(c) Impact Wrestling |
World Tag Team Championship Match
LAX (Santana and Ortiz) w/ Homicide, Konnan and Diamante vs. Joel Coleman and Jake HolmesJoel Coleman and Jakes Holmes, I think are their names. One is the
guy that got wrecked by Josh Barnett a few weeks ago, if I recall
correctly. Santana and Coleman start. Coleman flexes and eggs Santana
on. Santana charges with an elbow, whipe Coleman to the ropes and
hammers him down. Front facelock, tag out to Ortiz.
Irishi whip into Ortiz and some impressive tag team moves from the
LAX, including an enzuigiri into a back suplex. Ortiz elbows Holmes down
and then hammers at Coleman. Vertical suplex, Ortiz off the top with a
cross body. Covers: one, two– broken by Holmes.
Stomps at Coleman, another tag. Coleman fights off the double team Tags in to Holmes.
Santana charges, elbowed down. Holmes in, throws Ortiz down. Holmes
with an Irish whip reversal, Ortiz gets his feet up and kicks Santana
away, and Santana drops Holmes with a cutter! Santana drops down and
Ortiz charges, hopping off Santana and hitting a flying cannonball onto
Holmes in the corner! Santana dropkicks Coleman off the apron, Ortiz
picks Holmes up for a powerbomb, Santana off the top with a seated
senton! Street Sweeper! Holmes is covered; one, two, three!!
Winners and STILL Impact World Tag Team Champions: LAX (Street Sweeper)
Knockouts Championship - Rosemary (c) vs. ODBBell rings and Rosemary charges. ODB moves out of the way and fires
away with elbows and punches. ODB to the ropes, discus elbow! ODB
charges Rosemary in the corner, big splash, Rosemary up on ODB’s
shoulders, but Rosemary escapes out of the ring! ODB follows, but
Rosemary rolls back in. She goes to elbow drop ODB when she rolls in,
but ODB slips back out and Rosemary hits air! ODB grabs Rosemary out by
her legs and faceplants her on the outside! ODB tries to suplex Rosemary
on the entrance ramp, but Rosemary escapes and lariats ODB down!
Rosemary grabs ODB by the hair and rolls her in ghe ring, She mounts and
fires down elbows, yelling at the referee when he tries to intervene.
ODB in the corner and Rosemary chops her throat, heads across the ring
and charges with a flying forearm! Captured suplex from Rosemary!
Rosemary heads up top, ODB gets to her feet, Rosemary leaps off–
dropkicked is ducked by ODB! Rosemary charges, ODB snatches her up and
hits a fallaway slam! Shoulder tackles from ODB take Rosemary down, ODB
up on the ropes and slams Rosemary’s head on the top turnbuckle
repeatedly, Thesz press off the top! One, tw– kickout!
Rosemary shoves ODB into the corner, charges, ODB out of the way and
Rosemary drops! ODB goes for the bronco buster but Rosemary gets a boot
up, pulls ODB up– Red Wedding!! Rosemary covers; one, two, three!!
Winner and STILL Impact Knockouts Champion by pinfall: Rosemary (Red Wedding)
Kongo Kong vs. Chris SilvioKong charges Silvio and splashes him in the corner before beiling him
across the ring. Silvio tries to get some punches in, hits the ropes,
but Kongo splashes him in the ropes and hip tosses him. Silvio in the
corner, Kongo with the cannonball in the corner. Kong drags him to the
middle of the ring, heads up top, huge splash to Silvio! Silvio is
convulsing! Kong covers; one, two, three!
Winner by pinfall: Kongo Kong (Top-Rope Splash)
World Championship Match
Lashley (c) w/ Josh Mathews vs. “Cowboy” James StormBell rings and both men circle. Tie-up, Lashley shoves Storm into the
corner. Ref forces a break and both men stand face-to-face. Tip-up,
Lashley in the corner and the crowd is chanting “Josh is boring.” Both
competitors face-to-face and start shoving. Storm ducks a punch and
elbows away at Lashley. Storm hits the ropes, Lashley lariats him down!
Lsshley spears Storm in the corner! Lashley neckbreaker to Storm.
Lashley stomps at Storm. Lashley tosses Storm over the ropes, but Storm
holds on, flips back in, lariats Lashley down, splash in the corner,
clothesline over the top! Lashley on the floor, taking his time getting
in. Storm follows, but Lashley fights him off, throwing him into the
guard rail! Ethan Carter III is down at the ring, and he yells at Josh
Mathews as Mathews tries to hand Lashley a beer bottle to bash Storm as
the crowd chants “Thank you Ethan!” Storm and Lashley fight around the
ring and Lashley suplexes Storm on the top of the steel steps! Lashley
punches Storm on the stairs.
Elbow drop from Lashley to a downed Storm. Cover; one, two– kickout.
Lashley pulls Storm up and chokes him against the middle rope before
crossfacing the challenger. Lashley chokes Storm with his boot. Storm up
and Lashley punches him down. Cover; one, two– kickout.
Rear sleeper from Lashley but Storm fights off, shoves Lashley to the
ropes and applies a sleeper of his own! Lashley throws Storm out of it,
shoves Storm to the ropes, huge tilt-a-whirl slam! Lashley covers; one,
two, th– kickout!
Lashley does that jumping butt smash thing, still don’t know what to
call that. Lashley pulls Storm up and rolls him, hits the ropes, but
Storm is up and lariats Lashley! Charges Lashley in the corner, tosses
over the top ropes, Enzuigiri from Storm staggers Lashley! Storm back
in, hits the ropes, neckbreaker! Cover; one, two, th– kickout!
Storm whips Lashley to the corner, charges, Lashley gets a boot up!
