WWE Raw Results
December 28, 2020
St. Petersburg, Florida (Tropicana Field)
Commentary: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Samoa Joe
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pics (c) by wwe |
Tom Phillips welcomes us to the show and says, “It’s Monday and you know what that means,” a tribute to Jon Huber’s Twitter account where he frequently typed the day of the week and said, “…you know what that means.”
WWE Champion Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring. McIntyre says, “It’s Monday… you know what that means. Yeah, yeah, yeah it’s Monday Night Raw.” It’s been a crazy year for him. He started the year by winning the Royal Rumble, beat Brock Lesnar for the title at WrestleMania, lost it for a few weeks, and won it back from Randy Orton. McIntyre thanks the fans for rallying behind him and motivating him every week. There was a time in his career when he was the chosen one by the powers that be. The people rallied around him and actually chose him, bringing him to the top. McIntyre thanks them.
Now it’s time to look to the future. McIntyre is defending the WWE Championship on Legends’ Raw next week. He’ll defend it against either Keith Lee or Sheamus.
Sheamus makes his way to the ring. Sheamus apologizes for interrupting, but McIntyre says he knows he isn’t. McIntyre says he knows where he’s going with this. Last week, he asked Sheamus not to pull any BS during the match. Sheamus says he kept his word and promised he wouldn’t put a finger on Keith Lee. They won the match. After that, it was fair game. How long has McIntyre known him? McIntyre says it’s been 15 years. Sheamus says this is their dream. They’re living their dream. They’re both World Heavyweight Champions. They’re now a week away from making that dream a reality. McIntyre says they talked about this 15 years ago. They’ve been through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Everyone in the back will be uncomfortable with the physicality. Sheamus says once he mows through Lee like he did before, it’ll be them kicking off Monday Night Raw in 2021 the right way.
Keith Lee’s music hits, and he comes out to the ring. Lee says McIntyre’s word is as worthless as Sheamus’. Lee says every fiber in his being wants to beat Sheamus’ face in right now, but he’s decided he’ll wait until the bell rings to force Sheamus to issue an apology. As for McIntyre, he should consider his best friends because he might do the very same thing and stab McIntyre in the back. Sheamus says if Lee wants to know why he kicked his head off, it’s his mouth saying he’d turn on his mate. McIntyre tells them to stop and suggests they start Raw right. McIntyre wants a referee to come to the ring and start this match. It doesn’t matter who wins. Next week it’ll be the same result: Drew McIntyre is still the WWE Champion.
WWE Championship #1 Contender’s Match
Sheamus vs. Keith Lee
The bell rings, and Sheamus charges him. Lee shoves him away and clubs away at him. Lee is holding his mouth from the Brogue Kick as he punches away at Sheamus. Lee sets up for a suplex, but Sheamus knees out of it and punches away at him. Sheamus clubs the spine and hooks the arm. Sheamus rips at the face, but Lee pulls him off and stomps him. Sheamus quickly fights back and applies an arm bar. Lee powers out, but Sheamus quickly responds with a kick to the shoulder. Sheamus stands on Lee’s face and applies an overhead wristlock. Lee fights up and punches out. Lee grabs Sheamus by the head, but Sheamus punches out. Sheamus charges, but Lee grabs him and gives him a belly-to-belly overhead throw over the top rope.
Lee follows him out of the ring and sends him hard into the LED apron. Lee then whips Sheamus into the ring post. Lee puts Sheamus in the ring and gets on the apron. Sheamus kicks Lee in the face as he gets in the ring. Sheamus then connects with a knee strike to knock Lee to the floor. Sheamus goes to the top rope and connects with a flying clothesline to the floor!
We come back from the break to see Sheamus applying an overhead wristlock to Lee. Lee fights up and punches Sheamus in the ribs. Lee knees him and presses him above his head. Sheamus slides off, but Lee floors him with a big forearm to the face. Sheamus is on the apron shaking the cobwebs out. Lee grabs Sheamus, but Sheamus counters back with a snap off the top rope. Sheamus then hammers him with the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán before snapping him off the top rope again. Sheamus goes to the top rope and leaps, but Lee connects with a Pounce out of mid-air!
