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Impact Grand Championship Match: Moose vs (C) Aron Rex
Rex stalls, stretching and preparing and trying to “center” himself before the match starts.
Round 1
Bell rings, and Rex dashes to the ropes to avoid contact. They circle, and Rex again avoids contact, rolling to the outside and doing a cartwheel to the delight of… Aron Rex himself. Rex slowly reenters the ring, tie-up, and Moose shoves Rex away. Rex kips up, taunts, and kicks Moose in the gut, Rex with a side headlock, and he’s dragging his fist across Moose’s face! Moose gets out of the headlock, and the ref is checking on him as Rex fiddles with the tape on his hands. Moose turns to Rex, Aron goes for a big punch but Moose ducks, GAME BREAKER! Moose covers; one, two, three!
Winner and NEW Impact Grand Champion: Moose by pinfall (Game Breaker)
TNA X-Division Championship Triple Threat: Braxton Sutter vs Mandrews vs (C) DJZAll three men circle, and tease locking up but Mandrews rolls up Sutter for a nothing count before DJZ rolls Mandrews up for two. Sutter rolls DJZ up but Mandrews breaks it with a sunset flip pin, broken at two as DJZ crucifix pins Mandrews for two before Sutter breaks it up. Stand-off to a pop.
All three circle, teasing tie-ups, and Sutter kicks DJZ before Mandrews kicks Sutter and tosses DJZ out of the ring. Sutter catches Mandrews, whips him, but Mandrews reverses and throws Sutter with an arm drag, another arm drag, but Sutter blocks a third before Mandrews whips around him and hits the third arm drag anyway. Sutter in the corner and Mandrews charges in, caught with an elbow, Sutter charges, sunset flip, but Mandrews flips out of it, pops up with a basement dropkick. DJZ back in, Mandrews with a northern lights suplex, rolls up out of it, standing moonsault and a pin from Mandrews; one, two– kickout.
Sutter is up, catches Mandrews with a kick, side headlock, Mandrews shoves Sutter off and Sutter shoulder tackles Mandrews down. Sutter hits the ropes and he and Mandrews play with the ropes a bit before Sutter power slams Mandrews hard. Sutter grabs mandrews, front facelock, vertical suplex is thwarted when Mandrews slides off the shoulder of Sutter and shoves him to the ropes where DJZ catches Sutter in the gut with a shoulder block through the ropes. DJZ dumps Sutter out of the ring and Mandrews charges DJZ, catching him with a kick and knocking him to the floor. Mandrews feints a plancha to the men on the outside and lands on the apron, then hits a moonsault on the two! Mandrews grabs his skateboard, heads up the ramp and rides the skateboard down, but DJZ knocks him down with a running elbow! DJZ catches Sutter with a kick and rolls him in the ring. Sutter gets caught with another shoulder to the gut, DJZ flips over him into the ring, but falls down as his knee buckles. Braxton backs off as the ref checks on DJZ, Mandrews back in the ring, Sutter backing him off, but Mandrews rolls Sutter up; one, two– kickout!
Braxton and Mandrews trading off elbow smashes. Mandrews hits the ropes, Sutter with a big boot! Sutter hits the ropes, Mandrews runs in the opposite directing, dropping and pulling the top rope with him and sending Sutter flying over the ropes to the outside! Sutter and DJZ outside together, Mandrews hits the ropes but DJZ picks the ankle and Mandrews faceplants. DJZ hits the apron, up on the top rope, but Mandrews with a running dropkick takes DJZ to the mat. Mandrews hits the top, looking for a super frankensteiner, but Sutter holds onto the legs of DJZ and Mandrews flips face-first into the mat! Sutter with a huge chop to DJZ, Sutter heads up and tries for a superplex but DJZ holds fast and lifts Sutter, dropping him down on Mandrews! Mandrews and Sutter both up, DJZ with a cross-body takes out both men! DJZ up, lariats Sutter down, and then Mandrews, hopping on one leg! DJZ is kicked by both men, and they double team Irish whip DJZ, but DJZ reverses, twisting around and smacking Mandrews and Sutter into each other. Mandrews tries to pull Sutter into a front facelock but DJZ with a jumping neckbreaker to Mandrews sees the front facelock turn into a DDT on Sutter! DJZ hits the corner, rolls toward Sutter for the ZDT but Braxton Sutter with a big boot cuts that attempt down! Sutter stalks DJZ, DJZ up, Flatliner from Sutter! Sutter is about to go for the pin but remembers that Mandrews is still in the ring, back to his feet. Sutter tries for the vertical suplex again, but Mandrews flips out and connects with a stunner! Mandrews drags Sutter toward a corner, heads to the top, Mandrews with a shooting star press! Before Mandrews can cover, DJZ rolls him up; one, two, three!
