Samstag, 30. April 2016
WWE Payback 2016 predictions
Her are my predictions for the next WWE PPv Payback
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. AJ Styles
Well, I certainly didn't see this one coming, but I'm interested as all hell. The fact that WWE put the guy they want to be the top babyface against someone they know he'll be booed against is very intriguing. Styles absolutely won't be winning the title, but the match should be cool and the direction for Reigns going forward is something that piques my curiosity.
PREDICTION: Roman Reigns retains.
Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (c) vs. Cesaro
Poor Zack Ryder got pushed aside very quickly, didn't he? I was assuming this would be a Fatal 4-Way that would include him, Cesaro and Chris Jericho, but with Cesaro winning a #1 contender's match and Jericho possibly gone for a while, it seems as though WWE cut right to the chase.
PREDICTION: The Miz retains...but I wouldn't be shocked if Cesaro won the belt. Let's see how they build this over the next few weeks.
Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
With what went down with the Intercontinental Championship and the #1 contender's match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, it makes perfect sense to have these two face off against each other here. This feud has been a good one and has stretched over a long period of time, and what they've done together has been fun, so I'm excited for this match.
PREDICTION: Sami Zayn wins if this feud doesn't continue, but if they do have another at Extreme Rules, then Kevin Owens wins.
Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose
SO into the idea of these two feuding. This could have been a WrestleMania match, even. Here's hoping they have more than just this one event to work together and it continues into Extreme Rules.
PREDICTION: Dean Ambrose wins.
Women's Championship: Charlotte (c) vs. Natalya
Blah. Why is Natalya the go-to person to match Charlotte up with when they need her to have a victory? There's no chance Natalya has a shot at the title, which makes me have nothing to get invested in, as I've already seen them face off before and I don't think we'll get anything different. Lukewarm start to this rehabilitation of the division.
PREDICTION: Charlotte retains.
Tag Team Championship #1 Contender's Tournament Finals: The Vaudevillains vs. Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady
I'm kind of surprised WWE is holding back and doing the finals of the tournament here instead of rushing to the title match itself. Given the situation, I expect The Vaudevillains to come out on top because of some kind of interference from The Dudley Boyz. Even if they weren't clearly in a feud with Bubba Ray and D-Von at the moment, Enzo and Cass have two other factors working against them: WWE's unlikely booking of two babyface teams against each other and the poor track record Enzo and Cass have with tag titles. This should be interesting and I hope the crowd doesn't shit on it.
PREDICTION: The Vaudevillains are victorious.
Pre-Show Kickoff United States Championship Match: Kalisto (c) vs. Ryback
So WWE fucked up with this feud massively for WrestleMania, then they kept both guys basically off television for every week following that show, and randomly they just add this onto the pre-show for Payback? Stupid. If this ends in anything other than a Ryback title win, it's beyond ridiculous.
PREDICTION: That being said, Kalisto probably retains.
Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler
Once this feud kicked off, it was a safe bet that this match would take place at Payback. I don't think the program will last longer than that, and I can't imagine this going any other way than Corbin winning, as he's the new guy who needs the push while Ziggler is the veteran who will put him over. There's potential for this to be a good match if they don't cut them short on time.
PREDICTION: Corbin wins and continues his hot streak.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. AJ Styles
Well, I certainly didn't see this one coming, but I'm interested as all hell. The fact that WWE put the guy they want to be the top babyface against someone they know he'll be booed against is very intriguing. Styles absolutely won't be winning the title, but the match should be cool and the direction for Reigns going forward is something that piques my curiosity.
PREDICTION: Roman Reigns retains.
Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (c) vs. Cesaro
Poor Zack Ryder got pushed aside very quickly, didn't he? I was assuming this would be a Fatal 4-Way that would include him, Cesaro and Chris Jericho, but with Cesaro winning a #1 contender's match and Jericho possibly gone for a while, it seems as though WWE cut right to the chase.
PREDICTION: The Miz retains...but I wouldn't be shocked if Cesaro won the belt. Let's see how they build this over the next few weeks.
Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
With what went down with the Intercontinental Championship and the #1 contender's match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, it makes perfect sense to have these two face off against each other here. This feud has been a good one and has stretched over a long period of time, and what they've done together has been fun, so I'm excited for this match.
PREDICTION: Sami Zayn wins if this feud doesn't continue, but if they do have another at Extreme Rules, then Kevin Owens wins.
Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose
SO into the idea of these two feuding. This could have been a WrestleMania match, even. Here's hoping they have more than just this one event to work together and it continues into Extreme Rules.
PREDICTION: Dean Ambrose wins.
Women's Championship: Charlotte (c) vs. Natalya
Blah. Why is Natalya the go-to person to match Charlotte up with when they need her to have a victory? There's no chance Natalya has a shot at the title, which makes me have nothing to get invested in, as I've already seen them face off before and I don't think we'll get anything different. Lukewarm start to this rehabilitation of the division.
PREDICTION: Charlotte retains.
Tag Team Championship #1 Contender's Tournament Finals: The Vaudevillains vs. Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady
I'm kind of surprised WWE is holding back and doing the finals of the tournament here instead of rushing to the title match itself. Given the situation, I expect The Vaudevillains to come out on top because of some kind of interference from The Dudley Boyz. Even if they weren't clearly in a feud with Bubba Ray and D-Von at the moment, Enzo and Cass have two other factors working against them: WWE's unlikely booking of two babyface teams against each other and the poor track record Enzo and Cass have with tag titles. This should be interesting and I hope the crowd doesn't shit on it.
PREDICTION: The Vaudevillains are victorious.
Pre-Show Kickoff United States Championship Match: Kalisto (c) vs. Ryback
So WWE fucked up with this feud massively for WrestleMania, then they kept both guys basically off television for every week following that show, and randomly they just add this onto the pre-show for Payback? Stupid. If this ends in anything other than a Ryback title win, it's beyond ridiculous.
PREDICTION: That being said, Kalisto probably retains.
Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler
Once this feud kicked off, it was a safe bet that this match would take place at Payback. I don't think the program will last longer than that, and I can't imagine this going any other way than Corbin winning, as he's the new guy who needs the push while Ziggler is the veteran who will put him over. There's potential for this to be a good match if they don't cut them short on time.
PREDICTION: Corbin wins and continues his hot streak.
