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Samstag, 9. Januar 2016
TNA One Night Only PPV Live Results - 1/8/16 (Live in Bethlehem)
TNA X-Division Championship -Elimination X Match
"DJ Z" Zema Ion vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Mandrews vs. Tigre Uno (c)
Steve has some new pretty wicked music that is more dark than his
weird, goofy persona. Tigre has his shoulder wrapped up with a brace on
it. He seperated his shoulder back at BFG in the Ultimate X Match. He
has still been wrestling in Mexico over the past couple of months so it
seems that it hasn't hampered him too much. The guys pair up as the bell
rings and Tigre backdrops a charging Zema over the top to the floor.
Mandrews then goes for a Back Suplex on Tigre but he lands on his feet
and then he nails Steve with a Bridging German Suplex for an early
nearfall. Mandrews tosses Tigre to the floor and then tosses Steve to
the floor as well. Zema comes back in the ring and hits a big dropkick
on Mandrews but walks into a Jawbreaker from Steve. Steve bites Zema but
then eats a Jawbreaker and Zema hits a gorgeous Springboard Flying Back
Elbow out of the corner on Steve. Mandrews comes flying in and attempts
a dropkick to Zema but Zema sidesteps him and then goes for an Electric
Chair Drop. Mandrews counters into a hurricanrana for a nearfall. Steve
hits a big Back Suplex on Steve and then a Sliding Dropkick to the back
of Mandrews. Tigre whips Steve into the ropes and then leapfrogs him
and hits a Spinning Heel Kick. Mandrews climbs up top but eats a Flying
Forearm from Tigre. Zema comes in and hits a Backflip Jawbreaker on
Tigre and then climbs up with Mandrews for a Superplex. Steve runs over
and lifts Zema up in an Electric Chair but eats a kick from Tigre. Zema
hits a Jawbreaker on Tigre and then Steve lays them both out with
uppercuts. Tigre kills Steve with a superkick but then a clothesline
takes out Tigre. Mandrews hits a Flying Knee off the top onto Zema.
Steve hits a Slingshot Plancha onto Tigre on the floor and then Mandrews
sets up on the apron and as Zema charged at him Mandrews hits a
Moonsault off the apron onto Steve to avoid Zema! Zema lands on the
apron and Mandrews sweeps his legs. Mandrews hits a Flying Tornado DDT
off of his skateboard, going down the ramp, onto Zema and a flying
Enziguri to Steve! Tigre hits a Somersault Plancha off the top onto
everyone! Tigre whips Steve into the ring post and then tosses him into
the ring. Tigre hits a Guillotine Leg Drop off the top onto Steve for a
nearfall and then goes for a Springboard Tornillo, but Steve ducks it
and hits a huge Lariat! Steve hits a Flying Back Elbow to Mandrews and
then a Rolling Cannonball on Tigre in the corner followed by one for
Mandrews as well. Steve lifts Mandrews up to the top rope and climbs up
with him but Tigre pulls him down only to get locked in a Crossface
Chickenwing from Steve! Mandrews hits a Shooting Star Press onto both
Steve and Tigre! Tigre rolls off of Steve and Mandrews pins Steve to a
chorus of boos!
After the elimination Steve gets pissed and throws Tigre into the
ring steps and locks him in the Crossface Chickenwing again! A bunch of
referees pull Steve off while Mandrews and Zema continue to fight in the
ring. Zema avoids a charging Mandrews in the corner and then goes for
his Slinggshot Tornado DDT but Mandrews blocks it and then hits a weird
Springboard Flatliner out of the corner. It looked like he slipped a bit
but recovered and then he goes for the Shooting Star Press but Zema
moves and Mandrews lands on his feet. Zema goes for the Slingshot
Tornado DDT again but Mandrews counters into a rollup for the pin!
Tigre rolls back into the ring and Mandrews goes right for Tigre's
arm with a dropkick. Mandrews puts Tigre in an arm bar and then starts
stomping on the arm. Mandrews hits a Hammerlock Back Suplex for a
nearfall and then he puts Tigre in a Hammerlock and slams him into the
turnbuckles. Tigre answers with an Enziguri and then he lights Mandrews
up with chops. Mandrews comes right back with a kick to the arm and then
a scoop slam. Mandrews climbs up top but Tigre cuts him off and climbs
up with him. Tigre hits the Spanish Fly! 1...2...3!