Winner and STILL X-Division Champion: DJZ by pinfall (Inside Cradle)
TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: The DCC (Bram and Kingston (w/ James Storm)) vs (C) The HardysBell rings and all four men go at it, Bram and Brother Nero fighting it out as Kingston and Matt also pair off. Matt smashes Kingston into a corner post as Jeff just barrages Bram, taking the fight outside as Matt bashes Kingston off of another corner post. Bram gets back in as Kingston bails, and now It’s Bram getting his head smashed into the turnbuckles. Nero back in, double team suplex from House Hardy to Bram. Kingston into the ring, and another double team suplex. Matt turns his attention to Bram as the referee finally gets a bit of control, sending Nero to the apron. Matt throws Bram into the corner and tags in Nero.
Double team Irish whip from the Hardys is stopped and Bram is sent back into the corner, colliding hard, back-first. Nero punches Bram about, then drags him to the center of the ring, snapmare, basement dropkick. Nero covers; one, tw– kickout.
Nero pulls Bram up and tags Matt in. Matt up on the second rope, diving elbow strike and pins; one, two– kickout. Bram tries to get away from Matt, but Matt drops down and pulls Bram face-first into the bottom turnbuckle before tagging in Brother Nero. Both men stomp at Bram, who is only being kept partly upright against the ropes, stomping him down. Nero pulls Bram up and delivers another snapmare, turning it into a rear choke. Bram struggles to his feet, jawbreaker gets separation, and Bram punches– Nero blocks, punches Bram down, and tags in Matt. Hardys with a double team Irish whip, and they catch Bram on the way back with stereo back elbow smashes. Kingston runs in, gets kicked in the gut by both men for the trouble, and then Matt throws Kingston into the corner as Nero picks Bram up. Double team Irish whip sends Bram smashing into Kingston! Matt drops down and Nero charges, leaps off Matt, big splash from Nero! Matt covers Bram; one, two, th– kickout! Matt and Bram to their feet, and Matt is smashing Bram in the head with elbows.
Back in the Impact Zone, Bram is in control of Broken Matt Hardy, sending Hardy to the DCC’s corner. Bram tags in Kingston, and Kingston starts battering Matt down into the corner. Kingston chokes Matt and yells that the ref better not talk to him about rules. Kingston tags in Bram, and Kingston chickenwings Matt so that Bram can get a free hit in.
Bram with a short-arm clothesline and a cover; one, two– kickout. Bram slams Matt into the ring, then whips him across the ring. Matt charges in but Matt gets a boot up, and a neckbreaker takes Bram down. Matt up and tags in Brother Nero. Nero in, charging Bram, and Nero ducks a lariat attempt before hitting the far side ropes, coming back with a flying forearm. Bram back up, Manhattan drop from Nero who picks the ankles and a double leg drop between the uprights! Nero rolls up, basement dropkick to the face of Bram! Nero pulls Bram up, Irish whip to the corner, Bram reverses, but Nero gets the boots up sending Bram reeling. Nero gets on the middle rope as Bram distracts the referee so James Storm can get on the apron and kick Nero in the back! Nero drops to the mat and Matt gets in, getting pulled away by the referee. Kingston in and he and Bram start stomping at Nero, Bram slapping his hands together to sound like they made a tag behind the ref’s back before Kingston covers; one, two– kickout. Kingston with a twisting headlock on Nero, Nero struggles to a vertical base, punches away at Kingston, but Kingston with an overhead throw! Kingston covers; one, two– kickout! Kingston holds Nero down and tags in Bram. They wishbone Nero and Bram covers; one, two– kickout!
Bram with a rear chinlock on Nero, and Nero eventually struggles up, punching Bram in the gut, shoving Bram off who takes off the ropes and hits a huge lariat on Nero! Bram covers; one, two, t- kickout! Bram drags Nero over to the DCC corner and tags in Kingston. Kingston whips Nero to the ropes and barrels Nero down with a lariat before getting another two-count. The Impact Zone starts a “DELETE!” chant. Kingston with a front facelock, gets the tag from Bram, and Bram slams Nero with a forearm before another two-count. Rear chin lock again, Nero back up and elbowing out, punches at Bram, kick to the gut, Twist of Fate– no, Bram spun out, and the two charge each other, double clotheslines and both men are down! Matt is trying to rally Nero, and both men are down without moving until the ref’s 5-count! Both men dive and make tags!
Kingston charges but Matt cuts him off, punching him and then repeatedly headbutting Kingston, who shoves Matt away, only for Matt to charge and take Kingston down with a huge lariat! Kingston up, goes for a lariat but Matt gets his arms up to protect himself, grabs Kingston’s arm and starts biting him! And then starts biting Kingston’s fingers! Kingston screams in agony until Bram rushes the ring, only for Matt to let Kingston go and to start biting at Bram! Matt leaves Bram be, turns around, and then levels both Bram and Kingston with a double clothesline!! James Storm on the apron, trying to distract the official, as Kingston gets back up in the corner. Matt with a splash, grabs Kingston in a headlock, charges out of the corner with a bulldog as he levels Bram with a jumping clothesline! Storm back on the apron and Matt knocks him down with a forearm! Side-Effect to Kingston, Matt covers; one, two, th– kickout!
