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(c) tna wrestling |
"The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy vs. "The Master of Motion" Shynron
Jeff and Shynron lockup and Jeff gets Shynron in a wristlock but Shynron reverses it and then transitions into a side headlock. Jeff goes for a Hip Toss but Shynron lands on his feet and then charges at Jeff but Jeff sidesteps him and tries to send Shynron over the top. Shynron shows his athleticism by pretty much doing a headstand on the ropes and then transitioning into a sort of modified 619 under the ropes trying to sweep the legs of Jeff. Jeff leaps over that sweep attempt and then dropkicks Shynron to the floor. Jeff tries to toss Shynron back in the ring but Shynron spinnings back around into an Enziguri on Jeff! Shynron tosses Jeff into the ring and then goes for a Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault but Jeff gets his knees up. Jeff goes for the Twist of Fate but Shynron blocks it and then charges at Jeff. Jeff backdrops Shyrnon over the top and he lands on the apron and then hits a Forearm Smash. Shynron goes for a Springboard Splash but Jeff moves out of the way and Shynron lands on his feet and then goes for a Springboard Moonsault but Jeff dropkicks him in midair. Jeff hits the Alley Oop and then the Twist of Fate for the pin!
Winner: Jeff Hardy via pinfall (Twist of Fate)
Street Fight
The Dollhouse (Jade & Awesome Kong) w/Marti Belle & Rebel vs. The Beautiful People
Jade chokes Velvet on the guardrail while Kong beats down Madison on the other side throwing her into the ring post. Jade goes for a Package Piledriver on the stage but Velvet counters into a Suplex onto the ramp! Kong tosses Madison into the ring and then chokes her in the ropes. Velvet tries to whip Jade into the ring steps but Jade reverses it slamming her back first into the steel steps. Jade tosses some weapons into the ring and Kong uses a kendo stick to continue choking Madison. Jade wedges a chair between the turnbuckles and then sets Madison up against the chair and attempts the Rolling Cannonball, but Madison moves out of the way and Jade slams into the chair. Kong lifts Madison up in the air and Jade hits her in the back with a trashcan lid. Jade attempts a Lionsault but Madison rolls out of the way and then avoids a Kong Splash in the corner. Velvet whips Kong in the back with chair shots and then tosses the chair to her and kicks it in Kong's face! Velvet clotheslines Jade repeatedly and then hits a Spinning Back Elbow. Velvet hits a series of kicks on Jade and then hits a Running Bulldog on Jade onto the chair! Rebel and Marti get in the ring but the Beautiful People lay them out with kendo sticks! Kong goes for a Double Clothesline but they duck and lay into Kong with kendo sticks as well. They hit Double Running Big Boots and then continue to whip Kong in the back with the kendo sticks. Madison climbs up top but Jade runs in and hits a Yakuza Kick on Velvet as Madison dives off the top with a Missile Dropkick to Kong for a nearfall. Jade goes for a Yakuza Kick on Madison but she ducks and runs into a Cross Chop from Kong! Jade hits the Package Piledriver for the pin!
Winners: The Dollhouse via pinfall (Package Piledriver)
TNA King of the Mountain Championship
"The IT Factor" Bobby Roode (c) w/James Storm vs. "Showtime" Eric Young w/BramRoode and EY exchange wristlocks and headlocks before EY pops Roode with a big rihgt hand. EY puts Roode in a side headlock but Roode shoves EY into the ropes and then hits a Hip Toss. Roode hits a series of beautiful arm drags and locks in an armbar. Roode puts EY in a wristlock and then a hammerlock before eating a back elbow from EY. EY hits a shoulder block on Roode through the ropes and then goes for a slingshot move but Roode ducks underneath him and then slams Roode's arm down across the top rope. EY answers right back with a Leaping Neckbreaker for a nearfall. EY hits a Snapmare Takeover and then puts Roode in a chinlock. Roode fights back to his feet and connects with a series of right hands before whipping EY into the ropes. Roode goes for a backdrop but EY counters with a Spinning Neckbreaker for another nearfall. EY hits a Back Suplex and then climbs up top and he dives off the top, but Roode gets his boot up and connects with a series of clotheslines. Roode whips EY into the ropes and lifts him way up into the lights with a backdrop.
