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Donnerstag, 26. November 2015
TNA Impact Wrestling Results - 11/25/15 (Final Group Round matches)
TNA World Title Series
Group X-Division Tiebreaker 3-Way Dance
Tigre Uno vs. Manik vs. Zema Ion
The rules here are that all 3 will go at it with the winner of the
fall moving on to the Round of 16. That man will then go to the locker
room and the final two will keep wrestling with the winner of that fall
also moving onto the Round of 16. The loser of the match is eliminated.
All three go at it as the match starts. Tigre catches Manik with a
dropkick but eats a clothesline from Zema. Zema hits a Springboard
Dropkick to Manik knocking him to the floor. Zema then sets up for a
dive but eats a Enziguri from Tigre on the apron. Tigre then hits a
nasty Running Dropkick to Zema knocking him to the floor with Manik.
Tigre hits a gorgeous Diving Moonsault off the top onto Manik and Zema!
Tigre rolls Manik back into the ring and ties Manik up in an insane
submission move but Manik manages to counter it into a drop toehold.
Manik then locks Tigre in his own weird submission before Zema destroys
him with a dropkick. Zema tries to toss Tigre to the floor but Tigre
tosses him out instead and then eats a clothesline from Manik. Zema
climbs back up on the apron but Manik nails him with a Springboard
Dropkick sending him back to the floor. Zema hits Manik with a shoulder
block through the ropes and then a jawbreaker followed by a Springboard
Back Elbow!
Tigre rolls Zema up but then Manik kicks him and puts Tigre
in a Gori Guerrero Special while also putting Zema in a Reverse Crab!
Tigre counters into a rollup for a nearfall and Zema rolls Tigre up for a
nearfall as well. Manik hangs in the ropes like Spiderman and avoids a
charging Tigre. Manik and Tigre both go for springboard moves at the
same time and collide into each other as Zema moves out of the way. Zema
catches Manik with his Slingshot Tornado DDT attempt but then catches
Tigre at the same time with a Double Tornado DDT! Zema pins Manik and he
qualifies for the Round of 16! It comes down to Tigre and Manik now,
the man that earns a pin here moves on. Tigre rolls Manik up but Manik
counters into a nearfall of his own. Manik catches Tigre with a series
of European Uppercuts but Tigre answers with some stiff chops and
strikes. Tigre hits a AJ Styles like Springboard Reverse DDT for a
Tigre goes for a Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault but Manik
rolls out of the way and goes for the Tiger Bomb but Tigre blocks it
only for Manik to catch him in a rollup. Tigre kicks out but Manik
immediately locks in a Cross Armbreaker! Tigre manages to grab the ropes
to escape but then Manik crotches Tigre on the top rope and climbs up
with him. Tigre knocks Manik off of him with back elbows but Manik
crotches him again and this time lifts Tigre up in an Electric Chair,
but Tigre rolls him up and then rolls him into a German Suplex into the
turnbuckles! Tigre hits the Split Legged Corkscrew Moonsault for the
Winners: Tigre Uno & Zema Ion to move onto the Round of 16!
TNA World Title Series
Group UK
Rockstar Spud (3) vs. “The Chosen One” Drew Galloway (6)
Spud will keep himself alive in Group UK with a win while Galloway
can guarantee himself a spot in the Round of 16 with a win. Galloway and
Spud get in each other’s faces but then they shake hands as the match
kicks off. Spud doesn’t want to lock up with Galloway and avoids him
instead ducking and dodging Galloway while connecting with right hands.
Finally Galloway catches Spud and lifts him up in the air by his throat
and tosses him into the turnbuckles. Drew lights Spud up with a Knife
Edge Chop and then Military Presses Spud only for Spud to counter into a
Sunset Flip. Galloway blocks it and lifts Spud back up into the air but
Spud catches him with an armdrag this time sending Galloway to the
floor! Spud dives off the ring steps with a Flying Forearm on Drew but
then Drew catches Spud and slams him into the apron repeatedly. Drew
goes for a Powerslam on the floor but Spud blocks it and then sidesteps a
charging Galloway causing Drew to crash into the ring steps.
