R-Truth
Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose & Sami Zayn
Zayn and Owens stare each other down before Owens tags in Jericho. A big “OLE” chant for Zayn as both men lock up, Jericho getting a headlock on Zayn who powers out into a wristlock. Jericho with a chop, but Zayn gets an arm drag thrice over on Jericho. Zayn with an armbar on Jericho as we hear a faint “NXT” chant while Ambrose tags in. Ambrose with some chops, only to take a shoulder tackle by Jericho who goes for the Walls of Jericho. Ambrose gets out and goes for Dirty Deeds but Jericho rolls out of the ring, as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Jericho has a cover on Ambrose for a nearfall. He tags in Owens, and they double team on Ambrose as Owens taunts Zayn. Ambrose in the corner as Owens lays into him before tagging in Jericho. Jericho lays his boot into Ambrose before hitting a couple chops. Jericho sends him into the other corner, but Ambrose evades him for the tag to Zayn as the crowd begins chanting “OLE” again. Zayn with a flurry of offense on Jericho, including a dropkick before dropping Owens off the apron. Zayn goes up and hits a crossbody for a nearfall. Zayn continues the offense, climbing up top but deciding to dive onto Owens! Back in the ring is Zayn, as Owens makes a blind tag before dragging Zayn out of the ring. He sends him into the barricade, laying into Zayn with some right hands before bringing him back into the ring. Owens continues the attack on his former best friend, mocking Ambrose before throwing Zayn back into his corner and tagging in Jericho. Jericho locks in a sleeper hold on Zayn, who is struggling to get back to a vertical base. Zayn reaches for a tag but is dropped by Jericho, who connects with a Lionsault for the nearfall. Jericho picks up Zayn, slapping him around but misses a right hand as Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb! Zayn inches to the corner, hitting a tag as Owens tags in. Ambrose unleashes a flurry of offense on Owens, before sending him out of the ring. Ambrose launches himself outside onto Owens, before Jericho gets involved. Ambrose shakes Jericho off, but takes a superkick by Owens for the nearfall. Ambrose hits a whirlybird lariat and the Dirty Deeds, but Jericho breaks the pin. Zayn with a kick on Jericho as Ambrose climbs up top, but Jericho catches him onto the ropes as Owens picks up the win!
Winners via pinfall: Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens
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