(c) Tna wrestling |
World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Match Moose vs. Lashley
Lashley circles Moose and the two tie-up and start to brawl. Lashley
gets the better of Moose with a club and pops Moose up into a vertical
suplex. Lashley celebrates but Moose pops right back up and as Lashley
turns, Moose starts to get the Moose choo-choo engine goin’! Moose
connects with a few big rights and has Lashley reeling, Moose goes for
the Game Breaker, but Lashley cuts him off with a cross chop to the
throat! Lashley takes to the ropes, but Moose with a big dropkick stops
him dead! Lashley rolls out of the ring and Moose follows, European
uppercut from Moose. Moose whips Lashley, but Lashley reverses, sending
Moose into a steel post! Snap suplex from Lashley on the outside as the
referee admonishes him. Lashley smashes Moose’s head into the steel
steps before connecting with a solid shot and rolls Moose into the ring.
Lashley follows in, and starts raining down some heavy punches to
Moose’s face before being backed up by the referee. Lashley pulls Moose
up, Moose with a big chop, but Lashley just starts pummeling Moose with
kicks and clubbing blows, backing Moose into the corner and hitting him
with some solid shots. Moose gets whipped across the ring and Lashley
charges with a shoulder tackle and connects. Lashley whips Moose back
across the ring, does a big charge, and another huge shoulder tackle!
Lashley plays to the crowd, whips Moose back across the ring, but Moose
reverses and sends Lashley into the corner. Moose charges in, but
Lashley gets his foot up and staggers Moose. Lashley pops up on the
middle rope, but Moose with a HUGE dropkick sends Lashley sprawling out
to the floor! Moose hits the far side ropes and MOOSE WITH A RUNNING
kill your damn fool self!
Moose rolls Lashley back into the ring, and Lashley is getting to his
feet as Moose follows in. Moose charges Lashley in the corner, connects
with a big flying elbow, whips Lashley to the far side ropes, Moose
pops Lashley up and hits a damn nasty-looking spinebuster and then
follows up with a running senton! Moose covers and hooks the leg; one,
two, t– kickout!
Moose picks up Lashley from behind, winds Lashley up for the Game
Breaker, but Lashley ducks– big Dominator spinebuster of Lashley’s own
to Moose! Lashley covers; one, two, th– kickout!
Lashley stalks Moose as he gets to his feet. Lashley charges Moose in
the corner, big lariat! Lashley props Moose up on the top turnbuckle,
Lashley up on the second rope with the front facelock, and Lashley with a
superplex! Moose is almost immediately back up to his feet, stalking
Lashley who staggers up, Hitstick from Moose! Moose covers; one, two,
thre– Lashley kicks out!
Both men take their time to get to their feet as the ref starts the
down count. Both men staggering to their feet, and they start trading
blows, nasty shots from both men! Lashley with a back elbow but Moose
responds with a big boot! Moose winds Lashley up for the Game Breaker,
Lashley ducks this time, hits the ropes, Spear! Lashley hooks the leg
and covers; one, two, thre– kickout! That was as close as close gets!
Lashley argues with the referee, then heads to the corner and stalks
Moose. Lashley gears up, Moose staggers, Lashley charges, Moose
side-steps and sends Lashley flying into the corner! Moose winds Lashley
up a third time, Game Breaker connects! Moose grabs Lashley before he
can roll out of the ring and covers; one, two, thre– Lashley kicks out
Moose is first back to his feet He pulls Lashley up, sets him against
the ropes and headbutts Lashley. European uppercut follows. Moose whips
Lashley to the corner, charges, big splash by Moose! Moose sets Lashley
up on the top turnbuckle, grabs Lashley by the neck, and he shouts “Go
to hell!” but Lashley kicks him away, Lashley dives out of the corner,
TORPEDO SPEAR! Lashley scrambles to the cover; one, two, three!!