Spud rolls
back into the ring to try and get a countout but Drew rolls back into
the ring at the count of nine. Spud covers Drew immediately for a series
of nearfalls. Spud climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Cross Body
but Drew catches him in midair and nails him with a sick Backbreaker!
Drew gets back to his feet and charges at Spud only for Spud to sidestep
him again sending Drew crashing into the ring post! Spud hits a series
of Running Forearms on Drew in the corner and then hits a Sliding
Dropkick to Drew as he falls onto his butt. Spud catches Drew with a
drop toe hold and then a Shining Wizard! Spud goes for the Underdog but
Drew blocks it and backdrops Spud over the top. Drew nails Spud with a
big right hand as he lands on the apron. Drew climbs onto the apron with
Spud and goes to Powerbomb Spud off the apron but he hesitates which
allows Spud to catch him with an Enziguri! Drew falls back into the ring
and Spud hits a Diving DDT off the top onto Drew! 1…2…NO Drew kicks
out! Spud charges at Drew again but this time Drew catches him with the
Kryptonite Krunch! Drew sets up for the Claymore and connects with it
for the pin!
Winner: Galloway via pinfall (Claymore) to earn 3 points!
TNA World Title Series
Group UK
Bram (3) vs. Grado (0)
If Grado wins Group UK will have a 3-Way Playoff but if Bram wins
then he moves into the Round of 16 with Galloway to represent Group UK.
Bram immediately rolls Grado up as the bell rings and Grado was still
dancing like an idiot and Bram pins him. Pope says that Grado deserves
that if he isn’t going to take a competition like this more seriously.
Winner: Bram via pinfall (rollup) to earn 3 points!
TNA World Title Series
Group Future Four
“The Modern Day Adonis” Jessie Godderz vs. Micah
Micah lays Jessie out with a shoulder block and then a Scoop Slam
and goes for another slam, but Jessie blocks it only to eat a Butterfly
Suplex from the second generation star. Jessie retreats to the floor
only for Micah to dive off the apron with a Flying Axe Handle onto
Jessie on the floor. Back in the ring Jessie surprises Miach with a drop
toehold into the turnbuckles followed by a Backbreaker. Jessie whips
Miach hard into the turnbuckles and then locks Micah in a Bearhug.
Jessie lays Micah out with a dropkick and then he rakes the head of
Micah repeatedly with forearms. Micah comes back with a backdrop and
then hits a Stinger Splash in the corner followed by a Side Slam for a
nearfall. Jessie managed to grab the bottom rope to break the pinfall
attempt. Micah pulls Jessie back to the center of the ring by his legs
but then Jessie sweeps his legs and attempts to lock Micah in the Boston
Crab. Micah blocks it and comes back with a Samoan Drop. Micah climbs
up top and dives off with the Flying Headbutt. Jessie rolls out of the
way and locks in the Adonis Crab and Micah taps!
Winner: Jessie via submission (Adonis Crab) to earn 3 points!
TNA World Title Series
Group Tag Specialists
Davey Richards (1) vs. Robbie E (3)
The winner here joins Matt Hardy in the Round of 16. Robbie has
already defeated Davey’s partner Eddie in this tournament. They shake
each other’s hand and then lockup with Robbie catching Davey in a
wristlock. Davey reverses the hold into a wristlock of his own but
Robbie counters right back into one of his own. Robbie catches Davey
with an armdrag but Davey catches Robbie with a headscissors and they
both escape and get to their feet to have the Indy stare down. Another
lockup leads to a side headlock from Robbie but Davey shoves him into
the ropes only to get run over by Robbie. Robbie hits the ropes and
reverses a Hip Toss on Davey followed by a series of arm drags which he
caps off with an armlock. Davey fights to his feet and forces Robbie
into the corner to force a break. Davey whips Robbie into the opposite
corner and charge at him but Robbie floats over him and then hits the
ropes only for Davey to leapfrog him and then connect with a dropkick!