Matt starts calling for deletion, stalking Kingston, Matt going for the Twist of Fate but Bram cuts it off with a running forearm. Nero sends Bram over the top rope to the outside with a lariat! Storm comes to check on Bram and Nero slings himself over the top rope, a sunset flip sending all three men to the floor! Kingston levels Matt with an STO and covers; one, two, thre– kickout!!
Nero is in the ring, Kingston grabs Matt but Matt with a jawbreaker staggers Kingston who turns around into a kick in the gut by Brother Nero, Twist of Fate! Kingston pops up, Twist of Fate from Matt! Matt covers; one, two, three!!
Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Hardys via pinfall (Twists of Fate)
Main Event for the vacated TNA Knockouts Championship inside the Six Sides of Steel: Rosemary vs JadeRosemary charges Jade before the bell rings – before Borash has even exited the ring! Rosemary and Jade spill to the outside, both throwing blows, as the commentary team tells us that there is no escape victory condition in this match; the only way to win is pinfall or submission. Rosemary starts hammering and then connects with a European uppercut before intimidating the referees. Jade gets a blow in, then starts attacking Rosemary, but Rosemary slams Jade into the stairs. Rosemary digs under the ring and grabs a trash can, tossing it into the ring and throws Jade back into the ring. She gets in and the cage is locked behind her. Jade starts kicking Rosemary, huge combo that she finishes with an overhead kick (a.k.a.; Pele kick). Jade covers; one, two– kickout.
Jade mounts Rosemary and starts punching her. Jade gets off, and kicks Rosemary in the chest as she tries to get up. Jade picks Rosemary, gutwrench suplex! Jade covers, hooks the leg; one, two– kickout! Jade kicks away the trash can as we go to break.
Back in the Impact Zone, Jade is still in control, battering Rosemary. Irish whip, Rosemary reverses, Jade off the ropes, ducks a lariat, off the far side ropes and a headscissors sends Rosemary flying. Jade presses the attack, clubbing blows against Rosemary’s back before delivering kicks to the head, sending Rosemary reeling to the corner. Jade charges, Rosemary feigns spitting mist and Jade stops dead, ducking low, and when Jade realizes she was duped, Rosemary delivers a jumping knee to the face! Rosemary mounts and starts raining blows on Jade, screaming in her face as she does. Rosemary relents, taunting Gail Kim who is on the outside, and this gives Jade a chance to kick Rosemary and roll her up; one, two– kickout.
Rosemary clobbers Jade with a lariat, and Jade retreats to the corner, kicking the approaching Rosemary away. Jade goes to follow-up, but Rosemary chops at Jade and grabs her by the neck, looking to toss her into the cage but Jade blocks it and elbows Rosemary away. Jade with kicks, and then elbow smashes. Jade takes to the ropes, and Rosemary levels Jade with a jumping clothesline! Rosemary grabs Jade and grinds her face against the cage. Rosemary starts choking Jade with her boot. The crowd starts to chant for Jade and Rosemary isn’t too happy about that. She approaches Jade who catches her in the gut, hammers and kicks, but Rosemary clubs Jade down. Rosemary pulls at Jade’s hair and then licks Jade’s face. Rosemary stomps at Jade, grinds her face against the cage again, and starts in on the referee again. Jade in the corner, Rosemary approaches, and Jade starts laying kicks, landing blows all over. Jade hits the ropes, goes for a big boot but Rosemary catches the leg, lands a couple punches, and then the overhead captured suplex over the ropes and right into the cage!! Rosemary grabs the trash can she threw in earlier, setting it up right next to Jade, and Rosemary is looking to climb the turnbuckles! Jade gets up and throws the trash can at Rosemary, though, and Rosemary is sitting prone on the top turnbuckle, Jade mounts the corner, using the cage for support– top rope frankensteiner! Rosemary gets flung all the way across the ring!! Jade levels Rosemary with a lariat, running dropkick from Jade, and Jade throws Rosemary into the cage! Jade throws Rosemary into the cage again! Jade with a double choke lift, slamming Rosemary into the sides of the cage, and the chokebomb! Jade holds Rosemary into the pin; one, two, thr– kickout!
Jade with a standing headscissors, looking for maybe the Package Piledriver, but Rosemary breaks out, short-arm into a German suplex! Both women are down, the ref is counting, and it’s at 7 before either Knockout gets up. Rosemary starts climbing the cage, but Jade gets up and starts smashing Rosemary’s face into the cage! Jade throws Rosemary down, and keeps ascending! Jade climbs up to the top standing tall atop Six Sides of Steel, and Jade leaps!! Flying cross body from the top of the cage, huge “HOLY SHIT!” chant, and Jade slowly crawls into the cover; one, two, thre– KICKOUT!!!
Rosemary was absolutely flattened by that flying cross body, but Jade rolls Rosemary over towards the corner, signaling for the 450 Splash, but Rosemary is up and MIST! Rosemary sprays the mist into the face of Jade! Rosemary pulls Jade off the top into a fireman’s carry, carries Jade mid-ring, Red Wedding! The Red Wedding!! Rosemary covers; one, two, three!!
Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Rosemary by pinfall (The Red Wedding)
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