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Roman Reigns vs. Bo Dallas
Roman gets on Bo early on, hitting him hard before looking for the Samoan Drop. Bo gets out, but is met with a right hand to the face. Roman charges at Bo in the corner, but Bo kicks him in the face and starts a comeback before being nailed with a clothesline by Roman. Bo gets up, and Roman tosses him in the corner before hitting him hard with some punches. He goes for one more but Bo begs mercy on Roman Reigns, looking for a timeout. Bo extends a hand, and Roman accepts…but Bo kicks him in the gut! Roman is still holding on, not looking too pleased before dropping Bo Dallas with a Samoan Drop. He sets up, and hits Bo Dallas with the Superman Punch followed by the Spear for a quick win!
Winner via pinfall: Roman Reigns
Cesaro & Neville vs. King Barrett & Sheamus
Neville and Barrett start things off with an lockup and Neville hits a headscissors. Barrett quickly gets the upper hand, but is distracted mocking Cesaro and Neville is back in control. Barrett tags in, and stops a hurricanrana…only to be dumped out of the ring by Neville. Barrett follows, and Cesaro helps launch Neville to the outside on both their opponents! Neville comes back in, and hits a cross body for a nearfall before we go to commercial.
Back from commercial, Barrett hits a big boot to the face of Neville for a nearfall. We see a replay of what happened during the break as Barrett goes to work on Neville, locking in a sleeperhold. Neville breaks out, but is stopped form tagging out as Seamus is tagged in. He stomps an Irish muddle into Neville, before going for a suplex which connects. He taunts the crowd before going right back on Neville, as Barrett tags back in. He gets another sleeper hold in on Neville, and Neville is showing signs of fading before being worked back up by the crowd. he reaches for Cesaro but Barrett tosses him in the corer. He delivers a kick to the head before finally tagging in Cesaro as Barrett tags in Seamus. "Uppercut City" as Cesaro goes to work on Sheamus and knocking him down. He knocks down Barrett as well, but Sheamus whips him to the ropes. He counters with a big boot, knocking Barrett down again on the outside before hitting a springboard shoulderblock for a nearfall. Cesaro goes for the Big Swing, but Sheamus grabs the bottom rope. He grabs the MITB briefcase, but is stopped as Cesaro goes for anther Big Swing. As the ref takes the briefcase out, Barrett takes Cesaro out with the Bull Hammer and stops Neville from getting in as Sheamus picks up the win!
Winners via pinfall: King Barrett & Sheamus
Non-Title MatchWWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens vs. Zack Ryder
Ryder starts things trying to get Owens by surprise, and hits a few good moves at the outset. Owens turns things around quickly though, laying giant Ryder in the corner. Ryder starts an comeback, but misses an enziguri. Owens mocks Ryback, and is rolled up by Ryder for a nearfall. Ryder goes for a clothesline in the corner but Owens get in the way. He hits a clothesline on Ryder, whipping into the ropes and hitting the Pop Up Powerbomb for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Kevin Owens
Special Guest Referee: Summer Rae
Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev
Both men lock up, and Rusev immediately lays into Ziggler with some heavy kicks. He tries to choke Ziggler on the ropes before punching him. e taunts Ziggler, who gets up and starts laying into Rusve…before eating a dropkick by Rusev! Rusev charges at Ziggler, knocking him hard off the apron. Summer starts the count as Ziggler is getting to his feet. Ziggler is back in the ring now, but Rusev goes right back to work on the "Showoff" looking to get a submission hold on. Dolph powers out of it, and stops Rusev with a back elbow. e ducks a swing by Rusev, but is caught…and rolls Rusev up for for a nearfall. Rusev argues with Summer, who tells him to focus on his opponent and Rusev takes a dropkick to the face! Ziggler goes for a move but is stopped, and Monkey Flipped into the corner. Rusev kicks Ziggler in the face and goes for the cover, but Summer is hesitant and makes a slow count as Ziggler kicks out. Rusev argues with her again and gets slapped, before being taken down by Ziggler with Zig Zag for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
The Prime Time Players vs. Luke Harper & Braun Strowman
Strowman and Titus start things off, and Titus puts up a good fight at first until he eats a big boot by Braun. Strowman follows wit some heavy offense, throwing Titus around with the great of ease as Luke tags himself in. He hits a Gator Roll on Titus, followed by a front headlock. Darren is trying to will Titus back into the match, and Titus gets up and powers out of the hold! He tags in Darren Young, who hits a flurry of offense on Luke, hitting a neckbreaker onto the apron. he gets distracted by Swtrowna and eats a kick to the face by raper. Titus clears Luke out of the ring, but Braun locks in Darren tight for the quick submission win!
Winners via submission: Luke Harper & Braun Strowman
Non-Title Match
WWE Divas Champion Charlotte vs. Alicia Fox
Nikki distracts Charlotte, allowing Alicia to get some good offense into a tilt a whaler backbreaker for a nearfall. She follows with a sleeper hold on the Divas cChampion, who slowly powers out of it as we see Team B.A.D. in the back watching on. Charlotte finally breaks out of the hold, but is dragged back into the corner by Fox who hits a Northern Lights Suplex for another nearfall. She kicks Charlotte for good measure, followed by a snapmare and another sleeper hold. Charlotte powers out of it again, and both women kick each other in the face bringing them both down! We get a replay as Charlotte gets back up and chops Fox in the chest! She hits a neckbreaker and a Spear before going for the Figure Eight! Alicia Fox has no choice but to tap out!
Winner via submission: Charlotte
Six Man Tag Match
The New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz & Dean Ambrose
Back from commercial, Bubba Ray and Kofi start things off and Bubba hits a hip toss on Kofi before tagging in D'Von. They double team on Kofi and D'Von hits a side slam for a nearfall. Kofi pushes him into the corner, but D'Von knocks the other men off the apron. Xavier distracts the ref as Big E pulls D'Von into the steel post! Big E tags in, stomping D'Von down before all three men exchange tags to lay into D'Von wit stomps in the corner. Big E with the assist on an Xavier drop-kick to the face of D'Von for a nearfall. He follows with a sleeper hold but D'Von gets out. Xavier knocks Bubba off the apron, but is met with a neckbreaker off the turnbuckle by D'Von who tags in Dean Ambrose! Ambrose off the wall before hitting Xavier with a Bulldog! He ducks Xavier before taking a dive on the outside to bring down Kofi! Big E tries to take him into the ring but Dean drops him with a clothesline! Dean brings Xavier down for a nearfall before tagging in Bubba, who drops Kofi and lays into Xavier with punches and an elbow! D'Von gets in, and met with a belly to belly by Big E who gets dropped by Ambrose. Ambrose goes up top but is pushed off the apron by Xavier before Kofi rolls up Bubba for a nearfall. He misses a Trouble in Paradise and falls into a 3D by the Dudleys as Bubba goes for the cover…but Xavier runs in with the trombone, hitting them as the ref calls for the bell!
Winners via disqualification: The Dudley Boyz & Dean Ambrose
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