Robbie rolls to the floor and Davey fakes like he is going to dive and
when Robbie moves out of the way he goes for a Running Punt instead.
Robbie ducks it and then climbs on the apron and dives off with a
Cannonball onto Davey on the floor! Robbie rolls Davey back in the ring
and then dives off the top with a Flying Clothesline for a nearfall.
Robbie goes for a Reverse DDT but Davey blocks it and shoves Robbie into
the corner. Robbie dives off the top right into a T-Bone Suplex from
Davey for a nearfall of his own! Davey whips Robbie into the ropes and
then runs Robbie over with a clothesline.
Davey puts Robbie in a Heel
Hook and then transitions into a Reverse Figure Four! Robbie manages to
get to the ropes to break the hold and then the two exchange strikes
with each other. Davey headbutts Robbie and then attempts a clothesline
but Robbie ducks and hits a Running Clothesline of his own! Robbie gets
another nearfall and then goes for the Boom Drop but Davey blocks it and
attempts the Handspring Back Elbow only for Robbie to catch him in
midair with the Boom Drop! 1…2…NO Davey kicks out! Robbie goes for a
Reverse DDT but Davey counters with a Snapmare and then a Backslide.
Robbie counters into a clothesline attempt but Davey catches him with a
rollup for a nearfall. Davey goes for a backdrop but Robbie Sunset Flips
him only for Davey to counter into a Standing Ghetto Stomp! 1…2…NO
Robbie kicks out! Davey climbs up top and attempts the Diving Ghetto
Stomp but Robbie moves out of the way and then runs right into the Alarm
Clock from Davey! Davey hits Creeping Death (Spinning Buzzsaw Kick) for
the pin!
Winner: Davey via pinfall (Creeping Death) to earn 3 points!
TNA World Title Series
Group Wildcard
Crazzy Steve (0) vs. “The King of the Night” Kenny King (3)
If Steve wins then Group Wildcard will have a Playoff 3-Way, if
King wins then King joins Shera in the Round of 16. Steve tries to draw
King into an amateur lockup but King doesn’t bite and snatches Steve’s
head in a headlock. Steve counters into a hammerlock but King reverses
it into a Japanese Armdrag. King taunts the crowd and then they lockup
again and King puts Steve in a side headlock. Steve shoves King into the
ropes only to eat a shoulder block and then he catches a charging King
with a Japanese Armdrag of his own. King offers him a handshake for that
move and then nails him with a drop toehold and locks in a side
headlock. King puts Steve in a wristlock but Steve reverse the hold and
then catches King with a drop toehold of his own. Steve honks his horn
but then runs right into a Spinning Heel Kick from King. King whips
Steve into the ropes and nails him with a clothesline for a nearfall.
King hit a Snap Suplex and floats over into a mount where he lays in
right hands. King puts Steve in a submission hold but Steve fights out
of the hold only for King to drop down onto him with a Knee Drop. King
hits a Scoop Slam and then goes for a Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop,
but Steve moves out of the way and then nails King with a Flying Elbow.
Steve hits a series of clotheslines on King in the corner and then
stomps him out in the corner. Steve picks up his stupid horn again and
this time hits a Running Knee while honking the horn. Steve dives off
the middle rope with a beautiful Hurricanrana! 1…2…NO King kicks out!
Steve leaps up to the shoulders of King and bites King and then Sunset
Flips him for a nearfall. Steve School Boys King and then Crucifixes him
for nearfalls. Steve again leaps to the shoulders of King but this time
King catches him with the Coronation for the pin!
Winner: King via pinfall (Coronation) to earn 3 points!