Winner and NEW #1 Contender: Lashley by pinfall (Torpedo Spear)
World Tag Team Championship Match
The Broken Hardys (c’s) vs. The Tribunal
In the Impact Zone, we have a brawl as the bell rings. Matt attacks
Baraka in the corner and Nero takes the fight to Baron Dax. Dax smashed
into the corner and Nero mounts the corner and rains down with punches
as Matt smashes Baraka into the corner. Matt and Baraka out of the ring
and Matt beats Baraka’s face into the apron. Nero drags Dax into the
center of the ring and hits him with a jawbreaker as Matt gets to the
team corner. Nero with a wristlock on Dax and tags in Matt. Matt on the
second rope and hits Dax’s arm with a flying elbow strike.
Matt takes control with a wristlock and repeatedly clubs at Dax’s
elbow, knocking the man down again and again. Matt follows up with a
shoulder elbow breaker, but Dax pushes Matt to the ropes and forces a
break, which Dax reinforces with a knee to the gut. Dax with a right,
then shoves Matt to the ropes and connects with a back elbow, sending
Matt sprawling as Dax tags in Basile Baraka.
Baraka kicks Matt into the corner and then drives his knee into the Broken one as he tags back out to Dax.
Dax with a straight kick, then an elbow to the back of the head. Dax
picks Matt up as Reby tries to rally the crowd, headbutt knocks Matt
down and Dax starts to choke him in the ropes until the referee makes
him stop, at which points Basile Baraka continues to choke Matt against
the ropes from the apron. Nero storms the ring but the referee stops him
as Dax throws Matt to the middle of the ring. Dax stalks Matt, elbow
drop– misses as Matt Hardy rolls away! Matt stumbles to his corner and
makes the tag to Nero!
Nero storms Baron Dax and blocks a punch, hitting Dax back against
the ropes with punches and kicks. Irish whip to the far side ropes, Dax
reverses, and Nero off the ropes connects with a big flying forearm.
Manhattan drop by Nero leads to Dax on his back, and Nero splits the
uprights with a leg drop before rolling back and connecting a basement
dropkick to the face of Baron Dax! Nero is feeling it, waiting for Dax
to get up, and Brother Nero goes for the Twist of Fate– but Dax blocks
it! Nero fights Dax to connect with the Twist of Fate, but settles for a
big DDT instead! Nero covers; one– broken up immediately by Baraka!
Matt storms the ring to come to Nero’s aid and clubbers Baraka before
dumping him out of the ring. Dax stumbles to a corner and Nero faces
across him as Matt drops down near Dax’s corner, and Nero charges,
leaping off Matt, but Dax catches Nero with a forearm and Nero crashes
into the mat! Dax mounts Nero and starts raining punches in before Dax
tags in Basile Baraka.
Baraka stomps at Nero and chokes him with his boot, tags Baron Dax
back in as he picks Nero up and Nero fights out of Baraka’s grasp only
for Dax to cut him off and start choking Nero! He shouts something that I
couldn’t hear of Josh Matthews plugging
Wolf Creek before slamming Nero to the mat by his throat. Dax covers; one, tw– quick kickout.
Dax has Nero by the hair and holds on as Nero tries to break away and
tag Matt in, but instead he’s dragged to The Tribunal’s corner and Dax
tags in Baraka.
Baraka clubs Nero across the back, turns him around, snapmare, and a
leg drop across Nero’s neck. Baraka covers; one, two, th– kickout!
Baraka with a head vice, Nero fights up to his feet, Reby getting the
crowd to rally, and Baraka clubs Nero again before taking to the ropes,
big flying body press! Baraka covers; one, two– kickout.
Nero tries to tag Matt but Baraka is on him, dragging Nero by his arm
back to The Tribunal’s corner and making the tag to Baron Dax, picking
Nero up as Dax enters the ring.
The two men shove Nero into the corner and look like they’re going to
whip him across the ring, but instead slam him hard into The Tribunal’s
corner. Baraka holds Nero in place and Dax whips Baraka out of the
corner, and then right back in, splashing Nero hard! Baraka throws Nero
out of the corner and right into a big lariat from Baron Dax! Dax
covers; one, two– kickout!
Dax stands between Nero and Matt and taunts Nero. Dax looks to go for
a gutwrench suplex but Nero with a side Russian legsweep! Both men
crawl to their corners as the crowd rallies behind the Hardys, and both
men make the tag!