WWE Smackdown Results – 4/28/16 (Roman Reigns vs. The Miz)
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Six Man Tag Team Match League of Nations vs. Kalisto, Sami Zayn and Cesaro
Match starts with Kalisto and Sheamus, as the Lucha Dragon hits some hard kicks early on only to be taken down hard by Sheamus, as ADR and Rusev reach for the blind tag. Rusev gets it, kicking Kalisto hard as ADR tags himself in. ADR with a snap suplex and a kick to the leg of Kalisto as Sheamus tags in now, getting a few punches in before Rusev tags in. Rusev lays into Kalisto with a kick, a body slam, and a big elbow to the face for a nearfall. Rusev drags Kalisto by the arm before locking him into a bearhug, looking to squeeze the life out of the United States Champion. Kalisto fights out of it, but Rusev hits him with a knee. Kalisto evades further attack to tag in Zayn, who unloads on Rusev with some forearms before getting distracted by Sheamus, allowing Rusev to hit a superkick for a nearfall as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Sheamus is in control with a legdrop for a nearfall as ADR tags in. ADR with a hard kick to the midsection and mounted punches followed by a DDT for a nearfall. ADR locks in a sleeper hold, but Zayn powers out quickly only to take a Backstabber by ADR! ADR poses before Rusev tags himself in, causing a bit of shoving between Rusev and ADR as Sheamus runs the other opponents off the apron. ADR and Rusev are still arguing as Sheamus gets involved, before ADR leaves the ring and walks up the ramp to the back. Rusev is shouting at Sheamus before making the tag, as Sheamus looks to drop a fist on Zayn…who evades, and Rusev gets dropped instead! Zayn rolls out of the ring as Rusev and Sheamus begin arguing now, and Rusev is now leaving the ring and heading to the back. Sheamus is now all alone as Zayn gets the tag to Kalisto, who unleashes a flurry of offense on the Celtic Warrior before tagging in Cesaro. Cesaro gets a European Uppercut on Sheamus on the outside before bringing him back in. He hits a big crossbody for a nearfall, and proceeds to unload a series of European Uppercuts before landing a beautiful dropkick! Cesaro looking for the giant swing, but Sheamus gets out of the ring before it happens and proceeds to walk up the ramp as the ref counts the League out!
Winners via count-out: Kalisto, Sami Zayn and Cesaro
Baron Corbin vs. Damien Sandow
Baron starts things off by brutally beating up Sandow, bringing him out of the ring to continue the attack as the ref is making the count. Corbin brings Sandow back into the ring, continuing the assault by grinding his boot into the head of Sandow. Sandow makes a brief comeback, but Corbin hangs him up on the top rope before catapulting him into the bottom rope! He follows up with the End of Days for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Baron Corbin
Tag Team Match
Social Outcasts (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel) vs. Enzo Azmore and Colin Cassady
Bo and Enzo start things off as they lock up, and Bo hits an arm drag that he is particularly proud of as we see Byron at ringside sitting on the floor beside the announce table. Enzo responds with a crossbody and a running…tag to Cass, who lays into Bo before tagging Enzo back in. Heath Slater with a distraction on the apron, but it’s not enough for Bo Dallas not to take a dropkick from Enzo as Curtis tags in. Axel taunts the crowd as the Vaudevillains come out to the stage. Tag to Bo, who charges at Enzo who gets out of the way as Bo runs into the steel post! Enzo gets the hot tag to Cass as Bo tags in Curtis, and Cass unloads on Bo and Curtis before hitting a big elbow drop. Splash in the corner now before he drops Slater off the apron and hits a big side slam on Axel. Cass tags Enzo in, and they hit the Rocket Launcher for the win!
Winners via pinfall: Enzo Amozre and Colin Cassady
Apollo Crews vs. Stardust
Crews takes Stardust down immediately, but Stardust brings him outside to get some attack in. Crews stops him and they get back in the ring, where Stardust is laying into Crews with some stomps to wear the NXT standout down. Stardust with a single leg takedown on Crews, before locking a leglock that Crews counters. They exchange forearms, before Crews brings Stardust down hard. Crews hits the pumphandle slam for a nearfall, favoring the knee before Stardust hits a dropkick to the leg. Crews blocks another single leg to hit an enziguri, before hitting the spinning sitout powerbomb for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Apollo Crews
Main Event – Champion VS. Champion
WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz vs. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns
Both men lock up and Reigns takes Miz to the corner, before Miz gets out of the ring. Miz teases coming back in, before hanging Reigns up on the second rope. Reigns hits Miz with a shoulder tackle, but Miz drops Reigns into the turnbuckle. Reigns sends Miz back out of the ring before hitting a drive-by dropkick on Miz on the apron! Reigns confronts AJ before Miz drives him into the announce table and then the steel post, bringing Reigns back into the ring for a nearfall as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Miz is firmly in control with a sleeper hold as the Wold Heavyweight Champion begins to power out, hitting Miz hard before being brought into the corner by the Intercontinental Champion, who hits a hard clothesline and a double axe handle for the nearfall. Miz has Reigns up against the ropes before driving a boot to the head for another nearfall. Miz pulls Reigns into the middle of the ring by his hair, driving a knee into the back twice over and a boot to the face for a nearfall. Miz with some punches on Reigns now, locking a chinlock that Reigns quickly powers out of before Miz hits a knee and goes for a neckbreaker…but Reigns responds with a Samoan drop! Both men are down before slowly getting back up, and Reigns starts to get some momentum with a flurry of offense before hitting some clotheslines in the corner and a right hand that brings Miz down hard. Reigns looking for the Superman Punch, but Maryse pulls Miz out of the ring. Reigns comes out of the ring, and Miz dropkicks the steel steps into Reigns’ legs. Back in the ring, Miz gets a nearfall and looks for the Figure Four but Reigns kicks him off. Miz hits a DDT for a nearfall, and he’s looking frustrated as he goes for the Skull Crushing Finale…but Reigns hits a back elbow and the spear for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Roman Reigns
TNA Sacrifice 26.4.16 results
Due some technical problems I´m very late with the results of this week.
* TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Drew Galloway (c) def. Tyrus w/Rockstar Spud by pinfall to retain the title with the Future Shock DDT.
* In-ring segment between Gail Kim and new Knockouts head Maria that leads to Maria making Gail Kim face Rosemary in Rosemary’s TNA in-ring debut.
* Rosemary def. Gail Kim by pinfall with a F-5 after Maria interfered.
* In-ring segment with the debut of Eli Drake’s “Facts of Life” talk show with guests The Bromans. Ends with The Bromans clearing Drake from the ring.
* TNA Tag Team Championsihps, Valley of Shadows: Decay (Abyss & Crazzy Steve) w/Rosemary def. Beer Money Inc. (James Storm & Bobby Roode) (c’s) by pinfall to win the titles after Abyss chokeslammed Roode on thumbtacks.
* TNA King of the Mountain Championship: Bram def. Eric Young (c) by pinfall to win the title after The Brighter Side of Suffering (Implant DDT) off the apron through a table.
* In-ring segment involving Jeff Hardy, Reby Sky and Rockstar Spud where Reby laments to Jeff about Matt Hardy’s condition since last week’s I Quit Match between them. Reby spits at Jeff, then slaps him. Spud goes after Jeff’s bad leg, but Jeff lays out Spud with a Twist of Fate. Reby stares down Jeff as he leaves.
* Main Event in a No DQ Match: Mike Bennett w/Maria def. Ethan Carter III by pinfall to end EC3’s 30-month undefeated streak in TNA after countering the Cobra Clutch with a pin attempt. Bennett & Maria celebrate his win while EC3 is left shocked that his undefeated streak is over as the show closes.
pics (c) by tna wrestling
* TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Drew Galloway (c) def. Tyrus w/Rockstar Spud by pinfall to retain the title with the Future Shock DDT.
* In-ring segment between Gail Kim and new Knockouts head Maria that leads to Maria making Gail Kim face Rosemary in Rosemary’s TNA in-ring debut.
* Rosemary def. Gail Kim by pinfall with a F-5 after Maria interfered.
* In-ring segment with the debut of Eli Drake’s “Facts of Life” talk show with guests The Bromans. Ends with The Bromans clearing Drake from the ring.
* TNA Tag Team Championsihps, Valley of Shadows: Decay (Abyss & Crazzy Steve) w/Rosemary def. Beer Money Inc. (James Storm & Bobby Roode) (c’s) by pinfall to win the titles after Abyss chokeslammed Roode on thumbtacks.
