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Impact Wrestling
Tag Team Titles/GFW Tag Team Titles: Laredo Kid/Garza Jr. vs. Drago/El
Hijo de Fantasma vs. Naomichi Marufuji/Taiji Ishimori vs. LAX
LAX is defending under lucha rules (going to the floor means the
same as a tag) and this is one fall to a finish. Santana and Marufuji
start things off with Marufuji flipping out of a wristlock but getting
kicked in the face. They flip into a standoff and trade chops until
Santana charges into a dropkick.
It’s off to Ishimori and Laredo with Taiji bouncing off the ropes
over and over for kicks to the head.
Laredo hits the floor so Ortiz
comes in for a kick of his own as the fans chant for LAX. Ortiz gets two
off a Death Valley Driver and everything breaks down. Garza takes off
his pants (as is his custom), allowing Drago to springboard in with a
dropkick. Drago and Fantasma take over on Santana and then Ishimori but
LAX’s manager Diamante gets in a kick of her own so the champs can take
A tandem powerbomb gets two on Ishimori and the Street Sweeper is
good for two on Drago. Laredo comes off the top with a clothesline to
Ortiz while Garza hits a World’s Strongest Slam on Santana for a big
crash. Things settle down with Ortiz heading up top, shoving Laredo and
Garza away, and moonsaulting down onto Drago for two with Marufuji
making the save.
Diamante tries to interfere again and gets powerbombed onto LAX.
Fantasma hits a modified Tombstone for two with Marufuji making a save.
Ishimori eats a suicide dive and Homicide adds a Gringo Killer on the
apron. Drago sends Ishimori to the floor with a tornado DDT and
something like a C4 2000 gets two on Santana. Ortiz is back in with a
belly to belly superplex and the Street Sweeper retains the titles at
Result: LAX b. Laredo Kid/Garza Jr., Drago/El Hijo de Fantasma and Naomichi Marufuji/Taiji Ishimori – Street Sweeper to Drago (15:22)
Moose/DeAngelo Williams vs. Eli Drake/Chris Adonis
Moose throws Adonis around to start and hits his dropkick. It’s off
to Williams to roll Drake up and grab an armdrag before handing it back
to Moose.Moose’s running dropkick in the corner gets two but Adonis gets
in a shot from the apron to take over. That doesn’t last long as Moose
fist pumps himself up and brings Williams back in for a one knee
Codebreaker and a near fall of his own.
Everything breaks down and Moose hits his bicycle kick to set up back
to back sentons. Williams is left alone in the ring to kick both
villains through the ropes, followed by Moose moonsaulting out to the
floor. It’s table time but Adonis and Drake take Moose down and put him
on it instead. Drake poses a bit too long though and gets shoved down.
Moose tells DeAngelo to do it and a frog splash hits Adonis for the pin
at 10:50.
Result: Moose/DeAngelo Williams b. Eli Drake/Chris Adonis – Frog splash to Adonis (10:50)
James Storm vs. Ethan Carter III
They’re strapped together and you win by pinfall or submission. Storm
unloads with right hands to start and there’s the first strap shot.
Carter gets dropped hard onto the apron (which is the hardest part of
the ring you know) and sent into the barricade but a strap shot takes
over again.
Back in and we hit the choke with the strap but Storm isn’t going to
take any more. The comeback is on in a hurry but Carter sends him into
the corner for a breather. It’s handcuff time with Storm in trouble,
only to pull the old switch and get Carter cuffed instead. Storm gets in
thirty two lashes (one more than he gave Storm) and NOW the referee
unlocks the cuffs.
A 1%er gives Storm two but Carter sends him into the post for a
breather. Carter hits the 1%er as well for the same result and that’s
not cool. There’s the Last Call but Storm collapses. Carter gives him a
lifting sitout Pedigree (Christopher Daniels’ Angel’s Wings) for the pin
at 10:45.
Result: Ethan Carter III b. James Storm – Lifting sitout Pedigree (10:45)
Jeremy Borash/Joseph Park vs. Josh Matthews/Scott Steiner
No DQ and D’Angelo Dinero joins commentary. Josh starts with Park and
flips around a bit, followed by a kick to the head. A crossbody doesn’t
work so it’s off to Steiner, who looks to be about 50lbs (of muscle)
lighter than he was in his regular career.
Borash hands it right back to Park….and they run to the back for a
pre-taped segment. Park and Borash grab a fire extinguisher while
Steiner and Matthews are in a golf cart. A car with a random fan (I
think he was in one of the Final Deletion segments) shows up so Matthews
and Steiner steal that to give chase, but they can’t catch an announcer
and an out of shape lawyer on foot.
They finally get out of the car (which had cameras inside) and chase
after them with Matthews being backdropped into a pool while Steiner
throws Park through a wall. With a camera under the water, the Jaws
theme starts playing and Shark Boy shows up to bite Matthews. Steiner
leaves Park and here’s Father James Mitchell (Abyss’ old manager) to say
happy anniversary.