Basile Baraka and Matt Hardy both hit the ring and start to brawl
mid-ring, Matt gets the advantage quick with forearms and then
headbutts, Baraka shoves Matt away to create some separation but Matt
will have no such nonsense, grabbing Baraka’s arm and biting it! Baraka
tries to get away and does for just a second, throwing a kick to Matt’s
head, but Matt catches the leg and starts to bite it now! Baraka gets to
the corner and Matt lets go of the leg, opting now to bite the face and
ear of Basile Baraka! Matt stops after a moment and a nice sumo suplex
from Matt brings Baraka hard to the center of the ring. Dax charges
Matt, but Matt just sends him right down with a forearm. Matt charges
Baraka in the corner and the splash connects, Matt with a headlock
scores the big running bulldog! Matt covers; one, two– kickout.
Matt stalks Basile Baraka, looking for the Twist of Fate, but Baraka
shoves Hardy away and attempts a clothesline, he’s caught, Side-Effect!
Hardy covers; one, two, t– kickout!
Hardy leads the Impact Zone in a “Delete!” chant, kick to the gut of
Basile Baraka, Matt Hardy looking for the Twist of Fate, but Baron Dax
storms the ring and levels Matt with a lariat! Matt staggers to his
feet, right into a double team spinebuster from The Tribunal! Baraka
covers; one, two– Nero breaks it up!
Baron Dax tried to stop Nero from getting in to break up the pin, and
he gets a Twist of Fate from Brother Nero for his trouble! Baron Dax
rolls out of the ring as Matt connects with a jawbreaker right into Nero
for a Twist of Fate! Baraka staggers around into a Twist of Fate from
Broken Matt! Matt covers; one, two, three!!
Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: Broken Hardys via pinfall (Twists of Fate)
Mahabali Shera vs. “The Miracle” Mike Bennett (w/ Maria)
Shera tries to intimidate Miracle, but Bennett laughs and calls him a
joke. Shera flexes and Bennett slams him. Bennett with a chop and Shera
looks like a fly just landed on him. Bennett goes for a kick and that
catches Shera off guard, and Bennett chops him back to the corner.
Bennett looks at Shera in disgust, chops, but Shera no-sells again and
walks out of the corner. Bennett chops, Shera explodes and yells at
Bennett before scooping him up for a slam. Bennett escapes to the apron,
Shera grabs him, but Bennett hot shots him. Bennett slides in, clobbers
Shera and then starts to stomp at him. Bennett smashes Shera into the
corner, kicking and punching away. Snapmare out of the corner, chin
lock, and Bennett applies the pressure as Maria cheers him on. Shera
fights to his feet, forces Bennett’s hands to separate, and another big
scoop slam rattles Bennett. And a second. And a third. Irish whip sends
Bennett to the corner and Shera chases with a big flying splash! Shera
with a big bearhug, he has Bennett up, but Bennett rakes the eyes!
Shera’s blinded and walks right into Bennett– MIP! Bennett covers; one,
two, three!
Winner: Mike Bennett by pinfall (Miracle in Progress)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Eddie Edwards (c) vs. Cody (w/ Brandi Rhodes)
Cody walks to the middle of the ring, and Eddie offers his hand. Cody
takes it and they shake hands before Cody steps back. Cody rolls in on
Eddie, but both men are light on their feet here, circling each other.
Tie-up in the middle of the ring, Eddie forces Cody back into the
corner, ref forces a break, clean break as dueling chants in the Impact
Zone. Tie-up in the middle of the ring, Eddie with a go-behind. Cody
works an arm free, wrist lock, transitions into a headlock. Eddie shoves
Cody off to the ropes, Cody rebounds with a shoulder block taking
Edwards down. Cody hits the ropes again, Eddie rolls to try and trip
Cody but Cody leaps over, off the far side ropes, Cody slides but
Edwards leapfrogs, Cody up as Eddie takes to the ropes and knocks Cody
down with a shoulder tackle. They repeat the sequence in opposite roles,
except at the end, Cody trips Edwards and pins; one– kickout.
Edwards sweeps and pins; one– kickout.
DUELIN’ DROPKICKS! Stand-off. Crowd pop. Big “Cody!” chant.