* TNA King of the Mountain Championship: Bram def. Eric Young (c) by pinfall to win the title after The Brighter Side of Suffering (Implant DDT) off the apron through a table.
* In-ring segment involving Jeff Hardy, Reby Sky and Rockstar Spud where Reby laments to Jeff about Matt Hardy’s condition since last week’s I Quit Match between them. Reby spits at Jeff, then slaps him. Spud goes after Jeff’s bad leg, but Jeff lays out Spud with a Twist of Fate. Reby stares down Jeff as he leaves.
* Main Event in a No DQ Match: Mike Bennett w/Maria def. Ethan Carter III by pinfall to end EC3’s 30-month undefeated streak in TNA after countering the Cobra Clutch with a pin attempt. Bennett & Maria celebrate his win while EC3 is left shocked that his undefeated streak is over as the show closes.
pics (c) by tna wrestling
WWE RAW results 25.4.16
Due some technical problems I´m very late with the results of this week.
1. A.J. Styles defeated Sheamus. Styles won by pinfall after a Phenomenal Forearm. After the match, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson appeared on the stage to applaud for Styles.
– The Vaudevillains and Enzo Amore and Big Cass had an in-ring confrontation (loosely officiated by The New Day) about who would be the #1 contender to the Tag Team Championship after Payback.
2. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated The Usos. Gallows and Anderson won with the Magic Killer. They tried to continue the attack after the match, but Roman Reigns made the save for the Usos.
3. Sami Zayn defeated Rusev. Zayn countered the Accolade into a schoolboy rollup for the win. After the match, Kevin Owens attacked Zayn.
4. Apollo Crews defeated Stardust. Crews won by pinfall after a spin-out powerbomb.
– Chris Jericho demanded an apology from Dean Ambrose. Ambrose apologized for lots of things, including having to beat up Jericho at Payback, and the two brawled.
5. Natalya defeated Emma. Charlotte was on commentary. Natalya won by submission with a Sharpshooter.
– Baron Corbin vs. Damien Sandow never happend, as Ziggler attacked Corbin during his entrance.
– The Miz and Cesaro argued about who would be Intercontinental Champion after Payback. Miz teased leaving the ring only to attack, so Cesaro tossed him in the air and hit a European uppercut. He tried to set up a giant swing, but Maryse covered Miz.
6. Roman Reigns defeated Alberto Del Rio. Anderson and Gallows tried to distract Roman, but he was able to recover and spear Del Rio for the win. After the match, Anderson and Gallows attacked Reigns until A.J. Styles made them stop. Reigns hit Styles with a Superman punch, bringing Gallows and Anderson back into the ring. Reigns was winning the fight until Styles hit him with a Phenomenal Forearm to end the show.
1. A.J. Styles defeated Sheamus. Styles won by pinfall after a Phenomenal Forearm. After the match, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson appeared on the stage to applaud for Styles.
– The Vaudevillains and Enzo Amore and Big Cass had an in-ring confrontation (loosely officiated by The New Day) about who would be the #1 contender to the Tag Team Championship after Payback.
2. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated The Usos. Gallows and Anderson won with the Magic Killer. They tried to continue the attack after the match, but Roman Reigns made the save for the Usos.
3. Sami Zayn defeated Rusev. Zayn countered the Accolade into a schoolboy rollup for the win. After the match, Kevin Owens attacked Zayn.
4. Apollo Crews defeated Stardust. Crews won by pinfall after a spin-out powerbomb.
– Chris Jericho demanded an apology from Dean Ambrose. Ambrose apologized for lots of things, including having to beat up Jericho at Payback, and the two brawled.
5. Natalya defeated Emma. Charlotte was on commentary. Natalya won by submission with a Sharpshooter.
– Baron Corbin vs. Damien Sandow never happend, as Ziggler attacked Corbin during his entrance.
– The Miz and Cesaro argued about who would be Intercontinental Champion after Payback. Miz teased leaving the ring only to attack, so Cesaro tossed him in the air and hit a European uppercut. He tried to set up a giant swing, but Maryse covered Miz.
6. Roman Reigns defeated Alberto Del Rio. Anderson and Gallows tried to distract Roman, but he was able to recover and spear Del Rio for the win. After the match, Anderson and Gallows attacked Reigns until A.J. Styles made them stop. Reigns hit Styles with a Superman punch, bringing Gallows and Anderson back into the ring. Reigns was winning the fight until Styles hit him with a Phenomenal Forearm to end the show.
Freitag, 22. April 2016
WWE Smackdown Results – 4/21/16 London
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Non-Title Match WWE United States Champion Kalisto vs. Ryback
The bell rings and Ryback charges at Kalisto, bringing him down hard before following with a body slam. Kalisto in the corner, and Ryback tosses him across the ring. Ryback charges at the champion again, hitting Kalisto with a hard shoulder tackle. Ryback wrenches the arm of Kalisto, bringing him down hard. Ryback continues tossing Kalisto around, but Kalisto responds with some hard kicks to the legs of Ryback. Kalisto off the ropes, but Ryback drops him with a military press before he throws the champ into the steel post! Kalisto is looking worse for wear as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Ryback has Kalisto up top as he lifts him into a delayed superplex! Ryback gets just a nearfall though, as he picks the champ back up and sets him into the tree of woe before laying into Kalisto with a boot to the midsection. He keeps going at it until the ref pulls him away, and charges at Kalisto…who gets up just in time, sending Ryback right into the steel post! Ryback on the outside now, as Kalisto finally gets out of the corner. Ryback gets back in the ring, but Kalisto catches him with a legdrop to the back of the head! More kicks from the champ now, Ryback shoving him but getting a dropkick and a flying corkscrew for his troubles. Kalisto with some more kicks that ends with an enziguri! Kalisto off the ropes, hitting a spiked rana for a nearfall! Kalisto looks for the Salida Del Sol, but Ryback catches him with a Meat Hook instead! Ryback looking for Shell Shocked, but Kalisto catches him with a DDT for a nearfall! Kalisto to the second rope, jumps but finds himself on the shoulder of Ryback. Kalisto gets out with a spinning heel kick, but is caught into Shell Shocked for the win by The Big Guy!