Winner & STILL X-Division Champ: Tigre via pinfall (Spanish Fly)
"The Thug" Aiden O'Shea vs. "The Ultimate Underdog" Rockstar Spud
You could pretty much here a crickett chirp as Aiden came to the
ring. Before the match Aiden gets a microphone and tells Spud to calm
down and he says that he has a proposition for him. He says that he
knows Spud has a chip on his shoulder but he is not the guy that Spud
wants to mess with. He calls Spud a "mut" and tells him to save himself
the embarassment and just leave and get counted out. He says no one will
blame Spud for walking away and that people will cheer him for living
to fight another day. Spud acts like he is going to leave but then turns
around and flips Aiden off instead. Aiden laughs and then decks Spud
while continuing to scream at him on the microphone. He pie faces Spud
repeatedly and says that Spud is not even in his leage because he is a
true heavyweight. Spud goes after Aiden with rights and lefts but Aiden
lays him out again and then tosses him clear across the ring. Aiden
continues to pick up the microphone and talk trash to Spud while he
beats him down. Josh says that Aiden was supposed to face Shera tonight
but someone let the air out of his tires earlier in the day causing him
to miss the show. Aiden goes for a Knee Drop but Spud rolls out of the
way only to eat a Backbreaker from Aiden. Aiden again picks up the mic
and trash talks Spud while beating on him. Aiden goes to hit Spud with
the microphone but Spud dropkicks him to the floor and then hits a
Somersault Plancha over the top onto Aiden on the floor! Spud grabs
Aiden but he shoves Spud away and slams him into the guardrail! Aiden
tosses Spud into the announce table and then drops him down across the
table with Snake Eyes. The fans chant "you look stupid" at Aiden. Spud
starts to "hulk up" and as Aiden slams Spud's face into the turnbuckle
Spud "hulks up" again and hits Aiden with a kick and a series of
forearms. Aiden goes for a Stinger Splash but Spud moves and hits a
Running Enziguri followed by a series of Running Elbows! Spud hits a
Sliding Dropkick on Aiden in the corner and then dives off the top with a
Flying Back Elbow! Spud hits the Underdog and gets the pin!
Winner: Spud via pinfall (Underdog)
"The Miracle" Mike Bennett w/Maria vs. Robbie E
This is Bennett's first televised match in TNA after debuting this
past Tuesday on Impact. Bennett and Robbie lockup and then Robbie shoves
Mike into the ropes but eats a shoulder block. Robbie gets in Bennett's
face but Bennett pie faces him only to eat a series of right hands.
Robbie sidesteps a charging Bennett causing Bennett to go flying over
the top rope ot the floor. Robbie dives off the top with a Plancha onto
Bennett on the floor! Robbie teases Maria and then tries to whip Bennett
into the guardrail but Bennett reverses it only for Robbie to stop
himself. Robbie goes for a hurricanrana but Bennett blocks it and
Powerbombs Robbie into the guardrail! Bennett puts the boots to Robbie
and then tosses him back into the ring. Bennett whips Robbie into the
corner and hits a Running Clothesline and then he whips Robbie into the
opposite corner followed by another Running Clothesline. Bennett hits a
Mafia Kick for a nearfall and then Bennett hits a Vertical Suplex for
another nearfall. Bennett puts Robbie in a Rear Chinlock and then whips
Robbie into the ropes and connects with a dropkick. Bennett goes back to
the chinlock but Robbie fights his way back up to his feet and breaks
the hold with elbows. Bennett lays into Robbie wtih a Forearm Smash but
then as he hits the ropes eats a series of elbows from Robbie. Robbie
hits a Flying Hip Attack in the corner and then a Running Clothesline!
Robbie goes for the Boom Drop but Bennett backs Robbie into the corner
and hits a nasty elbow to the back of the head. Bennett charges right
into an elbow from Robbie and then Robbie dives off the top with a
Flying Clothesline for a nearfall of his own! Robbie climbs back to the
top and dives off with a Flying Cross Body but Bennett sidesteps him and
then goes for a clothesline only for Robbie to counter into the Boom
Drop! Bennett rolls to the apron so that Robbie can't pin him. Robbie
attempts to Suplex Bennett back into the ring but Bennett blocks it and
tries to Suplex Robie to the floor! They stalemate and then start
exchaning forearms. Bennett catches Robbie with a Stunner onto the top
rope and then a Flying Diamond Cutter! Bennett hits a huge Spinning
Right Hand and then a Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver called the
Divine Intervention for the pin!