Back inside and Matthews misses a Swanton. Josh spears him down but
here’s Steiner for the save. Matthews grabs a hug which is called a
Steiner Recliner, only to have Shark Boy come in for the failed save
attempt. Now Steiner puts on the Recliner and we’ve got Abyss to get rid
of Scott without much effort. The Black Hole Slam onto the tacks
crushes Josh and Borash adds a top rope splash to give Abyss the pin at
Result: Jeremy Borash/Joseph Park b. Scott Steiner/Josh Matthews – Top rope splash to Matthews (10:50)
Davey Richards/Angelina Love vs. Eddie Edwards/Alisha Edwards
Full Metal Mayhem with the heels taking over via some early cheap
shots. They waste no time in bringing in the weapons with Alisha trash
canning Love down. Back in and the good guys take over with Richards and
Love having a trash can being put on top of their heads for a double
kendo stick shot.
Eddie powerbombs Alisha onto Davey (Flores: That’s in the wedding
vows right?) but Love finds a cup of tacks. The tacks are poured into
Eddie’s mouth for a kick to the head but Alisha powerbombs Love through a
table. Eddie is right there after here and it’s a powerbomb to put
Davey through another table for the pin at 8:53.
Result: Eddie Edwards/Alisha Edwards b. Davey Richards/Angelina Love – Powerbomb through at table (8:53)
X-Division Title: Sonjay Dutt vs. Low Ki
Low Ki is challenging in a two out of three falls match. Feeling out
process to start as they fight over a wristlock. They grab a test of
strength with Dutt being taken to the mat but bridging up. A knee to the
ribs actually breaks the bridge and we hit a standoff. Dutt takes him
down in a waistlock, followed by a tornado DDT.
A moonsault misses and Low Ki dropkicks him into the corner for two.
Dutt tries a springboard hurricanrana but Low Ki rolls through for a
standing Warrior’s Way and the first fall at 7:26. After a brief break
they head outside with Dutt being sent into the barricade. A kick to the
knee takes Dutt down on the apron but another Warrior’s Way only hurts
Low Ki’s ankle.
The ankle slows things down but he’s playing possum and throws the
referee into Dutt. A big springboard kick to the head gives Low Ki two.
He tries a top rope Warrior’s Way but only hits the steps, followed by
Dutt sending him hard into the barricade. Back in and Low Ki hits a
quick Warrior’s Way, only to try a choke instead, allowing Dutt to roll
him up for the second fall at 13:26.
Dutt gets kicked down again but Low Ki seems to have hurt his hand.
It’s fine enough for the Ki Crusher and two. Dutt goes up but gets
dropped face first onto the buckle. Low Ki takes too much time going up
though and a backdrop sets up the moonsault double stomp to retain
Dutt’s title at 18:40.
Result: Sonjay Dutt b. Low Ki – Moonsault double stomp (18:40)
Impact Wrestling Knockouts Title/Global Force Wrestling Women’s Title: Rosemary vs. Sienna
Unification match and Gail Kim is at ringside. Rosemary has an army
of zombies with her. Rosemary goes right after her and here are Laurel
Van Ness and KM for the nearly immediate distraction. Sienna gets thrown
out onto them and orders them to the back, leaving us one on one again.
Back in and Sienna hammers away before grabbing a chinlock. Rosemary
gets sent hard into the barricade, only to fight out of a Tree of Woe
for a German superplex. That doesn’t do much actually as the Red Wedding
is broken up and Sienna gets two off the Silencer. The second Red
Wedding attempt connects but here’s Van Ness to pull out the ref. Allie
comes in for the save but the distraction lets Sienna get in a belt
shot for two. The mist is blocked and Sienna rubs it in Rosemary’s eyes,
setting up a guillotine to make Rosemary tap at 10:03.
Result: Sienna b. Rosemary – Guillotine choke (10:03)
Impact Wrestling World Title/Global Force Wrestling World Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto El Patron
Unification match. Lashley has a bunch of MMA fighters with him while
Alberto has his father and brother with him. The fighters, save for
King Mo, and Alberto’s brother all leave so it’s just Mo and Dos Caras
Sr. They hit the mat to start with Alberto kicking at the legs to set up
a standoff.
Lashley looks serious and they head outside with Lashley sending
Alberto head first into the table five times in a row. Back in and
Lashley charges into some raised boots but grabs a neckbreaker. Alberto
is back up with a superplex for no cover and they slug it out from their
knees. Some right hands in the corner are countered with a powerbomb to
give Lashley two.
Lashley is starting to get cocky as he hammers away in the corner but
the armbreaker has him in quick trouble. We get the big power up spot
with Lashley powerbombing him down for two more. A middle rope Death
Valley Driver of all things gives Lashley another near fall and King Mo
grabs a chair.
Lashley is content with slapping Alberto in the face, earning himself
a kick to the head for two. Dos Caras stares Mo down, leaving Lashley
to grab a cross armbreaker. That goes nowhere so a spear gets two, only
to have the second spear eat a dropkick. Alberto sends him into the
corner and hits the top rope double stomp for the pin and both titles at
Result: Alberto El Patron b. Bobby Lashley – Top rope double stomp (19:29)