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Non-Title Match
WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio vs. Ryback
Both men lock up, exchanging holds until Ryback wrenches the arm of ADR, who gets him into the corner and lands a kick. In another corner, ADR starts punching but Ryback gets out…only to get a big kick by ADR. ADR still on the attack, but Ryback stops him in his tracks and picks him up for a gorilla press slam! Back in the corner, Ryback has ADR up on top but ADR catches him with an armbar on the ropes! ADR back in the ring with a dropkick on the Big Guy, and shoving Ryback off the apron into the barricade as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, ADR is still in control with a sleeper hold on Ryback. Ryback slowly makes his way up, hitting a belly to back suplex using the ropes as a springboard. They exchange punches now, but Ryback drops ADR hard with a couple shoulder blocks and a big splash. He brings ADR into the corner, but ADR reverses only to be met with a missile dropkick by Ryback for a nearfall. Ryback in the corner looking for the Meat Hook, but ADR catches him with a German Suplex for a nearfall. ADR still on the offensive, now in the corner looking for the superkick…but Ryback catches him with a spinebuster! Straps are down as Ryback looks for the Meat Hook again, this time getting it! He goes for a Shell Shocked but the League of Nations distracts him, allowing ADR to get him in the Cross Arm Breaker for the win!
Winner via submission: Alberto Del Rio
Tyler Breeze vs. Titus O'Neil
The bell rings and both men are right at it. Titus hits a body slam on Breeze, who retreats to the corner before catching Titus with a kick to the face. Breeze goes to work on Titus in the ropes, and catches him with a dropkick before getting him in the corner as Goldust walks down to the ring. Goldust watches on as Titus turns things around in the match. We see Goldust joining Summer in the VIP Lounge as Titus charges Breeze in the corner. Breeze goes for a cross body, but gets thrown around for his efforts. Meanwhile at ringside, Goldust is taking a selfie with Summer to the chagrin of Breeze. Goldust comes to the ring to take a selfie with Breeze, who gets dropped with Clash of the Titus for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Titus O'Neil
Non-Title Match
WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day vs. The Lucha Dragons
Sin Cara and Xavier start the match, and Woods gets the early going before Cara hits him down for a nearfall! Cara with the tag and assisted slam on Xavier as Kalisto gets the nearfall. At ringside we see Big E giving the commentators a list of nicknames as the match continues with Lucha Dragons exchanging tags and each getting a nearfall on Xavier. Kalisto with an armbar on Xavier as Sin Cara tags in, hitting Xavier hard before tagging Kalisto back in. Kalisto with an assisted monkey flip onto Xavier for a nearfall and getting him into the corner as the crowd chant "New Day Sucks!" Kofi distracts Kalisto, allowing Xavier to shove him off the turnbuckle as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, New Day is still in control as they stomp into Kalisto while Big E taunts him from ringside. Kofi and Xavier still beating down Kalisto while Big E tries to play the trombone at ringside. Kalisto now powering out, only for Xavier to hit a big kick and the nearfall. Xavier tags in Kofi, who drops a boot on Kalisto for a nearfall of his own. Xavier tags in again, getting a nearfall on Kalisto before going right back to work on him. Again, Kofi in now putting a sleeper hold on Kalisto, who powers out only for Kofi to knock him into the corner. Kalisto fighting back, hitting a cross body on Kofi and trying to get the tag to Sin Cara. Xavier distracts the ref while Big E knocks Sin Cara off the apron, and Kofi is back on the attack. New Day celebrating on the ring, until Sin Cara catches Xavier with a diving neckbreaker that drops Big E as well! Kalisto rolls up Kofi with a powerbomb from the corner getting the surprise win!
Winners via pinfall: The Lucha Dragons
Brie Bella vs. Becky Lynch
Action starts quickly as Brie gets Becky out of the ring. We hear the crowd chanting "We Want Sasha" as Brie taunts Team BAD before getting back in the ring. She goes back to work on Becky, when suddenly Charlotte comes to the ring. Becky turns things back around on the distraction, hitting a series of hits and a calf kick to the corner. Brie catches Becky with a missile dropkick and a knee to the face for a nearfall. Becky responds with a pumphandle suplex for a nearfall of her own, before hitting an elbow on Brie. Brie stops her, but gets set on the ropes where Charlotte trips her up. Becky doesn't look happy about that, but puts Brie in the Disarm-Her for the win!
Winner via submission: Becky Lynch
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens
Both men come to blows at the bell, and Owens tosses Ziggler aside before stomping away on him. He shoves him into the corner with some hard right hands, taunting him along the way. Owens looks more vicious than usual, but Dolph starts to fight back before being dropped with a shoulder block. Owens whips Ziggler against the ropes, but is dropped by the Showoff before leaving the ring. They start fighting on the outside, with Dolph sending Owens into the barricade as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, both men are back in the ring as Owens is in control with a sleeper hold on Ziggler. Ziggler appears to be fading, but slowly makes his way up before Owens slams him down, following with a running senton for a nearfall. Owens back on the attack, focusing on the injured neck of Ziggler before locking in the chinlock. Ziggler trying to fight out of it, getting back up again but Owens looks for a suplex…but Ziggler rolls him up for a nearfall! Owens charges at Ziggler, but ends up falling out of the ring when Ziggler evades! Owens rolls into the ring but Ziggler catches him, turning things around with a triple shot of elbow drops before looking for the superkick…but Owens catches him with a belly to belly suplex for a nearfall! Owens goes up top, but Ziggler catches him…but it's a trap as Owens drops Ziggler with a German suplex before hitting a cannonball for a nearfall. Ziggler avoids a Pop Up Powerbomb, getting a superkick for a nearfall! They exchange blows again, and Owens sends Ziggler out of the ring! The ref goes out to check on Ziggler, but Owens comes out to continue the attack. The ref pulls Owens away, but Owens goes right back on Ziggler before throwing him clear over the announce table as the ref calls for the bell!
Winner via disqualification: Dolph Ziggler
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