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Non-Title Match
WWE Divas Champion Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks
Sasha charges at Charlotte, who immediately rolls out of the ring. Charlotte mocks her from ringside until Sasha comes out to chase her back into the ring. Charlotte surprises her, but Sasha responds with a little ground and pound before mocking Ric at ringside with a WOO and a strut. Sasha follows with a slap and a dropkick for a nearfall. Sasha hits an elbow to the face and goes against the ropes but Ric grabs at a boot, distracting her enough for Charlotte to hit a big boot. Charlotte continues the attack, mocking the crowd as she lifts Sasha for a suplex…but Sasha reverses into a neckbreaker! Charlotte manages to get up quickly, doing a little strut before going to work on the head of Sasha Banks. Sasha gets to a vertical base, and hits a headscissors for a nearfall. Sasha goes for another nearfall, and Charlotte bridges out hitting a suplex on Banks. Sasha in the corner as Charlotte lays into her with some chops, but Sasha blocks a boot before hitting a Lou Thesz press for a nearfall! Sasha with a double knee in the corner, but Charlotte evades another attack. Sasha hits a baseball slide that brings Charlotte close to Becky, who stands off against the champion. Charlotte sends Banks into Becky, who argues with Sasha. Sasha shoves Becky before getting back in the ring, where she is met with a spinebuster by Charlotte! Charlotte looks for a Figure Eight, but Sasha rolls her up for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Sasha Banks
Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Kofi hits a flurry of holds on Sheamus, mocking him at the end of it. Kofi with a waistlock, Sheamus hits an elbow taking Kofi to the corner before laying into him with a boot. Kofi charges back with some right hands and stomping into Sheamus. Sheamus gets out of the ring, where Kofi meets him with a forearm off the steel steps! Kofi gets Sheamus back into the ring, but Sheamus catches him on the apron pulling him by the foot off the apron as we go to commercial!
Back from commercial, Sheamus is still in on the attack as he hits the Beats of the Bodhrán on Kofi. Kofi struggles to his feet, and Sheamus hits a hard clothesline for a nearfall. Sheamus now working a rear chinlock on Kofi, who gets to his feet and throws some right hands before Sheamus catches him with a powerslam. Sheamus climbs the ropes, mocking the crowd as he goes for a knee drop…but Kofi rolls out of the ring! Sheamus charges at Kofi in the corner, but Kofi ducks out. Kofi climbs the ropes, hitting a spinning right hand and a dropkick on the Celtic Warrior before hitting a Boom Drop! Sheamus leaves the ring, but Kofi catches him with a running somersault dive! Sheamus back in the ring now, where Kofi hits a crossbody for a nearfall! Sheamus on the ropes hitting an elbow on Kofi, before hitting a suplex slam for a nearfall of his own. Sheamus goes to the corner, looking to remove the top turnbuckle before turning right into a spinning back kick from Kofi for a nearfall before Rusev puts Sheamus' boot on the bottom rope! New Day runs off Rusev, which allows Barrett to distract Kofi before Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Sheamus
The Usos vs. The Ascension
Viktor going to work early on Jey, who fights back just as quick before Konnor gets the tag and an elbow drop on Jey. Konnor goes for a cover and a nearfall. Konnor charges at Jey, who rolls out of the way before tagging in Jimmy as Konnor tags in Viktor. Jimmy hits a kick to the gut and a right hand, before landing a hard kick on Viktor. Jimmy hits Viktor in the corner, before both Usos hits double superkicks on Konnor and Viktor allowing Jimmy to pick up the win!
Winners via pinfall: The Usos
Dolph Ziggler & Sami Zayn vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens & The Miz
Kevin and Miz argue, before Kevin tells Miz that he starts the match. Miz starts things off with Zayn, as the two men lock up before exchanging holds. Miz working the hand of Zayn, who rolls out and locks the arm of Miz now. Zayn with a reverse leapfrog and an arm drag twice over before getting an armbar on Miz before Ziggler tags in. Ziggler going for a couple nearfalls as Kevin can be heard yelling at the ref. Ziggler with a headlock now, hitting a neckbreaker and an elbow drop for the nearfall. Miz reverses, hitting a knee to the gut of Ziggler before tagging in Owens. The champ goes to work on Ziggler, mocking Zayn before Ziggler hits a dropkick and tags in Zayn. Owens tags in Miz, clearly refusing to face Zayn as Miz is brought hard into the ring by the former NXT Champion. Miz in the corner before reversing a whip, but Zayn hits a dropkick and Miz tags in Kevin Owens! Owens hops off the apron, grabbing his title and looks to take off when Miz argues with him. Zayn from behind, taking out both men before rolling Owens back into the ring. Owens gets to the corner, where Zayn lays into him with some right hands as a measure of revenge from their feud in NXT. Zayn follows with some elbows, before Owens shoves him off the ropes. Owens with some right hands and rakes the eyes, but Zayn gets out of a suplex attempt before tagging in Ziggler. Ziggler with a flurry of offense and a swinging neckbreaker on Owens. Miz hangs him up on the top rope though, leading to a clothesline and a running senton for the nearfall. Owens taunts Zayn as he tags in Miz, who lays into Ziggler with a boot before a running boot to the face for a nearfall. Miz drives his knee into the back of Ziggler, locking in a chinlock before Ziggler drops him on his jaw. Miz blocks an enziguri, hitting a monkey flip that sends Ziggler out of the ring as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Owens is still in control but the senton is blocked as Ziggler reaches for the tag to Zayn. Zayn tags in as does Miz, and Miz gets a boot in only to take a clothesline by Zayn who knocks Owens off the apron. Zayn hits a crossbody for a nearfall before hitting a Blue Thunderbomb only for Owens to break the count. Ziggler runs Owens out of the ring, Miz knocks Ziggler out, and Zayn hits an exploder suplex on Miz into the corner. Owens stops Zayn, gets hit by Ziggler, and Miz knocks Ziggler down before Zayn gets a Victory Roll for a nearfall! Both men go for a running cross body, bringing both guys down as Miz reaches for a tag to Owens…who drops down, grabs his title, and walks up the ramp where he's met by Stardust, Sin Cara, and Zack Ryder who stop him leaving. Miz throws Owens back into the ring, where he takes a superkick by Ziggler before Miz delivers the Skull Crushing Finale before berating him. Owens rolls out of the ring, and Miz gets up only to take a superkick from Ziggler that sends him into the corner, allowing Zayn to hit the Helluva Kick for the win!