Winner via pinfall: Ryback
Non-Title Match WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz vs. AJ Styles
Both men lock up, and Miz gets AJ in the corner. AJ turns things around with a brief flurry of offense until Miz gets him in a headlock as the crowd chants for AJ Styles. AJ powers out, but Miz catches him with a shoulder tackle and a body slam. Miz goes back to AJ, who catches him with a kip-up headscissors and a knee to the face for a nearfall. AJ sets Miz up, locking in the Muta Lock until Miz can power out. Miz leaves the ring for a breather, but AJ brings him right back in. Miz with a knee on AJ, following with some stomps and off the ropes…only to take a dropkick by AJ! AJ back to work on Miz, who hits a knee to the midsection on AJ! Miz with a knee to the back, and a sleeper hold that AJ manages to get out of. Miz looking for a back suplex, but AJ catches him with a spinning heel kick that forces Miz to retreat to the outside. AJ chases Miz around the ring until Miz gets Maryse to stop him before catching him. Miz rolls back in and back out, before continuing the attack on AJ by sending him into the barricade as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Miz is still in control inside the ring stomping away at AJ. Miz charges into AJ in the corner with the clothesline, before hitting a double axe handle on AJ for the nearfall. Miz right back on top of AJ with a sleeper hold, but AJ catches him on the jaw to get out. Miz with a reverse neckbreaker into the nearfall. Miz pounding away at AJ with right hands and a boot to the face. AJ in the corner, lays into Miz with some chops as Miz goes for a knee that AJ reverses into a rollup for the nearfall. Miz with a big boot for a nearfall of his own now. Miz has AJ in the corner again, looking for a superplex but AJ headbutts Miz to the mat. AJ up top, but gets caught on the turnbuckle by Miz who looks for that superplex again…but AJ slides out, and both men catch each other with a crossbody that brings them down hard! The ref begins the count, as both men quickly get up. AJ with second wind now, hitting forearms aplenty before landing a pumphandle gutbuster for a nearfall! AJ looking for Styles Clash, but Miz gets him into the corner before hitting a hard kick. Miz following with kicks to the injured leg, rolling AJ up for a nearfall before going for another quickly. Miz looking for the Skull Crushing Finale now…but AJ blocks it, hitting Ushigoroshi for a nearfall! Miz back to the leg again, before locking in the Figure Four Leglock! AJ is wincing in pain, looking for the ropes. Miz pulls AJ back to the center of the ring, and AJ looks to reverse the hold…finally doing so, putting the pressure on Miz! The hold is broken as Miz is now favoring his leg. Miz charges at AJ, who rolls him into the Calf Crusher! Miz reaches the ropes, just barely grabbing it to break the hold. Miz’s leg is still hurt as he goes for–AJ gets the Victory Roll for a nearfall, followed by a Pele Kick! Miz in the corner as AJ hits a couple chops, going for a Phenomenal Forearm until Miz rolls out of the ring. Maryse grabs the title from ringside as Miz starts up the ramp…but Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson stop him in his tracks. Miz turns around, as AJ catches him with a springboard forearm to the outside! AJ brings Miz back in the ring, hitting the Phenomenal Forearm for the win!
Winner via pinfall: AJ Styles
Women’s Tag Team Match Team BAD vs. Paige & Natalya
Tamina and Natalya start things off, Natalya with a waistlock that Tamina powers out of before working on the arm of Natalya. Natalya tries to counter out, but is brought down hard by Tamina who tags in Naomi. Naomi catches Natalya in the corner, bringing her down hard as well. Natalya drops Naomi to the mat before tagging in Paige, and they double team Naomi before Paige gets some more offense in. She tags in Natalya, who hits a dropkick before going for the Sharpshooter…but Naomi powers out, rolling out of the ring. Naomi hits a high kick to the head and a leg drop on Natalya for the nearfall, before tagging in Tamina. Tamina hits a hard clothesline on Natalya for the nearfall, before dropping Paige off the apron. She lays a boot into Natalya before tagging in Naomi, who gets an assisted dropkick on Natalya for the nearfall. Naomi with a sleeper hold, bringing Natalya into the corner as she tags in Tamina. Tamina working a sleeper hold before missing a leg drop that allows a hot tag to Paige. Naomi tagged in as well, but takes a kick to the jaw by Paige for the nearfall. Naomi going for a cross body, but eventually thrown into the corner by Paige. Paige hits the Paige Turner but Tamina gets involved, as Natalya gets Tamina in a Sharpshooter. Paige gets Naomi in the Sharpshooter as well, and gets the victory!
Winners via submission: Paige & Natalya
Special Guest Referee: Goldust R-Truth vs. Fandango
Both men lock up, and Truth hits a shoulder tackle on Fandango, who responds with a hip toss and a hip swivel for the crowd. Fandango goes off the ropes, but Truth stops him just to twerk a little before dropping Fandango with a hip toss. Truth laughs as both men begin a brief dance-off. Goldust tells them they have to fight, but Truth begins a pop and lock that leads into a Fandango tango between Fandango and Goldust, who adds in a stanky leg before insisting he can’t be doing that because he’s the ref. The distraction is enough for Truth to hit a Flatliner on Fandango for the win!
Winner via pinfall: R-Truth
Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose & Sami Zayn
Zayn and Owens stare each other down before Owens tags in Jericho. A big “OLE” chant for Zayn as both men lock up, Jericho getting a headlock on Zayn who powers out into a wristlock. Jericho with a chop, but Zayn gets an arm drag thrice over on Jericho. Zayn with an armbar on Jericho as we hear a faint “NXT” chant while Ambrose tags in. Ambrose with some chops, only to take a shoulder tackle by Jericho who goes for the Walls of Jericho. Ambrose gets out and goes for Dirty Deeds but Jericho rolls out of the ring, as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Jericho has a cover on Ambrose for a nearfall. He tags in Owens, and they double team on Ambrose as Owens taunts Zayn. Ambrose in the corner as Owens lays into him before tagging in Jericho. Jericho lays his boot into Ambrose before hitting a couple chops. Jericho sends him into the other corner, but Ambrose evades him for the tag to Zayn as the crowd begins chanting “OLE” again. Zayn with a flurry of offense on Jericho, including a dropkick before dropping Owens off the apron. Zayn goes up and hits a crossbody for a nearfall. Zayn continues the offense, climbing up top but deciding to dive onto Owens! Back in the ring is Zayn, as Owens makes a blind tag before dragging Zayn out of the ring. He sends him into the barricade, laying into Zayn with some right hands before bringing him back into the ring. Owens continues the attack on his former best friend, mocking Ambrose before throwing Zayn back into his corner and tagging in Jericho. Jericho locks in a sleeper hold on Zayn, who is struggling to get back to a vertical base. Zayn reaches for a tag but is dropped by Jericho, who connects with a Lionsault for the nearfall. Jericho picks up Zayn, slapping him around but misses a right hand as Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb! Zayn inches to the corner, hitting a tag as Owens tags in. Ambrose unleashes a flurry of offense on Owens, before sending him out of the ring. Ambrose launches himself outside onto Owens, before Jericho gets involved. Ambrose shakes Jericho off, but takes a superkick by Owens for the nearfall. Ambrose hits a whirlybird lariat and the Dirty Deeds, but Jericho breaks the pin. Zayn with a kick on Jericho as Ambrose climbs up top, but Jericho catches him onto the ropes as Owens picks up the win!
Winners via pinfall: Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens
Mittwoch, 20. April 2016
TNA Impact Wrestling results 19.4.16
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Jade vs. Gail Kim vs Maria Kanellis vs. Rebel vs. Marti Bell vs. Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky in a Ladder’s Match for Control of the TNA Knockout’s Division
The bell rings and Maria rolls out of the ring. Gail with a series of right hands to Rebel in the corner. Gail tosses Jade to the outside. Dollhouse with a double leg sweep to Velvet. Rebel and Marti grabs a ladder. Beautiful People plants Dollhouse with a baseball slide dropkick. Maria sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. Maria runs away from Gail. Jade drops Gail with a big boot. Jade grabs the ladder. Gail with a boot that knocks Jade’s hands off the ladder. Gail climbs the ladder, but Maria slaps Gail. Gail chases Maria to the top of the ramp.Rosemary comes out with a kendo stick and attacks Gail from behind. The Decay carries Gail to the back. Madison chops Rebel in the corner. Beautiful People tosses Rebel onto Marti Bell. Beautiful People place the ladder in the corner. The Beautiful People irish whips Jade onto the ladder in the corner on top of both Rebel and Marti. Maria drops Velvet and she runs out of the ring. Jade climbs the ladder. Marti knocks Jade off the ladder with a powerbomb. Jade rolls out of the ring. Velvet climbs up the ladder. Maria attacks Velvet in the back with the kendo stick to knock Velvet off the ladder. Maria climbs up the ladder and retrieves the contract to pickup the victory.