Roode whips EY into the ropes and connects with a series of knees and then a T-Bone Suplex! Roode goes for the Roode Bomb but EY rakes the eyes and then hits a Belly-to-Belly Suplex for another nearfall. EY attempts the Spike Piledriver but Roode counters into a Sharpshooter! EY almost reaches the ropes but Roode pulls him back to the center fo the ring and locks in the Crossface! EY rolls him over into a nearfall and then gets back to his feet and connects with a big right hand. EY hits the ropes but runs right into a Double-R Spinebuster for a nearfall for Roode! Roode lifts EY up to the top and climbs up with EY for a Superplex, but EY blocks it and bites Roode knocking him off the top to the mat. EY sets up for the Flying Elbow but Roode gets back up and catches EY with a Roode Bomb off the top! 1...2...NO Bram pulls the referee out of the ring! Storm spits beer into Bram's face and then tosses him into the ring where Beer Money hits the Beer Money Double Suplex on him! EY attacks Storm from behind and then kicks Roode in the balls as the referee was trying to get Storm out of the ring. EY hits the Spike Piledriver for the pin!
Winner & NEW TNA King of the Mountain Champion: Eric Young via pinfall (Spike Piledriver)
The Wolves & Tigre Uno vs. Eli Drake, Jessie Godderz, & "DJ Z" Zema Ion At this past Friday's "One Night Only: LIVE!" Uno successfully defended his title in an X-Division 4-Way and The Wolves defeated Drake and Jessie along with Kurt Angle and Galloway in a wild Triple Threat. Zema and Tigre start the match off against each other. Zema quickly catches Tigre in a hammerlock and transitions into a series of arm drags. Tigre comes right back with a Dropkick Salto and then puts Zema in a wristlock. Zema tries to reach for a tag but his partners ignore him as Tigre tags in Davey. Davey hits a Diving Axe Handle Drop onto Zema as Tigre held him in place. Zema rolls through a wristlock and counters with a dropkick. Jessie blind tags Zema and then runs right into an armdrag from Davey. Eddie tags himself in and The Wolves whip Jessie into the ropes. Eddie catches him with a drop toe hold and then a sliding dropkick from Davey. Eli comes in and eats a series of forearms and elbows from The Wolves. Tigre comes in and The Wolves lift Tigre up in the air and run his knee into Drake in the corner. Eddie hits the ropes but is tripped by Eli allowing Jessie to nail him with a dropkick. Jessie Press Slams Eddie and Drake tags into the ring. Drake whips Eddie into the ring and he hits a big Tilt-A-Whirl Powerslam for a nearfall. Jessie tags into the ring again puts the boots to Eddie and then tags Eli back into the ring. Eli hits a Snap Suplex for another nearfall and then tags Jessie into the ring again. They go for a Double Back Suplex but Eddie lands on his feet and hits a Double Rana on the heels! Eddie tags in Davey and he runs over the heels with clotheslines and atomic drops. He hits a dropkick sending Jessie into a DDT from his own partner!
Davey climbs up top and dives off with the Ghetto Stomp but Drake moves out of the way only to get caught in a wild Reverse Indian Death Lock! Zema comes running in but Davey catches him in an Ankle Lock! Drake runs in and puts the boots to Davey to releas the hold but then Tigre comes flying in with a dropkick to Eli. Davey runs into an elbow from Jessie and then Jessie goes for a Lariat but he ducks and Jessie nails Zema! Eddie blind tags Davey and then Jessie runs into the Alarm Clock from The Wolves! The Wolves set up for the Force of Nature but Drake pulls Davey to the floor and slams him into the guardrail. Tigre dives over the top with a Somersault Plancha onto Drake and in the ring Jessie reverses Eddie into the Adonis Crab! Zema gets pissed at Jessie and Superkicks the piss out of him! The Wolves hit Chasing The Dragon on Jessie for the pin!