TNA World Title Series
Group Champions
“The Destroyer” Lashley (4) vs. “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived” Austin Aries (1) w/Thea Trinidad
Winner here moves onto the Round of 16. They lockup and Lashley
immediately gets Aries in a waistlock and takes him down quickly. They
lockup again and this time Aries gets Lashley in a side headlock but
Lashley shoves him into the ropes and then lays him out with a shoulder
block. Aries locks in another headlock and Lashley shoves him into the
ropes again and goes for a clothesline but Aries ducks and lays into
Lashley with kicks and forearms. Aries floats over a charging Lashley
and then hits a running forearm and sends Lashley into he turnbuckles.
Aries hits a Jawbreaker onto the top rope and then dives off the top
with a Missile Dropkick but Lashley bounces off the ropes right into a
running clothesline. Lashley sends Aries into the corner and hits a
series of shoulder blocks on Aries with the last one sending Aries
flying through the ropes and to the floor. Back in the ring Lashley hits
another Running Shoulder Block and then goes for the Delayed Vertical
Suplex but Aries blocks it with a series of knees to the head. Lashley
falls to his knees but still holds Aries up and then gets back to his
feet and hits the Suplex for a nearfall! Lashley locks Aries in a Rear
Chinlock as we go to a break.
Back from the break Aries hits a series of elbows and forearms to
break a waistlock from Lashley and then goes for a Roaring Elbow, but
Lashley catches him with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex! Lashley goes for the
Spear but Aries moves and Lashley crashes into the turnbuckles. Aries
hits a series of leg kicks and forearms and then he goes to the apron
and shoulder blocks Lashley. Aries hits a Hanging Neckbreaker on Lashley
hanging him up in the ropes. Aries dives off the top with a Missile
Dropkick and then goes for the IED but Lashley gets his boot up. Lashley
deadlifts Aries up to his shoulders and then hits a Running Powerslam!
1…2…NO Aries kicks out! Lashley goes for the Spear again but again Aries
sidesteps him and rolls to the floor. Lashley chases Aries so Aries
rolls back into the ring and as Lashley slid back in the ring Aries
caught him in the Last Chancery! Lashley tries to fight it off so Aries
flips back to his feet and hits a series of knee strikes.
Aries goes for
the Brainbuster but Lashley counters into a Press Slam attempt, but
Aries blocks it and hits two consecutive Roaring Elbows! Aries follows
up with the IED and then goes for the Brainbuster again but Lashley
reverses it into the German Suplex! Lashley again goes for a Spear but
Aries sidesteps him sending Lashley to the floor. Aries goes for the
Heat Seeking Missile through the ropes onto Lashley on the floor but
Lashley moves and Aries slams into the guardrail! Lashley rolls Aries
back into the ring and the referee is checking on Aries to see if he is
hurt. Lashley goes to pick Aries up but Aries just crashes to the mat as
if he is hurt. Hebner tries to get Lashley to back off while he checks
on Aries but Lashley goes to pick Aries up only to eat a chop from
Aries. Lashley clotheslines Areis and then goes for the Spear again but
Aries catches him in mid-move with the Last Chancery! Lashley manages to
crawl to the ropes to break it! Aries goes to the top and attempts a
450-Splash but Lashley rolls out of the way and hits the Spear! 1…2…3
with less than ten seconds left!
Winner: Lashley via pinfall (Spear) to earn 3 points!
Round of 16 Brackets
-Ethan Carter III (Champions) vs. Zema Ion (X-Division)
-Bram (UK) vs. Davey Richards (Tag Specialists)
-Lashley (Champions) vs. Drew Galloway (UK)
-Mahabali Shera (Wildcard) vs. Eli Drake (Future 4)
-Tigre Uno (X-Division) vs. Gail Kim (Knockouts)
-Eric Young (TNA Originals) vs. Kenny King (Wildcard)
-Jessie Godderz (Future 4) vs. Awesome Kong (Knockouts)
-Bobby Roode (TNA Originals) vs. Matt Hardy (Tag Specialists)
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