Winner: Maria Kanellis
Trevor Lee (c) w/Shane Helms vs. DJ Zema Ion vs. Eddie Edwards in a Triple Threat Match for the TNA X-Division Championship
Lee rolls out of the ring as the bell rings. Edwards chops Lee in the chest. DJZ lands a series of forearms to Lee. DJZ rolls Lee back into the ring. DJZ drops Lee with a dropkick. Edwards rolls DJZ up for a two count. Edwards plants DJZ with a facebuster for a two count. Lee sends Edwards shoulder first to the steel ring post. Lee goes for the pin, but DJZ kicks out at the count of two. Lee taunts DJZ. Lee with a snap mare and applies a rear chin lock. DJZ lands a series of back elbows to the ribs of Lee. DJZ with a springboard back elbow and dropping Lee with a jawbreaker. Lee sends DJZ crashing back first to the ring apron.Edwards drops Lee with the suicide dive. Edwards rolls Lee back into the ring. Edwards connects with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. DJZ drops Edwards with a flying double knee for a two count. DJZ tries to get the crowd going. DJZ puts Edwards on the top rope. Lee gets DJZ in position for the german suplex, but DJZ counters with a back elbow. Helms rolls DJZ out of the ring. Helms drops DJZ with a vicious clothesline. Lee and Edwards battle on the top rope. Edwards with a series of headbutts that knocks Lee off the top rope. Andrew Everett comes out and attacks Edwards from behind. Lee connects with a flying double knee stomp to pickup the victory. After the match Lee connects with a double knee stomp to DJZ. Everett connects with the 630 Senton to Edwards.
Winner: And Still X-Division Champ Trevor Lee
AL Snow vs. Mahabali Shera
Snow attacks Shera immediately as the bell rings. Snow stomps on Shera’s chest in the corner. Snow with a clubbing blow to the back of Shera. Snow with a boot to the back of Shera. Snow grabs a mic and kicks Shera in the ribs. Snow invites the fans into the ring to show him what professional wrestling is all about. Snow slaps Shera in the face. Shera fires up and drives his shoulders to the midsection of Snow. Snow tries to clothesline Shera, but he stands still.Shera connects with a hip toss. Shera clothesline Snow over the top rope. Snow attacks Shera from behind. Snow sends Shera face first to the steel ring post. Snow rolls Shera back into the ring. Snow lands a series of right hands to Shera in the corner. Snow with a snap mare for a two count. Shera with a right hand to the gut of Snow. Shera follows up with three vertical suplex. Shera lands a series of right hands to Snow. Snow grabs brass knucks from under his truck. Snow drops Shera with a right hand with the brass knucks to pickup the victory.
Winner: AL Snow
Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy in a I Quit Match
Matt drives Jeff to the corner. Matt with a series of right hands. Jeff drops Matt with a headscissors takedown. Matt and Jeff exchange back and forth right hands. Jeff goes for the Twist of Fate, but Matt counters with a back elbow. Jeff connects with a double leg dropkick. Jeff gets Matt in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Referee asks Matt if he wants to quit. Matt says no. Jeff holds still on the figure four then Matt reverses the hold. Rockstar Spud comes out and immediately lands a series of right hands to Jeff. Jeff powerbomb’s Spud. Matt takes advantage of the distraction and clotheslines Jeff over the top rope. Matt bounces Jeff’s head on the steel ring steps. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but Jeff sends Matt face first to the steel ring post. Jeff clothesline Matt over the steel guard rail. Jeff goes for the Poetry in Motion over the steel guard rail, but Matt counters by throwing a chair to Jeff’s face. Matt applies a wrist lock.Referee asks Jeff if he wants to quit and he says no. Jeff gets Matt in a armbar. Matt whacks Jeff in the face with a steel chair. Matt grabs a lead pipe. Jeff kicks Matt in the gut. Matt and Jeff battle around the production area. Matt chokes Jeff with the steel chair. Matt drives the chair multiple times to the midsection of Jeff. Matt places the chair around Jeff’s neck. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but Jeff bites Matt’s thumb. Jeff with multiple chair shots to the back of Matt. Jeff places a steel guard rail in between the stage. Jeff grabs a ladder. Jeff sets up the ladder upon the outskirts of the staging area. Jeff puts Matt laying flat on the steel guard rail. Jeff climbs the ladder, but Matt lands a series of clubbing blows to the back of Jeff. Matt drives Jeff through the steel guard rail with the Side Effect. Matt puts Jeff laying flat on a platform by the stage. Jeff gets Matt in a sleeper hold, but Matt won’t quit as he passes out. Jeff tells the referee that this match won’t end until Matt says “I Quit”.
Jeff puts Matt on a table. Jeff climbs up the stairs. Jeff plants Matt with the Swanton Bomb off the top of the staircase rails. Matt Hardy gets put on a stretcher to end the show.
Winner: No Contest
Former WWE Diva Chyna Has Passed Away
According to her official Twitter account, Joanie Laurer, better known as WWE Diva Chyna, has passed away at age 45.
No further information has been released at this time. We’ll continue to update as the story develops.
Chyna’s groundbreaking WWE career included becoming the first female competitor to qualify for the King of the Ring tournament, the first female #1 contender for the WWF Championship, and the first female Intercontinental Champion. Her post-wrestling career saw Laurer go through a very public battle with substance abuse, and continued bizarre and erratic behaviour in recent years. The troubled wrestler had a complicated relationship with WWE, fraught with allegations of abuse, and certainly not helped by an adult film parody featuring WWE wrestlers and McMahon family member lookalikes. Laurer was was seeking to mend this relationship with WWE before her death, and crowdfunded a documentary to capture her journey.
R.I.P. Chyna :(
No further information has been released at this time. We’ll continue to update as the story develops.
Chyna’s groundbreaking WWE career included becoming the first female competitor to qualify for the King of the Ring tournament, the first female #1 contender for the WWF Championship, and the first female Intercontinental Champion. Her post-wrestling career saw Laurer go through a very public battle with substance abuse, and continued bizarre and erratic behaviour in recent years. The troubled wrestler had a complicated relationship with WWE, fraught with allegations of abuse, and certainly not helped by an adult film parody featuring WWE wrestlers and McMahon family member lookalikes. Laurer was was seeking to mend this relationship with WWE before her death, and crowdfunded a documentary to capture her journey.
R.I.P. Chyna :(
WWE Raw results 18.4.16
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The show opened with Shane McMahon as a guest on the Ambrose Asylum, and featured interruptions from Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and Chris Jericho. Shane made Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose, and Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens for Payback.
1. Chris Jericho defeated Sami Zayn. Jericho pinned Zayn after a Codebreaker.
2. Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals Match: Enzo Amore and Big Cass defeated The Dudley Boyz. Enzo and Cass won with a Rocket Launcher. They move on to the finals to face the winners of The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains.
– Roman Reigns cut a promo. He was interrupted by AJ Styles, and they argued about who would win at Payback. As Styles was leaving, Reigns was attacked by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.