Lee levels Sheamus with a pair of shoulder blocks and an avalanche in the corner. Lee throws Sheamus across the ring before grabbing him and just slamming him down for a two count. Lee grabs him, but Sheamus shoves him off and connects with some forearms to the face. Lee reverses a whip to the corner and avalanches him. They hit a lame slow motion looking clothesline for a two count. Looked like something was mistimed there. Lee sets up for a Spirit Bomb, but Sheamus gets out and clips the knee. Sheamus hits a dropkick to the knee and grabs him. Lee kicks him away, avoids a Brogue Kick, and hits a running cross-body block for a near fall.
Lee whips Sheamus hard to the corner, but he misses an avalanche. Sheamus grabs Lee and hits an impressive White Noise for a near fall. Sheamus slaps away at Lee and talks some trash. Lee grabs his arms and hits Grizzly Magnum. Lee connects with a Spirit Bomb for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Keith Lee
Keith Lee will challenge Drew McIntyre for the WWE Championship next week on Raw’s Legends Night.
The Miz w/ John Morrison vs. Gran Metalik w/ Lince Dorado
Metalik rolls Miz up for a near fall to start the match. Metalik tries again for the same result. Metalik catches him with a victory roll for yet another two count. The Miz looks totally frustrated. Miz kicks and punches him down. Metalik respond with a hurricanrana that sends Miz out of the ring. Metalik dropkicks him off the apron, walks on the top rope, and hits a nice moonsault block to the floor!
Metalik gets him in the ring and springboards off the top rope, but Miz big boots him out of mid-air. Miz punches away at Metalik and chokes him on the ropes. Miz splashes him against the ropes and throws him down. Miz talks some trash and shouts about the Money in the Bank contract. Miz hits the ropes and connects with a vicious big boot. Miz rips away at Metalik’s face and applies a rear chin lock. Metalik fights up and elbows out. Miz knees him in the ribs and goes for a back suplex, but Metalik flips through. Metalik hits a bulldog, scales the ropes, and hits a springboard dropkick. Metalik rolls up Miz and takes him down for the win! The Miz is stunned!
Winner by Pinfall: Gran Metalik
Elias is playing guitar to Jaxson Ryker backstage. There’s more knocking at the door, and Elias is upset. Ryker answers the door, and Omos and AJ Styles barge in. Styles says he’s trying to plan how to get another WWE Championship opportunity after he got screwed at WWE TLC, but he can’t concentrate with the music. Elias is no Johnny Cash. Elias says Styles probably wants the title shot because at his age he doesn’t have many more left. Styles threatens to break his fingers tonight and chest bumps Omos. They walk off.
Dana Brooke w/ Mandy Rose vs. Shayna Baszler
Baszler connects with some kicks to the leg to start the match. Brooke blocks one and slaps Baszler. Brooke then runs her over with a shoulder tackle. Brooke shoulders her in the corner before hitting a snapmare. Brooke goes for a handspring splash, but Baszler gets the knees up. Baszler sets up for an arm breaker, but Brooke avoids it. Baszler pulls her arm over the apron and hyperextends the elbow. Baszler gets in the ring and drops a knee on the arm for a two count. Baszler manipulates the wrist and elbow of Brooke and applies an overhead wristlock. Baszler holds it on for a bit, but Brooke eventually fights out. Brooke connects with a pair of clotheslines and a scoop slam. Brooke shakes some feeling into her arm before going for a baseball side, but Baszler blocks it and applies the Kirifuda Clutch outside the ring. Baszler chokes her out and gets in the ring, seemingly for a count-out. Mandy Rose checks on Brooke, but Baszler attacks and goes to break her arm on the steel steps. Rose gets out, and Brooke gets Baszler in the electric chair. Brooke drops her face-first off the apron, gets her in the ring, and picks up a near fall.
Brooke goes to the top rope, but Baszler manages to knee strike her out of mid-air. Baszler then applies a Kirifuda Clutch to pick up the submission.
