WWE Raw Results
March 30, 2020
Orlando, Florida (WWE Performance Center)
Commentary: Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton
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The Undertaker appears and calls AJ Styles by his real name: Allan Jones. Styles has a big mouth. Undertaker doesn’t know if he has a big set or he’s just really that stupid. Either way, his mouth is writing checks his ass can’t cash. Styles probably thought that by dropping pipe bombs, he’d get under his skin. Undertaker has heard a lot worse from far better than Styles. There are some truths to what Styles has been saying. Styles mentioned 10-15 years ago, he probably wouldn’t want to try the Undertaker. You damn right! Styles was content being a big fish in a little pond because he knew he didn’t have what it took to hang with him, Stone Cold, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, and Edge… the very best the business had to offer. The Phenomenal One… my ass. Styles waited until they were all gone except him.
Undertaker has far more matches behind him than he has in front. Allan has stepped in something there’s no coming back from. His foolish pride made bad decisions for him. All the things he said, he gets it. It’s business. Where he crossed the line was when he mentioned his wife. Styles is mad his wife does the Faith Breaker a.k.a. the Styles Clash and got it over. Styles will pay the ultimate price for disrespecting his wife, Michelle McCool. He’ll pay the price in a boneyard, Styles’ idea. Styles wants to be relevant at the Showcase of the Immortals. Who better to make that happen than The Undertaker? Try him. He’ll make Styles famous. He hopes Styles brings those “ass clowns” Gallows and Anderson because all three of them will feel the wrath of the unholy trinity he’s bringing. They will get hurt and suffer. Most importantly they will Rest… In… Peace. A graphic shows a gravestone with “AJ Styles: 1977-2020” behind The Undertaker.
Aleister Black vs. Jason Cade
Black quickly sweeps the feet and calmly sits in the center of the ring. Cade doesn’t know what Black is doing. Black blocks a kick, but Cade comes back with an enzuigiri. Black kicks away the hand and connects with Black Mass for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Aleister Black
The Street Profits and Kevin Owens vs. Angel Garza, Austin Theory, and Seth Rollins w/ Zelina Vega
It’ll be Kevin Owens starting against Seth Rollins, but Rollins quickly tags in Austin Theory. Owens punches Theory down and chops the chest. Owens punches him in the corner before backing up. Owens taunts Rollins and tags in Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins quickly tags in Montez Ford. Dawkins shoulder blocks Theory down before flipping Ford onto him. Angel Garza runs in, so the Street Profits hit him with a double-team flapjack onto Theory. Ford then wipes Garza and Theory out with a summersault plancha.
We come back from the break to see Ford get away from Garza, but Garza soon dropkicks him down and rips his pants off. Theory tags in and takes Ford down for a near fall. Theory applies a chin lock and knees Ford. Ford throws Theory to the apron, but he lands on his feet. Theory hits a rolling thunder into a dropkick for a near fall. Theory forearms Ford down and clubs the back a few times. Theory goes for a back suplex, but Ford flips through.
Dawkins tags in and shoulder blocks Theory before knocking Rollins and Garza off the apron. Dawkins hits Theory with an exploder suplex. Rollins blind tags in. Dawkins splashes Theory in the corner and goes for a bulldog, but Theory throws him over the top rope. Dawkins quickly shoulder blocks Garza before getting in the ring and turning Theory inside out with a shoulder block. Rollins then superkicks Dawkins. Owens smiles at Rollins and tells Dawkins to get to him and make the tag. Rollins stomps Dawkins and punches him down. Rollins chokes Dawkins on the ropes until the referee admonishes him. Garza kicks Dawkins in the face. Theory tags in and stomps Dawkins before punching him. Garza tags in and attacks Dawkins before jumping on the back for a two count. Rollins tags in and kicks Dawkins in the ribs. Rollins hits a snapmare and kicks him in the spine. Rollins applies a chin lock and elbows the face. Rollins applies a chin lock before transitioning to a front facelock. Dawkins punches out, but Rollins knees him and punches Ford off the apron. Owens taunts Rollins. Dawkins rolls Rollins up for a two count. Rollins quickly hits a Sling Blade and punches away at Dawkins. Dawkins blocks a superkick and punches Rollins down.
Owens tags in, and Rollins quickly scurries to his corner and tags Garza in. Owens chops Garza and sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Owens quickly clotheslines him down and hits a senton splash. Owens hits a cannonball in the corner and goes to the top rope. Owens hits a senton bomb, but Theory breaks up the pin. Ford quickly hits Theory with an enzuigiri. Ford goes for a summersault plancha on Theory, but misses and slams hard on the ramp! It looks like Ford miscalculated where Theory was. In the ring, Owens hits Garza with a Stunner for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: The Street Profits and Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens is still in the ring. Seth Rollins may have kicked some sense into him. Owens thought a lot about what Rollins said last week and he has something to say. Last Monday, Rollins walked around this place and said this building was built because of him. Everyone that comes through this place should be thankful to Rollins. Owens says he’s heard otherwise. This place was built in spite of Rollins. Rollins was a nightmare to deal with the minute he stepped foot in that warehouse in Tampa. No one could stand Rollins. He knew everything about everything. Rollins proved everyone right when people said he is “an arrogant dipshit.”