3. Baron Corbin defeated Fandango. Dolph Ziggler was on commentary. Corbin tossed Fandango into Ziggler, then hit End of Days for the win. After the match, Ziggler tried to attack Corbin, but got hit with End of Days on the floor.
4. Cesaro and The New Day defeated The Miz and The League of Nations. This was set up by Cesaro’s appearance on Miz TV. Cesaro pinned Sheamus after a Neutralizer.
5. Natalya, Sasha Banks, Paige and Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte, Tamina, Naomi and Summer Rae. Natalya made Charlotte submit to a Sharpshooter.
6. Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals Match: The Vaudevillains defeated The Usos. The Vaudevillains pinned Jey Uso after a Whirling Dervish. They move on to face Enzo and Big Cass in the tournament finals at Payback.
7. Apollo Crews defeated Heath Slater. Crews fought off the Social Outcasts and won with a spin-out powerbomb.
8. Dean Ambrose defeated Kevin Owens. Ambrose won with Dirty Deeds. After the match, Chris Jericho attacked Ambrose and hit him with a Codebreaker.
Dienstag, 12. April 2016
WWE Raw Results 4/11/16 - CHANGES
The show opened with Shane McMahon announcing Sami Zayn vs. AJ Styles for later in the night, with the stipulation that if Zayn wins, he gets added to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at Payback. Kevin Owens interrupted and complained, leading to McMahon making Owens vs. Cesaro for the number one contendership to the Intercontinental Championship.
1. Cesaro defeated Kevin Owens. Cesaro countered the pop-up powerbomb and hit a Neutralizer for the win. Cesaro is the new number one contender to the Intercontinental Championship.
2. Tag Team Tournament Match: The Dudley Boyz defeated The Lucha Dragons. Before the match, New Day announced a tournament for the number one contendership to the Tag Team Championship. The Dudleys pinned Sin Cara after a 3-D. After the match, Enzo Amore and Big Cass once again confronted the Dudleys.
– Roman Reigns cut a promo, and was interrupted by the League of Nations. As they started to attack, the Wyatt Family teleported in. Shane McMahon showed up and said he wanted to see Roman and Bray team up, so he announced they’d team up in the main event against the League.
3. WWE Women’s Championship Match: Natalya defeated Charlotte (c) by disqualification. Natalya had Charlotte tapping out in the Sharpshooter, but Ric Flair interfered and got Charlotte disqualified. Dr. Phil sat in at the commentary table for this.
4. Tag Team Tournament Match: The Usos defeated The Social Outcasts (Curtis Axel and Heath Slater). Jimmy Uso pinned Curtis Axel with a rollup. After the match, Bullet Club members Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson attacked the Usos.
5. AJ Styles defeated Sami Zayn. Styles pinned Zayn after a Phenomenal Forearm.
– Chris Jericho tried to interview himself on the Highlight Reel. He was interrupted by Dean Ambrose, who renamed the show the Ambrose Asylum. Jericho and Ambrose exchanged words and Jericho attacked, but Ambrose took him down with Dirty Deeds.
6. Apollo Crews defeated Adam Rose. Crews won with a spin-out powerbomb.
7. Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt defeated Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus. Reigns speared Sheamus, and Wyatt pinned Del Rio after a Sister Abigail. The show ended with Reigns and Wyatt staring each other down.
Sonntag, 10. April 2016
WWE Smackdown results - 7.4.16
1. The Vaudevillians vs. Lucha Dragons
English and Sin Cara started. Kalisto tagged in and they hit a double team monkey flip 450 for a two count. Sin Cara tagged back in and sent English to the outside with a clothesline. He tagged before he was dumped to the outside and Simon Gotch interrupted a tope suicida from Sin Cara with a hip check and climbed in to hit some mounted punches on Sin Cara. Gotch and English made some quick tags and took turns taking potshots at Sin Cara. He struggled away from Gotch and made a tag to Kalisto, who couldn’t quite make a comeback and got dumped to the floor.
Sin Cara hit a tope suicida on English on the outside. Gotch quickly took control and sent Sin Cara back into the barricade. In the ring, Kalisto went for Salida Del Sol, but English recovered in time to stop it. The Vaudevillians then hit the Whirling Dervish and got the pinfall on Kalisto.
2. Natalya vs. Summer Rae
Waist locks and reversals early on transitioned to a nice suplex and seated drop kicks from Natalya. Summer fired back with some kicks and sent Natalya through the first and second rope. Summer hit a snap suplex on the floor and tossed Natalya back in the ring for a two count. She continued with more kicks and sent Natalya into the corner. Nattie caught a kick and applied a Sharpshooter for the quick tap out victory. Natalya defeated Summer Rae via submission.
Waist locks and reversals early on transitioned to a nice suplex and seated drop kicks from Natalya. Summer fired back with some kicks and sent Natalya through the first and second rope. Summer hit a snap suplex on the floor and tossed Natalya back in the ring for a two count. She continued with more kicks and sent Natalya into the corner. Nattie caught a kick and applied a Sharpshooter for the quick tap out victory. Natalya defeated Summer Rae via submission.
3. The Miz (w/Maryse) vs. Zack Ryder
Ryder started out hot and had a reversal for everything The Miz attempted, which led to several two count pinfall attempts. Ryder low bridged Miz out to the floor and then hit a dropkick off the apron that sent Miz into the barricade. Ryder got Miz back into the ring for a quick near fall…
Miz had control and applied a rear chinlock. Ryder fought to his feet hit a jawbreaker. Miz fired back with a neckbreaker and covered for a two count. Miz hit some knees and lifted Ryder up for a vertical suplex, but Ryder reversed into a neckbreaker that laid both men out. Ryder got this feet first and hit a leaping lariat. He went up to the second rope, but jumped right into a sit out powerbomb for a near fall.
Ryder went for a springboard splash, but Miz got the knees up and hit a short DDT for another near fall. MIz called for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Ryder fought out and hit a facebuster for a near fall. Ryder hit a running forearm in a corner, but Miz got out of the way of a broski boot. Ryder hit a dropkick through the second rope to Miz on the outside, and hit a Broski boot out on the floor.
In the ring, Ryder hit a top rope elbow for a good near fall. Ryder sold frustration. Ryder charged at Miz and ate a big boot. Ryder attacked Miz in the corner and ref pulled him off. Maryse pulled off a turnbuckle pad and threw it at Ryder behind the back of the ref. Miz hit a thumb to the eye and a Skull Crushing Finale for the win. The Miz (w/Maryse) defeated Zack Ryder.
Ryder started out hot and had a reversal for everything The Miz attempted, which led to several two count pinfall attempts. Ryder low bridged Miz out to the floor and then hit a dropkick off the apron that sent Miz into the barricade. Ryder got Miz back into the ring for a quick near fall…
Miz had control and applied a rear chinlock. Ryder fought to his feet hit a jawbreaker. Miz fired back with a neckbreaker and covered for a two count. Miz hit some knees and lifted Ryder up for a vertical suplex, but Ryder reversed into a neckbreaker that laid both men out. Ryder got this feet first and hit a leaping lariat. He went up to the second rope, but jumped right into a sit out powerbomb for a near fall.
Ryder went for a springboard splash, but Miz got the knees up and hit a short DDT for another near fall. MIz called for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Ryder fought out and hit a facebuster for a near fall. Ryder hit a running forearm in a corner, but Miz got out of the way of a broski boot. Ryder hit a dropkick through the second rope to Miz on the outside, and hit a Broski boot out on the floor.