Winners: The Wolves & Tigre via pinfall (Chasing The Dragon)
"Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle vs. "The Chosen One" Drew Galloway
This is a first time ever match up here, the first match in Kurt Angle's Farewell Tour. Angle andGalloway lockup and Kurt gets the early advantage with a waistlock, but Galloway quickly reverses it and then locks Kurt in a side headlock. Kurt shoves Galloway into the ropes but Drew runs him over and then stares Kurt down. Galloway gets Kurt in a side headlock but again Kurt shoves him into the ropes and again Drew runs him over and they stare each other down again. They go for the test of strength this time but Drew quickly gets Kurt in a headlock again and again Drew runs Kurt over as he hits the ropes but as he went for it another time Kurt caught him with a backdrop. Kurt hits a European Uppercut and then bounces off the ropes only to eat a big Lariat from Drew! Drew lights Kurt up with chops and then he hits the ropes and connects with a boot to Kurt. Drew charges right into a Belly-to-Belly Suplex from Kurt for a nearfall! Kurt puts Drew in a chinlock but Drew fights back to his feet and breaks the holds with right hands and chops. Kurt answers back with strikes of his own and then he goes for a clothesline but Drew ducks it and then hits the ropes and they collide into each other with clotheslines.
Galloway lights Angle up with chops and then starts blasting him in the corner with right hand after right hand. He hits a Corner Splash and then climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Clothesline! Drew goes for the Claymore but Kurt ducks and connects with the Rolling German Suplexes! Kurt hits five before Drew manages to free himself after a series of elbows but Kurt comes right back with an Olympic Slam! 1...2...NO Drew kicks out! Kurt locks in the Ankle Lock but Drew manages to roll thorugh it sending Kurt into the turnbuckles. Drew goes for a clothesline but Kurt counters into a Backslide for another nearfall. Drew rolls through the backslide and hits the Future Shock DDT! 1...2...NO Kurt kicks out! Drew goes for a Powerslam but Kurt counters it into an Ankle Lock attempt, but Drew counters that into a modified Crossface! Kurt manages to drag himself close to the ropes but Drew pulls him back to the center of the ring, but as he was dragging Kurt back Kurt manages to grab Drew's leg and catch him in the Angle Lock! Drew rolls through it again this time sending Kurt flying through the ropes to the floor as Drew clutches at his ankle. Drew rolls out to the floor and as he goes to grab Kurt he eats a Belly-to-Belly Overhead Suplex into the guardrail from Kurt out of nowhere! Kurt rolls Drew back into the ring and covers him for yet another nearfall! Kurt hits the ropes but eats the Claymore out of nowhere! 1...2...NO Kurt kicks out! Drew hits a second Claymore and again only manages a two count as Galloway can't believe that Kurt kicked out again! Drew lifts Kurt up to the top rope and climbs up with him for a Superplex but Kurt cuts him off and hangs him upside down from the top. Drew lifts himself up and hits the Hanging Superplex off the top! Both men get back to their feet and begin exchanging right hands. Drew connects with a Lariat off the ropes and goes for the Claymore again but this time Kurt moves out of the way and Drew slams into the turnbuckles. Kurt hits the Olympic Slam again, 1...2...NO Drew still manages to escape the pinfall! Drew headbutts Kurt out of desperation as Kurt was lifting him up for likely another suplex. Drew climbs back to the top but Kurt cuts him off and climbs up with Drew. Kurt goes for a Super Olympic Slam but Drew fights him off only for Kurt to hit the Super Olympic Slam anyway! 1...2..3!
Winner: Kurt Angle via pinfall (Super Olympic Slam)
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