Winner by Submission: Shayna Baszler
Alexa’s Playground with Randy Orton
Alexa Bliss is swinging on her swingset in the middle of the ring. She says HE built this for her… but she hasn’t seen him since TLC. Maybe he’ll be back next week on Raw Legends Night to meet his hero Hulk Hogan. He has been training and taking his vitamins… but she doesn’t want to know who he prays for… or maybe he’s waiting for Randy Orton to come out. “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” She calls Randy Orton out to the ring. Orton’s music hits, but he doesn’t come out. She tries again, and his music plays… but there’s no Orton. Bliss looks dejected. Bliss doesn’t think Orton wants to play with them anymore. Light someone on fire and it goes straight to their head. How inconsiderate and rude.
The Firefly Fun House graphic plays… and we go to the set. Randy Orton walks into the Fun House. Orton appreciates the invite, but he’s taking advantage of the fact that this place would be empty since The Fiend was burnt to a crisp and she’s in the ring. Orton kicks Huskus the Pig. He was thinking as he went to the Fun House. She thinks The Fiend is coming back. After what happened to The Fiend at TLC… how can she think that? Orton wipes out Abby the Witch. If The Fiend comes back, he’ll only have Bliss. He’ll show how sick and twisted he is to make sure The Fiend has nothing to come back to. Orton picks up the Ramblin’ Rabbit. Before he deals with the Rabbit, he looks at the artwork of Wyatt’s house burning. Orton rips off the Rabbit’s head. Bliss tells him to stop and challenges him to a match tonight! Orton says this is where HE is supposed to return. Orton accepts her challenge! Bliss looks infuriated in the ring.
AJ Styles w/ Omos vs. Elias w/ Jaxson Ryker
They lock up at the sound of the bell, and Elias hits a headlock takeover. Styles quickly gets out with a head-scissor and rolls him up for a two count. Styles backs up and looks pretty cocky. They lock up, and Styles hooks a side headlock before hitting a takeover. Elias gets out and knees him in the midsection. Elias punches Styles to the corner and stomps him down. Elias chops the chest and sends him into the ropes for a back body drop to pick up a two count.
Elias attacks the arm and twists away at it. Elias shoulders him in the arm and lifts him up with an arm wrench. Elias drops him down and applies an arm bar. Elias lifts him, but Styles reverses into a guillotine before rolling him up with a sunset flip for a two count. Styles hits a drop-toe-hold into the ropes before attacking him in the corner. Styles shoves him to the opposite corner. Elias reverses a whip. Styles botches a flip, but saves himself and sends Elias out of the ring. Elias grabs Styles at ringside and drops him off the apron. Elias then sends him shoulder-first into the ring post.
We come back from the break to see Elias reverse a whip to the corner, but Styles slingshots over him. Styles charges, but Elias wipes him out with a knee lift for a near fall. Elias puts him in the corner and attacks the arm again. Elias twists the arm and climbs to the top rope. Elias walks on the top rope and hits a meteora (sort of) for a near fall. Elias applies a chin lock. Styles is bleeding from a small cut in his elbow. Elias transitions to a cobra clutch, but Styles elbows out. Elias punches him in the face and wildly throws him out of the ring. Jaxson Ryker lurks near Styles, but he falls over in fear as Omos approaches him. Ryker backs up. Elias looks frustrated that the plan didn’t work. Elias cautiously goes outside and puts Styles in the ring. Elias carefully gets on the apron, but Omos doesn’t attack.
Elias wrenches Styles’ arm, but Styles fights back. Styles punches away at Elias and floors him with a standing clothesline. Styles then hits a flying forearm before getting to his feet. Styles avalanches Elias in the corner and hits an ushigoroshi for a near fall. Styles sets up for a Styles Clash, but Elias gets out. Elias sidesteps an avalanche in the corner, but Styles soon boots him back. Elias catches him attempting a Phenomenal Forearm and hits Drift Away for a near fall!