In the ring, Ryder hit a top rope elbow for a good near fall. Ryder sold frustration. Ryder charged at Miz and ate a big boot. Ryder attacked Miz in the corner and ref pulled him off. Maryse pulled off a turnbuckle pad and threw it at Ryder behind the back of the ref. Miz hit a thumb to the eye and a Skull Crushing Finale for the win. The Miz (w/Maryse) defeated Zack Ryder.
4. Apollo Crews vs Curtis Axel
Axel bailed out to the floor early and took a victory lap. Crews sucker punched him when he got back in the ring and hit some shoulder blocks in the corner. Adam Rose distracted crews and ate a clothesline and turned him inside out in return. Axel took advantage and hit a dropkick. Crews fired back with a drop kick of his own and a hit a standing moonsault for a near fall. He hit Cruise Control, his spin out sit out powerbomb, for the win. Apollo Crews defeated Curtis Axel.
Axel bailed out to the floor early and took a victory lap. Crews sucker punched him when he got back in the ring and hit some shoulder blocks in the corner. Adam Rose distracted crews and ate a clothesline and turned him inside out in return. Axel took advantage and hit a dropkick. Crews fired back with a drop kick of his own and a hit a standing moonsault for a near fall. He hit Cruise Control, his spin out sit out powerbomb, for the win. Apollo Crews defeated Curtis Axel.
5. Tyler Breeze vs. Dean Ambrose
Ambrose started out angry and hit strikes and chops on Breeze. Ambrose hit an enziguri and a drop kick, but Ambrose returned with a catapult clothesline. He followed up with dirty deeds for the win.
Dean Ambrose defeated Tyler Breeze.
Ambrose started out angry and hit strikes and chops on Breeze. Ambrose hit an enziguri and a drop kick, but Ambrose returned with a catapult clothesline. He followed up with dirty deeds for the win.
Dean Ambrose defeated Tyler Breeze.
6. AJ Styles and Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho
Styles and
Jericho started the match. Styles hit a dropkick and tagged in Cesaro,
who hit some quick offense and tagged back out to Styles. Styles hit a
knee drop and Jericho rolled to the outside to sell frustration and
regroup with Owens…
Cesaro looked to place Kevin Owens in the Cesaro Swing, but Owens
reached the ropes and Jericho sent him out to the floor with a
clothesline. Owens sent him into the announce table, and then Jericho
tossed him back in the ring and hit a slingshot splash. Owens and
Jericho kept Cesaro isolated in their corner with stomps and dirty
Owens hit a short arm clothesline and grabbed a front facelock. Jericho tagged in and hit a vertical suplex and Jericho made an arrogant cover for a two count. Cesaro hit and uppercut and crawled for a tag, but Jericho sent Styles to the floor with a forearm and then tagged in Kevin Owens, He went for a cannonball, but missed and Cesaro tagged in Styles. AJ hit a running forearm and a ushigoroshi, followed by a sitout facebuster for a near fall.
Owens fired back with a superkick for a near fall. Owens picked him up in a fireman’s carry, but AJ slipped out and hit a pele kick. Styles went for a phenomenal forearm, but Jericho pushed him off the ropes to break it up. Owens covered by only got a two count. Things broke down and Cesaro ended up sending Jericho to the floor and then out into the timekeeper’s area with a big uppercut. Sami Zayn walked out and distracted Owens, which allowed Styles to roll him up and get the win.
AJ Styles and Cesaro defeated Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho.
pics (c) wwe
Owens hit a short arm clothesline and grabbed a front facelock. Jericho tagged in and hit a vertical suplex and Jericho made an arrogant cover for a two count. Cesaro hit and uppercut and crawled for a tag, but Jericho sent Styles to the floor with a forearm and then tagged in Kevin Owens, He went for a cannonball, but missed and Cesaro tagged in Styles. AJ hit a running forearm and a ushigoroshi, followed by a sitout facebuster for a near fall.
Owens fired back with a superkick for a near fall. Owens picked him up in a fireman’s carry, but AJ slipped out and hit a pele kick. Styles went for a phenomenal forearm, but Jericho pushed him off the ropes to break it up. Owens covered by only got a two count. Things broke down and Cesaro ended up sending Jericho to the floor and then out into the timekeeper’s area with a big uppercut. Sami Zayn walked out and distracted Owens, which allowed Styles to roll him up and get the win.
AJ Styles and Cesaro defeated Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho.
pics (c) wwe
Donnerstag, 7. April 2016
TNA Impact Wrestling Quick Results - 5.4.16
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* Jeff Hardy def. Eric Young in a Six Sides of Steel match.
* Lashley def. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero in a Street Fight match.
* Jade def. Gail Kim and Madison Rayne in a Triple Threat match to become the new TNA Knockouts Champion.
* Drew Galloway def. Matt Hardy to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
WWE RAW results 4.4.16
Vince McMahon opened the show to talk about WrestleMania. Shane
McMahon interrupted to say goodbye. Vince didn’t like being upstaged,
so he ended up putting Shane in charge of Raw (temporarily). Vince then
left the arena, claiming the show would be a disaster and he didn’t
want to be around to watch the ship sink.
1. Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (c) defeated The League Of Nations (Sheamus and King Barrett). The New Day retained with a Midnight Hour on Barrett. After the match, Sheamus kicked Barrett out of the League and Brogue Kicked him. That caused the Wyatt Family to appear (for some reason) and attack the League. Bray Wyatt hit Sheamus with Sister Abigail.
2. Sasha Banks defeated Summer Rae. Banks won by submission with the Banks Statement.
3. Apollo Crews defeated Tyler Breeze. This was Crews’ Raw debut. Crews won by pinfall with a spin-out powerbomb.
– Roman Reigns got booed for being the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He was interrupted by Chris Jericho, who demanded to be put at the top of Reigns’ list of challengers. That brought out AJ Styles, followed by Kevin Owens, followed by Sami Zayn. Owens and Zayn went at it, causing Styles and Jericho to go at it as well. Reigns speared Jericho to end the segment.
– Backstage, Shane McMahon made the night’s main event: a fatal four-way match between Jericho, Styles, Owens and Zayn to name a new #1 contender.
4. Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler ended in a double count-out. Corbin booted Ziggler over the ringside barricade into the crowd and followed him out, leading to a double count-out. Corbin took out his anger at the decision on Ziggler, hitting an End of Days on Ziggler on the floor.
– The Vaudevillains will be on Thursday’s edition of Smackdown.
5. Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz defeated Zack Ryder (c). Zack Ryder’s dad was in the front row. The Miz got in his face and got shoved down. Miz’s wife, former Divas Champion Maryse, got in Ryder’s dad’s face and slapped him. This distracted Zack Ryder, allowing Miz to hit the Skull-crushing Finale on Ryder and win the Intercontinental Championship.
– The women’s division was in the ring for the formal presentation of the WWE Women’s Championship to Charlotte. Charlotte credited her dad for helping her win and was arrogant about it, so all the women left the ring. Natalya stayed and challenged Charlotte, then put her in a Sharpshooter until Ric Flair helped her escape.
– A vignette for a repackaged Primo and Epico aired. They invite you to visit Puerto Rico, because it’s nicer than where you live.