Winner: Bennett via pinfall (Divine Intervention)
TNA Knockouts Title #1 Contenders Gauntlet Match
Rebel vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne vs. Awesome Kong vs. Jade vs. Marti Belle vs. Chelsea vs. Deonna
Madison and Jade start the match off against each other. Madison
hits a series of forearms and clotheslines on Jade but Jade kicks her
away and then backdrops Madison over the top rope. Madison lands on the
apron and then hits a Slingshot Flying KNee followed by an Enziguri
attempt. Jade ducks and attempts a Yakuza Kick but Madison ducks. Jade
catches Madison with a nasty Roundhouse Kick and then a series of
forearms. Jade tries to eliminate Madison over the top but Madison hooks
the top rope with her legs and then kicks Jade away. A "Crazzy Steve"
chant starts as they exchange forearms. The next Knockout in the match
is Rebel!
Rebel kicks Madison and then hits a Spinning Enziguri on Madison
and tries to toss Madison over the top. Rebel and Jade whip Madison into
the ropes and hit a Double Shoulder Block. Rebel and Jade try to toss
Madison over the top but she kicks them away. Madison hits a series of
knees on Jade and Rebel and then out next is Chelsea! She was on a more
recent Tough Enough, she was trained by Lance Storm. She hits a series
of dropkicks on everyone and then a Russian Leg Sweep on Rebel! Chelsea
tosses Rebel over the top but Rebel lands on the apron and then nails
Chelsea with a shoulder block through the ropes. Rebel slams Chelsea to
the mat by her hair and then exchanges forearms with her. The next girl
in the match is MARTI BELLE!
The Dollhouse beat down Chelsea and Madison. Marit and Jade hit
Total Elimination on Madison and then Rebel hits a Cartwheel into a Back
Elbow on Chelsea followed by Yakuza Kicks from Jade and Marti! Marti
hits a Running Forearm on Madison followed by a Yakuza Kick from Jade
and a Handspring Back Elbow from Rebel. The next girl out is Deonna, who
wrestled breifly in WWE's NXT.
She hits dropkicks and forearms on the Dollhouse members. She hits a
Double Clothesline on Jade and Marti. Chelsea is eliminated by Rebel!
Out next is Awesome Kong! Kong starts laying all the babyface Knockouts
out! She Splashes Madison in the corner and then whips Marti into a
Forearm on Madison. She whips Jade into a Sliding Dropkick on Madisona
dn then lays out Chelsea as well. Kong Splashes Deonna and then Double
Chokeslams her and Chelsea! Kong tosses Deonna over the top to eliminate
her and then clotheslines Chelsea over the top to eliminate her as
well. The final entrant in the match is VELVET SKY!
Velvet cleans house on The Dollhouse and hits a Headscissors
Takeover/Side Headlock Takeover combo on Jade and Marti! Kong grabs
Velvet from behind but Madison hits Kong from behind to make the save.
Madison and Velvet take Kong down with repeated kicks to the thighs and
then a Dual Sliding Dropkick! Velvet tosses Marti over the top but Marti
holds onto the top rope to save herself. Madison dropkicks Marti off
the apron to eliminate her but then Jade tosses Velvet to the floor as
well! It is down to Jade, Kong, and Madison! Kong and Jade take turns
beating down Madison. Kong stands on one hand while Jade stands on
another hand while taunting Madison. Madison fights back with a
Jawbreaker on Kong and then a Step-Up Enziguri on Jade! Kong runs
Madison over and then tells Jade to eliminate Madison. Jade tries to
lift Madison over the top but Madison fights her off. Kong gets Jade up
on her shoulders and starts swinging Jade's legs intoMadison's face.
Madison ducks a shot and dropkicks Kong causing her to dump Jade over
the top. Jade lands on the apron but then Madison Spears Jade off the
apron leaving it Kong vs. Madison!
Kong goes for the Implant Buster but Madison blocks it and hits a
series of forearms. Madison hits a Running Clothesline and then a
Running Forearm Smash! Madison rocks Kong with an Enziguri and then she
climbs up top. Madison dives off with a Missile Dropkick! 1...2...NO
Kong kicks out! Madison climbs back up top and dives off right into a
Chokeslam attempt from Kong, but Madison counters into a rollup for a
nearfall! Madison hits the ropes but runs right into the Spinning Back
Fist from Kong! Kong hits the Implant Buster and scores the pin!