Storm with an enzuigiri! Storm heads up, front facelock, trying for a
superplex but Lashley shoves him away. Lashley up on the top, but Storm
charges and a throwing overhead suplex sends Lashley flying! Storm hits
the top, jumping elbow drop! Storm covers; one, two, th– kickout!!
Storm with a lungblower to Lashley! Lashley staggers up, Storm goes
for the Last Call but Lashley catches the leg and elbows Storm in the
head! Storm catches Lashley off guard, powerbomb from Storm! Cover; one,
two, thr– kickout!
Storm rolls Lashley up; one, two– kickout!!
Lashley with a kick to the gut and picks Storm up; Dominator! Cover; one, two, thre– kickout!
Lashley heads outside and starts digging under the apron. Lashley
grabs a chair from ringside and takes it in the ring. Lashley swings,
Storm ducks, and the chair hits the top rope and rebounds into Lashley’s
face! Storm covers; one, two, thre– kickout!!
Lashley shoves Storm into the ref! Storm with a Last Call! Storm with
a second Last Call! Storm covers, but the ref is down! Storm gets up
and kicks the chair out of the ring after a moment. Storm exits the ring
and grabs a beer from the announce table, taking a swig before
reentering the ring. EC3 slides in and grabs the bottle, smashing Storm
in the head with the bottle! He shrugs and exits the ring. Lashley
stalks Storm, hits the ropes, Spear! Lashley covers, and the referee
takes a long moment to make the count; one, two, three!
Winner and STILL Impact World Heavyweight Champion by pinfall: Lashley (Spear)
X Division Championship Match
Trevor Lee (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Suicide vs. Dezmond Xavier vs. Andrew Everett vs. Low-KiBell rings and Everett charges Lee. They fall outside and Low-Ki
combats Xavier, Dutt, and Suicide. Suicide whips Ki to the corner and Ki
handstand dropkicks Suicide. Lee charges Ki from behind and smashes him
in the corner. Lee whips Suicide, but Suicide pulls him into an Octopus
hold! Xavier charges, Suicide kicks him in the face and puts him in the
Octopus hold! Everett charges and Xavier and and Suicide back body drop
him! Dutt with a tornado DDT on Xavier but only after kicking all the
other competitors!
Huge chain of quick pins between all the competitors before a six-man
dueling dropkick. Lee starts shoving and pie-facing everyone. Lee
starts back elbowing everyone as they charge, but they all dropkick Lee
down and send him outside! In the ring, Xavier and Ki battle, Xavier
whips Ki to the ropes but he jumps through and kicks Suicide on the
outside! Lee on the apron and kicks Low-Ki’s head off! Dezmond does some
crazy stuff flipping over Dutt and Low-Ki, ending with him doing a
cartwheel handspring over the top rope onto the outside into Lee, Dutt,
Suicide, and Everett after he did a backflip over a charging Low-Ki
while in the corner!
Back to the action, and Trevor Lee catches and enzuigiri from Everett
on the apron. Everett springboards in, but Lee moves out of the way,
Everett hits the ropes and Lee with a leaping double stomp to Everett.
Lee covers; one, two– kickout.
Dezmond in, but Lee quickly tosses him right back out. Lee with a
hard whip to Everett, throwing him into the corner. Lee punches Everett
away but Everett comes back with a punch before Lee gouges the eyes.
Suicide on the apron but Lee kicks him down. Xavier back on the apron
and Lee throws him right back out again. Lee chokes Everett with his
boot before chopping Everett. The commentators say that Sonjay Dutt
might not return to the ring and his right eye is swelled shut. In the
ring, dropkick from Lee to Everett. Cover; one, two– kickout.
Low-Ki gets dumped from the apron again as Lee chokes Everett against
the rope. Xavier back in and Lee kicks him in the gut before throwing
him out again. Mathews threatens us by saying he’ll be back at the booth
next week. He says he left, but now he’s back. Oh, god, no. In the
ring, Lee kicks Everett down and covers; one, two– kickout.
Lee with a rear chinlock and grinds his fist against Everett’s head.
Irish whip, Everett ducks a clothesline and connects with a handspring
elbow! Low-Ki is in, and Lee tosses Everett out before tossing Ki out!
Xavier back in, and Lee with a huge beil! Suicide in and he chops Lee in
the corner before Lee rakes Suicide’s eyes! Everett in, and another
huge beil! Lee celebrates in the center of the ring! Lee stalks Everett
before kicking Xavier out of the ring. Lee charges, Everett leapfrogs,
Pele kick! Low-Ki lariats, Everett ducks, Pele kick! Sonjay Dutt with
superkicks to Ki and Xavier!
Collision Course! Two-count with Low-Ki breaks it up with a double
stomp! Low-Ki gets dumped out of the ring, Lee charges Suicide in the
ropes and Suicide ducks, Low-Ki kicks Everett in the head! Ki back in
and Sonjay Dutt off the top to Ki! Cover; one, two– kickout!
Sonjay grabs Ki, but Suicide breaks it up and tosses Dutt out.
Suicide goes to toss Everett, but Everett tosses Suicide to the apron.
Suicide kicks Everett away and then a Suicide Plunge into Lee, Ki, and
Xavier! Everett is alone in the ring, and he springboard Shooting Star
Presses into the whole group of competitors! I think Lee was out of the
way, though! Everett grabs Suicide and tosses him back into the ring.
Everett climbs up the corner, but Xavier cuts him off! Xavier is up top
but Everett tries to stop him! Everett tries to Super Frankendriver
Dezmond, but Xavier lands on his feet! Everett ducks an attack and hits
the Frankendriver! Frankendriver on Trevor Lee!
Warrior’s Way from Low-Ki to Trevor Lee! Ki covers; one, two, three!!
Winner and NEW X Division Champion by pinfall: Low-Ki (Warrior’s Way)