Winners via pinfall: Dolph Ziggler & Sami Zayn
Roman Reigns vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
Bubba continues to run his mouth, even leaving the ring to yell at the fans as Reigns comes out to get to him. Reigns brings him back into the ring, but Bubba gets him with a boot to the face and an elbow to the back of Reigns. Bubba goes for a clothesline, but Reigns ducks under before unleashing a Superman Punch on Bubba Ray! Bubba rolls out of the ring, but Reigns remains on the attack onto the barricade and the apron. Bubba fighting back now, slamming Roman's head onto the announce table but Reigns reverses doing the same to Bubba Ray as the ref calls for the bell!
Winner via disqualification: Bubba Ray Dudley
Tyler Breeze vs. AJ Styles
Breeze hits a kick to the gut, starting things off early before AJ responds with a flurry of offense and a pendulum backbreaker. Breeze leaves the ring, but AJ catches him with a forearm off the rope! Breeze back in the ring, blocking another forearm from Styles to hit a knee to the face for a nearfall. Breeze with some boots to Styles in the corner, setting him up for a superplex…but Styles slides out, dropping Breeze onto the turnbuckle. Styles launches off the rope with a Phenomenal Forearm for the win!
Winner via pinfall: AJ Styles
Back from commercial, Brock Lesnar's music hits as the Beast Incarnate makes his way to the ring followed closely by Paul Heyman. Commentary hypes the No Holds Barred Street Fight between Brock and Dean Ambrose for Wrestlemania, as Paul Heyman gets a mic. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman…and this is your main event of the evening! I have the right to say that for I am the advocate for the Beast of Wrestlemania, Brock Lesnar! The very same Brock Lesnar that can guarantee you every single year THE Wrestlemania moment. The very same that gave you the greatest moment when he conquered the undefeated streak of Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30.
The very same that will step into the ring willingly with a certified lunatic Dean Ambrose in a No Holds Barred Street Fight. Let's talk about what that is…that means that Dean can use whatever weapons he wants against Brock Lesnar. If Ambrose can get his hands on a chair, he can use it on Brock Lesnar…same with a crowbar and a kendo stick and it's all perfectly legal. And now, now we have these No Holds Barred Legends like Terry Funk and Mick Foley, they're giving Dean Ambrose things to use like a barbed wire baseball bat and a chainsaw. The only reason Mick Foley and Terry Funk are still alive is because God refuses to answer my prayers every single night, but the only people that should be praying are Dean Ambrose and his fans because Brock Lesnar can get his hands on Dean Ambrose. When he gets his arms around Dean Ambrose and takes him to Suplex and finally ends that torture with an F5, the WWE Universe will finally realize that the most dangerous weapon in a WWE match is Brock Lesnar himself. Well, I finished that one a little early, I'm sure Boston is through hearing me flap my gums, my client is a little bit itchy…so Dean Ambrose, get your tuckus out here because Brock Lesnar wants a fight right here, right now!
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Instead of Ambrose, Bray Wyatt's music hits as The Wyatt Family makes their way out. Brock looks focused, ready for a fight as the Family stands outside. Strowman and Rowan approach the ring, all three men getting on the apron as Brock determines who to target first.
Suddenly, Ambrose's music hits as the Wyatt Family attack Lesnar, only to get run out of the ring. Ambrose attacks Bray with a kendo stick as Lesnar takes Strowman to Suplex City! Ambrose goes after Lesnar with the kendo stick, but gets dropped by Brock as the Beast breaks the kendo stick in half before hitting an F5 on the Lunatic Fringe! With Ambrose down, Lesnar looks at the Wrestlemania sign before leaving the ring as we get a replay on what went down. Brock and Heyman walk up the ramp as the show comes to a close.
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