Elias sets Styles up and goes to the top rope. Styles attacks him on the top rope and backs up. Elias boots Styles away, but Styles responds with a Pelé Kick. Elias crashes to the mat. After a few moments, Elias blocks an attack by Styles and hits a TKO for another near fall. Elias looks frustrated. Styles gets out of a fisherman’s suplex and kicks away at Elias before kicking him in the head. Elias is staggering. Elias drops Styles on the apron, but Styles hits a forearm. Styles connects with a Phenomenal Forearm for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: AJ Styles
Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali w/ RETRIBUTION
The bell rings, and Ricochet punches away at Ali before taking him down. Ricochet punches away at him before chopping the chest. Ricochet uppercuts Ali before whipping him hard to the corner and hitting a running chop. Ricochet connects with a scoop slam and drops an elbow for a one count. Ricochet avoids a clothesline and rolls into a head-scissor takeover. Ricochet dropkicks him down for a two count. Ali grabs Ricochet, but Ricochet fights him off and hits a back body drop. Ricochet talks a little trash as he approaches Ali. Ali then pulls Ricochet face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Ali forearms Ricochet in the face before hitting a leaping neckbreaker for a two count. Ali charges, but Ricochet drops him on the apron. Ricochet elbows him as he goes to the apron. Ali takes Ricochet down and goes to the second rope. Ali grabs him, but Ricochet fights him off. Slapjack gets on the apron to distract the referee. The referee is then distracted by Reckoning. T-Bar and Mace then pull Ricochet off the apron to the barricade. Ali stands on the top rope and hits a WILD splash on Ricochet to the floor! Wow!
We come back from the break to see Ricochet punching away at Ali. Ali turns Ricochet onto the ropes and hits a backstabber for a near fall. Ali applies a chin lock before kneeing Ricochet, connecting with a scoop slam, and dropping an elbow for a near fall. Ali goes back to the chin lock. Ricochet tries to fight up, but Ali clubs him down. Ricochet flips through a suplex and shoves him to the corner. Ali flips over Ricochet, but Ricochet elbows him back. Ricochet does a backflip over Ali, grabs him, and connects with a high angle German Suplex! Impressive!
Ricochet gets to his feet, punches away at Ali, and turns him inside out with a clothesline. Ricochet tries to lift Ali, but his ribs are still hurting. Ali charges, but Ricochet lifts him and hits the Kickback. Mace pulls Ali out of the ring to save him. T-Bar, Mace, and Slapjack get on the apron. Ricochet hits T-Bar with a DDT on the apron, but T-Bar misses the apron and lands HIGH on his shoulders! Wow that was scary! Ricochet dropkicks Slapjack down and sidesteps Mace. Ricochet dropkicks Ali on the apron into the ring post. Mace charges, but Ricochet hits him with a DDT on the floor! Ricochet gets Ali in the ring. Ricochet goes for a Shooting Star Press, but Ali gets the knees up. Ali applies the Koji Clutch, and Ricochet fades into unconsciousness. The referee calls the match.
Winner by Referee Stoppage: Mustafa Ali
Mustafa Ali says this is yet another defeat for Ricochet. Ali wants to give him another chance at a new beginning. Ali asks Ricochet to join RETRIBUTION. Ricochet takes the microphone and says he’s made a decision. Ricochet says, “I will… NOT join…” Ali grabs him, but Ricochet floors him with a Recoil before running away.
Charly Caruso interviews Nia Jax. She has three resolutions: take Charlotte Flair out, take back the tag titles, and win the Women’s Royal Rumble to face whoever the champion is at WrestleMania. Shayna Baszler likes the idea.
WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Charlotte Flair and Asuka make their way to the ring.
Charly Caruso is backstage with WWE Champion Drew McIntyre. McIntyre is happy to see Keith Lee step up finally. Lee has a look in his eye that he’s ready to step up to the top. They’ll beat each other up. McIntyre is happy for Lee getting a chance to prove to the world what he can do. Lee can beat any superstar in WWE… except for Drew McIntyre.
WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Charlotte Flair w/ Asuka vs. Nia Jax w/ Shayna Baszler
They lock up, and Jax backs her into the ropes. Flair spins her around and gives a rough break. They jawjack a little bit before locking up again. Flair wrenches the arm, but Jax fights out. Flair applies a side headlock, but Jax shoulders her to the corner. Jax drives her shoulder into Flair a few times. Jax wrenches the arm and sends her to the corner, but Flair rolls up the turnbuckles and lands on the apron. Flair knocks her back and hits a big boot. Flair kicks her out of the ring, and Jax lands on her feet. Jax takes a moment to recover and get in the ring. Flair soon knocks her out of the ring and hits a baseball slide into the commentary table. Asuka grabs Baszler and hits a spinning back fist before she can hit Flair. Flair avoids Jax and sends her into the ring steps.
Flair gets her in the ring for a Figure Four, but Jax pulls her into the turnbuckle. Jax avalanches Flair and takes her down for a two count.
We come back from the break to see Flair fight out of a submission from Jax. Flair pulls her down by the hair and goes to the top rope. Jax pulls her down and lifts her up. Flair counters into a roll-up for a near fall. Jax counters a big boot into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. The screen goes black indicating a wardrobe malfunction.
Flair avoids a leg drop and takes Jax down. Jax kicks away from a Figure Four. Baszler goes for a distraction and avoids an attack from Asuka. Flair takes Jax down and applies a Figure Four Leglock. Baszler gets in the ring and puts Flair in a Kirifuda Clutch. The referee calls off the match.
Winner by Disqualification: Charlotte Flair
Asuka gets in the ring and chases Baszler and Jax out of the ring. The Raw Women’s Champion checks on her partner. Jax and Baszler back up the ramp and look furious.
Angel Garza is walking backstage with a rose when Charly Caruso walks up to him. She asks who the rose is for, but he won’t say. WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth bumps into him before running off. Other superstars chase him. The rose is crushed in the melee. Garza gives Charly the rose.
Footage is shown of Big E winning the Intercontinental Championship on the Christmas Day episode of SmackDown.
Riddle is talking with The New Day backstage. Xavier Woods is wearing a black arm band that says, “BRODIE.” Jeff Hardy walks in and is excited. Riddle suggests odd tag names for the foursome like “The Positively Hard Bros.” They all decline it.
MVP says Bobby Lashley wants to make an exclusive forecast for their 2021 business. Lashley declares himself to be in the 2021 Royal Rumble, which means he’ll main event this year’s WrestleMania.
The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) and The Hardy Bros (Jeff Hardy and Riddle) vs. The Hurt Business (MVP, WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley, and Raw Tag Team Champions Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin)
Riddle starts the match against Cedric Alexander. Alexander kicks and clubs him down. Riddle fights back and goes for an overhead kick, but Alexander blocks it. Alexander takes him down, but Riddle quickly responds with a gutwrench suplex. Bobby Lashley tags in. Riddle hooks a side headlock, but Lashley whips him off and takes him down with a shoulder block. Lashley gets him up, but Riddle goes for a guillotine. Lashley counters into a release suplex. MVP tags in and stomps Riddle down in his corner. Shelton Benjamin tags in and hits Riddle with a snap suplex for a two count. Benjamin drives Riddle hard into the corner and shoulders away at him. Riddle fights back, but Benjamin clubs him down. Riddle gets out of a scoop slam and kicks him in the ribs. Jeff Hardy tags in, and The Hardy Bros hit Bro-etry in Motion. Xavier Woods tags in. The New Day starts the Unicorn Stampede, but they include Riddle and Hardy in it. Hardy hits a slingshot dropkick in the corner. Riddle knocks MVP out of the ring. Kingston knocks Alexander out of the ring. All four then gang up to knock Lashley out of the ring. Lashley is infuriated.
We come back from the break to see MVP stomping on Riddle’s bare feet. Lashley tags in and hits a flatline for a near fall. Benjamin tags in and attacks the leg before applying a single leg crab. Riddle gets to the bottom rope to break the hold, so Benjamin throws him out of the ring. MVP lays next to Riddle at ringside and poses to taunt him. Riddle gets in the ring at the count of seven. Alexander tags in, and he connects with a back suplex for a two count. Alexander applies a hammerlock before locking in a rear chin lock. Riddle fights up and punches out. Alexander stuns him with a punch to the midsection and tags Benjamin in. Benjamin attacks Riddle and puts him on the ropes. Lashley tags in and hits Riddle with wild crossfaces on the ropes. Alexander tags back in, but Riddle fights him off and stuns him with a kick.