Cody has an unusual abdominal stretch going on with Edwards’ arm
hammerlocked. Eddie twists out, transitions to a headlock, Cody pushes
Edwards into the ropes and shoves him off, Eddie grabs onto the far side
rope and kicks Cody in the head twice, following up with a kick to the
knee! Eddie in the corner, stalks, shining wizard! Edwards covers; one,
two– kickout!
Edwards pulls Cody up, chops him hard, and then headbutts Cody. Irish
whip, Cody with a short-arm reversal, drops down, and kicks Eddie in
the side of the head! Edwards in the corner and Cody props him up before
a loud overhand chop to the chest, and another. Edwards explodes out of
the corner, tosses Cody into the corner and responds with a knife’s
edge chop so hard that it bounces Cody out of the corner and Edwards
follows up with another. Cody drops into a drop toe hold taking Edwards
down, and Cody takes Edwards’ back and applies an arm bar. Eddie
struggles, makes it to the ropes. Cody props Edwards up in the corner,
whips him across the ring but Eddie slides, charges Cody and chops him
down. Cody back up, and he’s chopped back down. Cody pops up, fires off a
lariat but Eddie ducks, goes for a back suplex but Cody rolls off,
lands on his feet, Edwards chops him hard! Edwards takes to the ropes,
Cody chases, Eddie off the ropes, Cody off the same ropes, Eddie stops
and turns around and Cody levels him with a flying forearm! Cody with a
lariat takes Edwards down again. Eddie goes for a lariat of his own,
Cody catches it and pulls Eddie down into a reverse front facelock,
looking for the Crossroads, but Eddie grabs Cody’s head and with a
snapmare escapes. Eddie staggers to the ropes, Cody gives chases and
Eddie sends him flying over the top! Cody lands on the apron, forearm to
Edwards, Cody jumps to springboard off the top rope but Eddie leaps up
and catches Cody with a kick to the side of the head, sending him
tumbling to the floor!
Eddie lets out the wolf howl and hits the far side ropes, suicide
dive connects and sends Cody careening into the guard rail! Cody tries
to get away but Eddie stops him with a headbutt, rolls Cody back in,
Eddie on the apron and Cody springs off and connects with the Beautiful
Disaster sending Edwards crashing to the outside! Eddie staggers up and
Cody springs off the middle rope, to the top, and a flying splash
connects with Edwards, sending both men tumbling to the entrance ramp!
Both men stagger up and Cody drags Edwards farther up the entrance ramp
and scoop slams Edwards on the steel! Cody picks Edwards up and runs him
back to the ring. Cody on the apron, stalking Edwards, Cody
springboards in, Edwards gets out of the way, Cody lands on his feet and
careens into the corner, Edwards charges, Cody with a boot up. Cody
hops up on the middle rope, Edwards with another leaping high kick
staggers Cody. Edwards folds Cody up and charges into the middle of the
ring with the Chin Checker! Edwards covers; one, two, thre– kickout!
Edwards heads to the top rope, leaps off, but Cody ducks out of the
way and Edwards rolls through. Cody in the corner and Edwards charges,
Cody side-steps but Eddie stops his momentum before crashing into the
corner, back elbow from Edwards staggers Cody, Eddie now hops up on the
second rope but Cody stops him with a shot to the gut. Cody pulls Eddie
into a front facelock, not looking for a superplex, no, Cody with a
Muscle Buster! Cody covers; one, two, thr– kickout!!
Cody looks stunned, but gets to his feet and regains his composure.
Cody looks for a Figure Four, but Edwards kicks him off. Cody doesn’t
take too kindly to that and just straight punches Edwards in the face.
Cody starts to let loose, another punch as he taunts Edwards. Edwards
explodes with a forearm smash, and Cody responds in kind. The two start
trading forearm smashes, but Edwards puts and end to that and starts
chopping at Cody. Cody ends that and picks Edwards up in a fireman’s
carry, sits Edwards on the top turnbuckle. Cody climbs up the ropes,
looking for perhaps a superplex this time, but Eddie resists and gets
clubbed in the back for the trouble. Cody on the top rope, pulls Edwards
up, top-rope superplex! Both men land hard! After a long moment, Cody
lifts his legs, trying to float over, but Eddie catches him with a
cradle! One, two, three!!
Winner and STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Edwards by pinfall (inside cradle)