Dienstag, 5. August 2014

TNA Destination X 2014 results

Here are the results and my thought about DESTINATION X 2014

1. The Wolves (c) defeat The Hardys to retain their TNA Tag Team Championship (Davey Richards with elevated backstabber on Matt Hardy)

-> Solid match with a lot of action. Good see-saw battle and while the Hardy’s lose, they don’t look bad doing so. Great opener for the show. 8 of 10 points.

2. Low Ki defeats Manik and DJ Z to qualify for X-Division championship three way next week (Ki Krusher on Manik)

-> way to short match but with some good moves. Everybody knew that Low Ki will win this one so no surprise at all. 6 of 10 points.

James Storm cuts a promo on The Great Muta
3. Sanada defeats Crazzy Steve and Brian Cage to qualify for X-Division championship three way next week (bridging tiger suplex on Steve)

-> as former champ Sanada was destined to win. 6 of 10 points too.

EIGHT MAN EXTREME HARDCORE WEAPONS WAR is set-up for next week between Bully Ray's ECW veterans and Ethan Carter III's Extreme Army

4. Samoa Joe defeated Tigre Uno and Homicide  to qualify for X-Division championship three way next week (Muscle Buster to Homicide)

-> no really opponents for Joe at all. Clear win. 5 of 10 points.

 Abyss challenged Bram to a Monster's Ball match next week

5. Bobby Lashley (c) defeats Austin Aries to retain the TNA World Championship (spear)

-> good mainevent, a little bit to short but with some great moves. Right winner for me at this point. 7,5 of 10 points.

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