Kingston tags in, and he hits a springboard clothesline to Alexander. Kingston knocks MVP off the apron before taking Alexander down and hitting a leaping clothesline. Kingston hits a Boom Drop on Alexander. Kingston sets up in the corner, but Benjamin grabs him. Kingston fights him off and gets out of a Lumbar Check. Xavier Woods blind tags in as Kingston hits Benjamin with a wild suicide dive. Woods sweeps Alexander’s feet and attacks MVP. Woods hits MVP with a baseball slide. Woods hits Alexander with a guillotine catapult. Hardy also takes MVP out with a diving clothesline to the floor. Woods hits Alexander with a Luke Harper Clothesline! Hardy tags in and hits Alexander with a Swanton Bomb, but Lashley breaks up the pin.
Woods avoids a shot from Lashley, but MVP clotheslines him. MVP big boots Kingston. Riddle then kicks MVP in the head. Benjamin knees Riddle off the apron to the floor. Hardy then drops Benjamin with a Twist of Fate. Lashley tags in and goes for a Spear, but Hardy knees him in the face. Hardy hits a mule kick, but Lashley is only temporarily stunned. Lashley applies the Hurt Lock for the submission.
Winners by Submission: The Hurt Business
Woods and Kingston fight off an attack from Benjamin and Alexander. Riddle then hits Lashley with a Final Flash that only stuns him for a moment. The Hurt Business is furious as The Hardy Bros and New Day back up the ramp.
The Miz is sitting on the steps looking dejected. John Morrison is sitting next to him. Morrison reminds Miz that John Cena lost to Kevin Federline at one point. WWE Official Adam Pearce walks up and says they look as miserable as the Cleveland Browns. Pearce is holding the Money in the Bank contract. Pearce says he’d like to throw this at him, but he’s giving it to him. The Miz was right. Only he can cash it in. Morrison cannot. Once again the Money in the Bank contract is in The Miz’ grubby little hands. The Miz and Morrison celebrate big time.
Alexa Bliss challenges Randy Orton
Alexa Bliss marches down to the ring and motions for Randy Orton to come out. Orton makes his entrance and is looking over his shoulder for The Fiend.
Orton asks where The Fiend is. Bliss says this isn’t about HIM. It’s about her. She marches outside the ring and retrieves a gift box. She puts it in the ring, gets inside, picks up the box, and places it in the center of the ring. She unwraps the paper to reveal a cardboard box. She opens the box and reveals a gas can and matches. She walks up to Orton and places them at his feet. She kicks the box out of the ring and challenges Orton to do to her what Orton did to HIM. She lays down in the ring, waiting for Orton to burn her up. Orton just stands there.
Bliss gets to her feet and stares at Orton before grabbing the gas canister. She pours a trail of gasoline to Orton’s feet and stands in the middle of the puddle. She tells him to light the match and do to her what he did to HIM. She lays down in the puddle. Orton just looks down at her. She punches the mat in frustration. Bliss picks up the can of gasoline and pours a ring around herself. Orton looks perplexed.
Bliss realizes he won’t do it. She says Orton doesn’t have the guts. Bliss mentions that Orton claims to be sick, twisted, and demented, but he’s not. If he were, he’d light that match… but he’s nothing than a little bitch. Bliss pours the gasoline over her head and stands there looking furious. Orton asks, “You think that I won’t do it?” Orton bends down and picks up the matches. Orton asks, “You think that I’m not capable? I WANT to do it… but I know that it’s what you want me to do, so right now I’m trying to process the whole thing. You see, I know that I enjoy watching people in pain and watching people suffer.” Orton says if she wants to see The Fiend, maybe he’ll set her on fire right now… or maybe…
The lights in the arena start to go out. Bliss looks like she’s about to cry. Orton is illuminated in the darkness by a single match flame. The lights totally go out. Nothing is shown. That’s how the show ends.
text by MK // pics (c) by WWE
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