Winner & NEW #1 Contender: Kong via pinfall (Implant Buster)
Trevor Lee vs. Pepper Parks
I have seriously not heard the name Pepper Parks in years. I
remember when he was becoming an Indy name back when Low-Ki, AJ,
Christopher Daniels, etc. first started making their names. Trevor
attacks Pepper as he gets in the ring. Trevor hits Pepper with a series
of European Uppercuts and then stomps him down in the corner. Trevor
charges right into a boot from Parks followd by a Suplex into the
turnbuckles! Lee rolls to the floor and Parks hits a Somersault Plancha
onto Lee on the floor! Lee tosses Parks into the ring and as he gets
back in Lee rolls back to the floor and trips Parks. Lee slams Parks
into the apron and then hits a Running Punt Kick to the face of Parks!
Lee covers Parks in the ring for a nearfall and then takes Parks down
and locks him in a Hammerlock/Armbar submission. Lee puts Parks in a
crazy submission/pinfall attempt and then puts Parks in a headlock. Lee
goes for a Back Elbow but Parks ducks only to get caught with a
Moonsault Powerslam for a nearfall. Lee puts Parks back in a chinlock
but then Parks gets back to his feet and shoves Lee to the corner. He
charges right into a boot from Lee and Lee dives off the top but Parks
gets his boot up and then kicks Lee with the other leg as Lee caught his
boot. Lee and Parks exchange forearms and then Parks catches Lee with a
Powerslam. Parks hits a Bicycle Kick on Lee followed by another one but
Lee sidesteps that one and then eats a Backslide from Parks for a
nearfall. Parks hits a viscious Mafia Kick followed by the Pepper Shaker
Neckbreaker for a nearfall. Lee gets to the ropes to avoid Parks and
then pokes him in the eyes and follows up with the Superman Punch for a
nearfall! Lee goes for a German Suplex but Parks blocks it and then hits
a Sky High for another nearfall. Parks goes for a TKO but Lee blocks it
and hits a Roundhouse Kick followed by the Flying Double Stomp and the
Small Package Driver (Fisherman Buster/Small Package)! 1...2...3!
Winner: Lee via pinfall (Small Package Driver)
Monsters Ball Match
"The Monster" Abyss vs. Grado
Grado kicks Abyss in the balls as the match starts! Grado pulls out
a bunch of weapons including a cheese grater which Abyss picks up and
attempts to turn Grado's face into shredded cheese with it. Grado hits
Abyss with a trashcan but then Abyss punches the traschan into Grado's
face. Abyss pulls out a table and sets it up at ringside. Abyss tries to
Chokeslam Grado through it but Grado fights him off. Abyss lays Grado
out and rolls him back in the ring and then pulls out a bag of tacks!
Abyss pours the tacks out in the ring and goes for a Chokeslam but Grado
slams the cheese grater into Abyss' nuts and then hits him in the head
with it. Grado hits Abyss with the Atomic Elbow and then nails him with a
kendo stick! Grado climbs up top but Abyss throws a trashcan at Grado's
head causing him to fall off the top and through a table at ringside.
Abyss pulls out Janice and two tables wrapped in barbed wire. Abyss
swings Janice at Grado but misses and then runs straight into a chair as
Grado sidesteps him. Grado hits Abyss with a series of elbows and a Big
Boot that sends Abyss crashing into one of the tables wrapped in barbed
wire! Grado lays the other barbed wire table on top of Abyss and climbs
up top! Grado dives off the top with a Splash onto Abyss and the barbed
wire tables! 1...2...NO Abyss kicks out! Grado picks up Janice but
Abyss catches him and Chokeslams him into the tacks!