Owens is not delusional like Rollins. Rollins proved him right last week. Rollins talked about all his WrestleMania moments and said he’s a god. Rollins said Owens is a disappointment. Those words stayed with him. While Owens may not have all the WrestleMania moments Rollins does, he can claim the same accolades. He’s been the Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, and was Universal Champion well before Rollins. Those WrestleMania moments and accomplishments he got weren’t done on his own. Owens had someone watching his back with him one way or the other. So did Rollins. None of those WrestleMania moments Rollins has weren’t accomplished alone. Rollins always had backup or found an underhanded way to get them. Rollins needs to be honest with himself. The only thing Rollins said that made sense is everything someone accomplished doesn’t matter when you get here. On Saturday when they get in the ring at WrestleMania, their pasts don’t matter. All that matters is they’re going one-on-one. This Saturday night, he’ll show that Rollins is not a prophet, messiah, or a god when he pins him in the ring and takes his first WrestleMania moment from Rollins. This Saturday, Owens will be the one to burn it down.
Edge is shown backstage. Edge mentions that Randy Orton said Adam Copeland is a junkie for Edge. Orton is probably right. It’s not about ego. Edge just loves the feeling that happens in the arena. That explosion when his music hits, that connection he has from the audience. He’s one of them. He came from them. They’re all junkies for this. As a 13 year old kid sitting in the 11th row for Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior… if you’re not a junkie for this, you’re taking up space and in his way.
They have different definitions of the word “grit.” To Orton, grit means being handpicked for Evolution and resting on the laurels and coasting on his family name with spurts of magic for 20 years, ok with being ok. Ok for Orton is better than most, but to him grit is the type of man that will reach down into the hole and pull somebody out that probably doesn’t deserve it. Grit is refusing to be in Evolution because he doesn’t want to be someone’s lackey. Grit is forging your own Hall of Fame career. To him grit is thinking about how to get back here everyday for 9 years and end this on his own terms. Edge said that Orton is jealous of him, but he’s not. Orton is jealous of Edge’s passion. You can’t fabricate passion. He has it and Orton doesn’t. The only time Orton has passion is when he’s around. Edge lights a fire under him and everyone sees it but Orton. Everyone is saying this is the best Orton has ever been. The last time Orton tried this hard was 9 years ago. That must scare Orton. Edge inspires passion and that scares Orton. Orton is a junkie for the way Edge makes him feel.
Those voices in Orton’s head made him make a terrible mistake. Orton attacked his pack and almost had him believing the Royal Rumble was enough closure for him, but then he put his hands on his wife and uttered the names of his little girls to pull him back in. Orton accepted a Last Man Standing match with him, a man who will dive face-first into a flaming table with thumbtacks in his body just to grab the torch Orton took for granted. Orton dug himself another hole. This time, he’s not pulling him back out. He’ll push Orton so far in that he’ll never get back out. Edge looks psychotic as he finishes.
Asuka vs. Kayden Carter
Asuka shouts in Japanese and peaks the microphones before shouting, “Who are you?” No one is ready for Asuka!
The bell rings, and Carter dropkicks her into the ropes. Carter punches away at Asuka, but Asuka soon hits a butt bump. Asuka kicks Carter in the head, but Carter blocks a kick. Asuka goes for a takedown, but Carter rolls her up for a two count. Carter quickly follows up with a dropkick for a near fall. Asuka blocks a kick and picks the ankle before hitting a German Suplex. Asuka viciously kicks her in the head before applying the Asuka Lock for the submission.
Winner by Submission: Asuka
WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are already in the ring. Heyman introduces himself and says he’d hate to pull the curtain back on the wrestling industry. Heyman believes in the magic of WWE. Heyman loves being in a business where we take larger than life individuals and promote them to a global audience. This is the final segment on the final Raw before WrestleMania. This is the most unique WrestleMania of our lifetimes not just because it’s too big for one night. This is the most unique time we’ll ever experience.
They call this the go home segment of the show on the go home show. Why is the champion Brock Lesnar in the ring on this segment every year? Lesnar is the beast to slay, the one to conquer, the one to beat on the single biggest show of the year. This year, Drew McIntyre has truly stepped up. Heyman gives his compliments to him. McIntyre is that special. Compared to the guy on the street, McIntyre is that special. Compared to that dumbass in the gym that thinks he can do WWE stuff — they can’t — McIntyre is special. Compared to the locker room, the most extraordinary roster in history, McIntyre is special. You know who else was special? The Rock who got laid out and beaten for the title by Lesnar. Hulk Hogan was also special, but his blood was rubbed on Lesnar’s chest. Randy Couture, John Cena, The Undertaker were all special and icons that stood above all the other icons. At the end of the day when they got in the ring against a once ever athlete like Lesnar, they ended up like everyone else: not so god damn special and just Brock’s bitch.
Heyman says Drew McIntyre doesn’t need him to promote how good the Claymore Kick is. So was the Rock Bottom, Hulk Hogan’s Leg Drop, Randy Couture and Shane Carwin’s knockout punches, Cena’s Attitude Adjustment, and Undertaker’s Chokeslam and Tombstone, but not on the day they stepped in with Lesnar. It truly mattered after the bell rang. Now that Lesnar knows the Claymore Kick is coming, he’s either mastered a strategy to avoid it or he’ll eat it and see if it can take him down. Heyman has something. It’s more than a prediction or a spoiler. It’s an absolute guarantee. Next year on the go home segment on the go home Raw before WrestleMania, you know who will be standing here? Brock Lesnar with the title over his shoulder. Heyman will be talking about how McIntyre had a great story to tell, but he got beaten fugly at the 2020 WrestleMania by the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion. McIntyre will walk in special and leave just like everybody else: nothing more than Brock’s bitch.