6. Tables Match: The Dudley Boyz defeated The Usos. The Usos went for a double splash through tables, but the Dudleys moved. The bell rang and the Dudleys were announced as winners, even though you’re supposed to physically put your opponents through tables. The Dudleys angrily put an Uso through a table and screamed at the timekeeper for ringing the bell at the wrong time.
– Renee Young interviewed Sami Zayn backstage until Kevin Owens interrupted, attacking Zayn and powerbombing him through a table.
– The Dudley Boyz refused to leave, and were interrupted by the Raw debut of Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady. Enzo and Cass cut a promo on the Dudleys, who teased a confrontation but backed down.
7. #1 Contender Fatal Four-way Match: AJ Styles defeated Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho and Cesaro. Cesaro made his long-awaited return to WWE TV as a replacement for Sami Zayn. Styles pinned Jericho with a Styles Clash to become the new #1 contender to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
1. Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (c) defeated The League Of Nations (Sheamus and King Barrett). The New Day retained with a Midnight Hour on Barrett. After the match, Sheamus kicked Barrett out of the League and Brogue Kicked him. That caused the Wyatt Family to appear (for some reason) and attack the League. Bray Wyatt hit Sheamus with Sister Abigail.
2. Sasha Banks defeated Summer Rae. Banks won by submission with the Banks Statement.
3. Apollo Crews defeated Tyler Breeze. This was Crews’ Raw debut. Crews won by pinfall with a spin-out powerbomb.
– Roman Reigns got booed for being the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He was interrupted by Chris Jericho, who demanded to be put at the top of Reigns’ list of challengers. That brought out AJ Styles, followed by Kevin Owens, followed by Sami Zayn. Owens and Zayn went at it, causing Styles and Jericho to go at it as well. Reigns speared Jericho to end the segment.
– Backstage, Shane McMahon made the night’s main event: a fatal four-way match between Jericho, Styles, Owens and Zayn to name a new #1 contender.
4. Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler ended in a double count-out. Corbin booted Ziggler over the ringside barricade into the crowd and followed him out, leading to a double count-out. Corbin took out his anger at the decision on Ziggler, hitting an End of Days on Ziggler on the floor.
– The Vaudevillains will be on Thursday’s edition of Smackdown.
5. Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz defeated Zack Ryder (c). Zack Ryder’s dad was in the front row. The Miz got in his face and got shoved down. Miz’s wife, former Divas Champion Maryse, got in Ryder’s dad’s face and slapped him. This distracted Zack Ryder, allowing Miz to hit the Skull-crushing Finale on Ryder and win the Intercontinental Championship.
– The women’s division was in the ring for the formal presentation of the WWE Women’s Championship to Charlotte. Charlotte credited her dad for helping her win and was arrogant about it, so all the women left the ring. Natalya stayed and challenged Charlotte, then put her in a Sharpshooter until Ric Flair helped her escape.
– A vignette for a repackaged Primo and Epico aired. They invite you to visit Puerto Rico, because it’s nicer than where you live.
6. Tables Match: The Dudley Boyz defeated The Usos. The Usos went for a double splash through tables, but the Dudleys moved. The bell rang and the Dudleys were announced as winners, even though you’re supposed to physically put your opponents through tables. The Dudleys angrily put an Uso through a table and screamed at the timekeeper for ringing the bell at the wrong time.
– Renee Young interviewed Sami Zayn backstage until Kevin Owens interrupted, attacking Zayn and powerbombing him through a table.
– The Dudley Boyz refused to leave, and were interrupted by the Raw debut of Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady. Enzo and Cass cut a promo on the Dudleys, who teased a confrontation but backed down.
7. #1 Contender Fatal Four-way Match: AJ Styles defeated Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho and Cesaro. Cesaro made his long-awaited return to WWE TV as a replacement for Sami Zayn. Styles pinned Jericho with a Styles Clash to become the new #1 contender to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
Sonntag, 3. April 2016
WWE WrestleMania 32 results part 3
Last 2 matches ahead
7. Andre The Giant Battle Royal
- DDP, Tatanka and Baron Corbin are in it too. Big Show, Mark Henry and Kane are the favorites here. And SHAQ!!!! OMG.... Everybody cleared the ring to let Big Show vs SHAQ fight. All of the other superstars eliminated Shaq and Big Show at the same time. Winner: Baron Corbin. Nice winner and another NXT superstar arrived in the MAIN ROSTER. 5 of 10 points
- A great The Rock, Bray Wyatt and John Cena segment
8. WWE World Heavyweight Title Triple H (c) vs Roman Reigns
- solid match, Roman won, no surprise at all. 7 of 10 points.
pics (c) by WWE
7. Andre The Giant Battle Royal
- DDP, Tatanka and Baron Corbin are in it too. Big Show, Mark Henry and Kane are the favorites here. And SHAQ!!!! OMG.... Everybody cleared the ring to let Big Show vs SHAQ fight. All of the other superstars eliminated Shaq and Big Show at the same time. Winner: Baron Corbin. Nice winner and another NXT superstar arrived in the MAIN ROSTER. 5 of 10 points
- A great The Rock, Bray Wyatt and John Cena segment
8. WWE World Heavyweight Title Triple H (c) vs Roman Reigns
- solid match, Roman won, no surprise at all. 7 of 10 points.
pics (c) by WWE
WWE Live Event,
WWE WrestleMania 32 results part 2
4. Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose
- Already 5 suplexes within in first 3 minutes of the match for Dean Ambrose. DALLES is SUPLEX CITY tonight. Ambrose fights back with a low blow and looking for the chainsaw just to get suplexed again on the outside. DirtyDeeds on plenty of chairs but just a 2 count. Barbewire baseball bat in the game too but the 13th suplex and the F5 into the chairs end this one. Lesnar wins - of course. 8 of 10 points.
5. WWE Woman Championship - Charlotte (c) vs Sascha Banks vs Becky Lynch
- All 3 ladies showed the world why they are the best in WWE womans wrestling today. Charlotte won in the end with the help of Ric Flair. 9 of 10 points for a classic one.
6. Hell in a Cell - Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker
- Pretty intense match inside the hell in a cell. After a while the break thru and battling on the outside on the tables next to the ring. Shane using a tool box to strike down the Untertaker, climbing on top of the cell and flying down on The Undertaker but missed. The Undertaker look totally shocked. Back in the Cell Tombestone Piledriver for Shane and The Dead Man won this epic battle. 9 of 10 points.
pics (c) by WWE
- Already 5 suplexes within in first 3 minutes of the match for Dean Ambrose. DALLES is SUPLEX CITY tonight. Ambrose fights back with a low blow and looking for the chainsaw just to get suplexed again on the outside. DirtyDeeds on plenty of chairs but just a 2 count. Barbewire baseball bat in the game too but the 13th suplex and the F5 into the chairs end this one. Lesnar wins - of course. 8 of 10 points.
5. WWE Woman Championship - Charlotte (c) vs Sascha Banks vs Becky Lynch
- All 3 ladies showed the world why they are the best in WWE womans wrestling today. Charlotte won in the end with the help of Ric Flair. 9 of 10 points for a classic one.
6. Hell in a Cell - Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker
- Pretty intense match inside the hell in a cell. After a while the break thru and battling on the outside on the tables next to the ring. Shane using a tool box to strike down the Untertaker, climbing on top of the cell and flying down on The Undertaker but missed. The Undertaker look totally shocked. Back in the Cell Tombestone Piledriver for Shane and The Dead Man won this epic battle. 9 of 10 points.
pics (c) by WWE
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