Winner: Abyss via pinfall (Chokeslam into tacks)
TNA World Tag Team Championships Triple Threat
The Wolves (c) vs. "Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle & "The Chosen One" Drew Galloway vs. Eli Drake & "The Man" Jessie Godderz
Davey and Jessie start the match off and Jessie gets Davey in a
headlock. Eddie blind tags himself in and The Wolves catch Jessie with a
Double Drop Toe Hold followed by a Sliding Dropkick from Eddie. Jessie
comes back with a series of chops and then he runs into a boot from
Eddie. Eli clotheslines Eddie from the outside and Jessie knocks Davey
off the apron. Eli and Jessie double team Eddie in their corner as Eli
tags into the match. Eli hits a Snap Suplex for a nearfall. Jessie lifts
Eddie up with a Press Slam for a nearfall and then puts the boots to
Eddie. Eli tags into the match and pulls Davey off the apron as Jessie
dropkicks Drew off the apron. Eddie dives off the top with a Missile
Dropkick to Jessie. Angle tags into the match and hits German Suplexes
on everyone! Davey goes for a Springboard Enziguri but Angle catches him
and Double German Suplexes both members of the Wolves as Eddie ran
over! Drake takes Angle out from behind but eats a Flying Clothesline
from Drew. Drew hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker on Jessie and then hits a
Running Forearm on Davey. He lifts Davey up to the top rope but Davey
escapes between his legs and hits a Leaping Enziguri! Eddie hangs Drew
up in the Tree-of-Woe but Drew lifts hismelf up and Suplexes Eddie off
the top! Davey dives off the opposite corner with a Flying Headbutt to
Drew for a nearfall! Davey goes for a Suplex but Kurt cuts him off only
to eat a series of chops from Eddie. The Wolves trade chops with Angle
and Drew as Eli and Jessie slide back in the ring. They light them up
with chops as well! Davey and Drew exchange chops and then Eddie catches
Drew with a hurricanrana. Drake hits a Flyin g Knee and then a
neckbreaker on Eddie. Everyone comes flying in with big spots all over,
hard to keep up with it! Drew takes out Davey with the Claymore! Angle
and Drew exchange strikes with The Wolves again and then they whip them
into the ropes and attempt Double Clotheslines, but The Wolves duck and
hit Dual Suicide Dives through the ropes onto Eli & Jessie on the
floor! Drew hits a Somersault Plancha over the top onto everyone on the
floor! Drew tosses Drake back in the ring and he eats the Angle Slam!
1...2...NO Davey breaks it up! Angle comes face to face with Davey and
they go to lockup but Drew catches Davey from behind and Eddie takes
Angle from behind. Davey reverses Drew into an Ankle Lock and Angle
reverses Eddie into an Ankle Lock! Jessie comes in and Double
Clotheslines both Kurt & Davey! Eli slides a title belt to Jessie
but the referee stops him and as the referee gets rid of it Eli lays
Drew out with the other title belt! 1...2...NO he kicks out! Angle
destroys Eli and Jessie with German Suplexes! Jessie low blows Angle
with a mule kick but The Wolves toss him to the floor. The Wolves hit
the Chasing The Dragon on Eli! 1...2...NO Eli kicks out and Davey
immediatley locks him in the Ankle Lock! Eddie catches a charging Jessie
and locks him in a Half Crab! Eli taps out!
Winners & STILL Tag Champs: The Wolves via submission (Ankle Lock)
Tyrus vs. "The Destroyer" Lashley
They lockup and stalemate but then Lashley catches Tyrus with a
waistlock. Lashley forces Tyrus into the corner and then hits a Running
Shoulder Block, but Tyrus lays into him and they stalemate. Lashley goes
for a double leg takedown but Tyrus blocks it and then Lashley goes for
a single leg and Tyrus cuts him off again. Lashley grabs Tyrus' arm and
puts him in an armbar. Tyrus escapes the hold and lays into Lashley
with a series of chops and strikes. Lashley floats over a clothesline
attempt and locks him in a Hanging Cross Armbreaker! Tyrus crashes back
to the mat but Lashley holds onto the Armbreaker! Tyrus gets to the
ropes to break the hold and then escapes to the apron to get away from
Lashley. Lashley hits a series of knee strikes to Tyrus and then
attempts to Suplex Tyrus back into the ring but Tyrus reverses it and
Suplexes Lashley to the floor! Tyrus rips off a turnbuckle and then goes
to the floor and lays Lashley out on the apron. Tyrus Cannonballs down
on top of Lashley and then drags Lashley back in the ring and beats on
him in the corner. Lashley hits the ropes but eats a big headbutt from
Tyrus. Tyrus whips Lashley into the exposed turnbuckle and then hits a
T-Bone Suplex! Tyrus slams Lashley into the turnbuckles again and then
starts digging his elbow into the back of Lashley and locking him in a
nerve hold. Lashley fights back with forearms and then he hits the ropes
and connects with a clothesline. Lashley goes for the Spear but Tyrus
moves and that causes Lashley to hit the ring post. Tyrus hits the Splat
on Lashley and gets a nearfall. Tyrus hits the ICU Spike for another
nearfall. Tyrus tries to slam Lashley's head into the exposed turnbuckle
but Lashley blocks it and as Hebner tried to stop them they end up
knocking him down. Lashley gets pissed and slams Tyrus' head into the
turnbuckle repeatedly! Tyrus's mouth is busted open as Lashley Spears
him and gets the pin!
Winner: Lashley via pinfall (Spear)
Beer Money (James Storm & Bobby Roode) vs. Bram & "Showtime" Eric Young
Storm and EY will lock it up to start the match. Strom catches EY
in a side headlock takeover but EY fights back up and shoves Storm into
the ropes. Storm goes right back to the side headlock takeover. EY
counters with a headscissors but Storm fights him off and they exchnage
strikes. Storm gets EY in a wristlock and tags Roode into the match.
They whip EY into the ropes and Roode hits an Atomic Drop followed by a
Russian Leg Sweep from Storm and then a Knee Drop from Roode for a
nearfall. Roode and Bram lockup and exchange strikes. Roode lights Bram
up wtih chops and then puts him in a headlock. Bram shoves Roode into
the ropes and then runs him over with a shoulder block. Beer Money pokes
him in the eyes adn then they Hip Toss him. Beer Money flips EY over
into a dropkick onto Bram! Bram and EY roll to the floor and then Roode
backdrops Storm into a Plancha onto Bram & EY! Storm shoves EY back
in the ring and they hit the Beer Money Double Suplex! Bram cuts them
off before they can celebrate it with their chant and double
clotheslines them. Bram knocks Roode to the floor and then takes Storm
down and puts the boots to him. EY hits an Elbow Drop as he tags into
the match and then slams him into the turnbuckles. Bram chokes Storm in
the ropes as EY distracts the referee and then EY chokes Storm with his
boot. EY whips Storm into the corner and then runs right into a boot!
Storm hits a Running Neckbreaker but Bram takes him down and then drags
EY to the heel corner and tags him. Bram puts the boots to Storm and
kicks him in the gut repeatedly before getting another nearfall. Bram
hits a series of elbows as he puts Storm in a chinlock. EY and Roode
talk trash to each other from opposite sides as Bram continues to work
over Storm. Bram hits a series of Elbow Drops on Storm and then spits at
EY does the heel ghost tag and puts Storm in a chinlock. The
referee actually catches the ghost tag, that has to be a first, and
forces EY to leave the ring and Bram return. Bram whips Storm into the
heel corner but Storm kicks and punches his way out. Storm and Bram
clothesline each other but Storm manages to get to the Beer Money corner
but before Storm can make the hot tag EY pulls Roode off the apron and
slams him into the apron. Bram chokes Storm in the corner and tags EY
back into the ring. EY chokes Storm in the ropes and then the heels whip
Storm into the ropes as Bram tags in and they hit a Double Back Elbow.
Bram puts Storm in a Front Facelock and then goes for a clothesline but
Storm kicks his arm away and hits a clothesline! Storm makes the hot tag
to Roode while Bram tags in EY! Roode clotheslines EY and whips him
into the ropes and backdrops him. Roode knocks Bram off the apron but
then walks into a right hand from EY. EY hits the ropes but eats a knee
to the gut and then an Exploder Suplex! 1...2...NO Bram breaks it up!
Bram blind tags EY and walks into a series of right hands from Roode.
Roode lifts Bram up to top rope and then goes for a Superplex but EY
cuts him off only to get knocked off the apron by Storm. Storm hits Bram
with a Leaping Enziguri and then climbs up with Bram and hits a
Frankensteiner! Roode dives off the top witha Big Splash! 1...2...NO
Bram kicks out! Beer Money goes for the DWI but EY cuts them off and
Bram lifts Roode up in the air for a Hart Attack as EY comes off the
ropes! 1...2...NO Roode kicks out! Bram goes for the Brigher Side of
Suffering but Roode blocks it only to eat a Uranage Suplex anyway! Storm
comes in and hits the Closing Time on Bram followed by the Backstabber!
EY dives off the top with a Flying Elbow Drop! Roode hits the Double-R
Spinebuster on EY! Bram and Roode exchange strikes from their knees and
fight all the way up to their feet as EY and Storm fight to the floor.
Roode hits the Double-R Spinebuster on Bram but EY hits Roode from
behind and goes for the Spinebuster! Storm cuts him off with the Last
Call! Roode catapults EY into a Spike DDT from Storm! They hit the Beer
Money Double Suplex on Bram! Beer Money hits the DWI on Bram for the
Winners: Beer Money via pinfall (DWI)
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