(c) tna wrestling |
1. Battle Royal for #1 Contendership of TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Bro-Mans (Robbie E and Jessie Godderz), Eli Drake, The Tribunal (Basile
Baraka and Baron Dax), Grado, Mahabali Shera, “The Miracle” Mike Bennett
and Moose, and Eddie Edwards
Winner: he Miracle” Mike Bennet
2. Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss
Back in the Impact Zone and Nero is reeling on the ropes.
Clotheslines Hardy down and puts Nero in a neck vice. Matt Hardy on the
mic tells Nero he needs him to DELETE! Nero to his feet and starts
elbowing Abyss, and Abyss throws him down before taunting Matt. Nero
getting back up, hits the ropes, Abyss for the chokeslam, but Hardy
fights out and takes to the ropes, jumping lariat from Nero. Manhattan
drop and leg drop from Hardy as he taunts Rosemary, follows up with a
dropkick to Abyss’ face. Cover and a two-count.
A “Brother Nero” chant starts up as Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate,
Abyss shoves him off, goes for the Chokeslam again but Nero gets away,
spins Abyss around, Twist of Fate! Nero goes to the top rope to finish
Abyss off, but on the mic Matt says “No! You have to stop being a spot
monkey! No top rope! You have to fight with honor!” Nero tosses his
shirt anyway, but instead dives off the post to take out Crazzy Steve on
the outside! Nero rolls Crazzy Steve into the ring, but Abyss is right
there to put the boots to the Brother. Abyss picks Nero up and punches
away at him as Steve pulls a chain from out of… someplace. Abyss sends
Nero to the ropes, Abyss and Steve go for the double team, but Nero with
a double clothesline takes them both out! The ref gets Steve out, and
while he’s looking away, Nero with a low kick to Abyss and a punch with
the chain! Nero dumps the chain, flies into the cover, and Abyss still
kicks out at two!
Nero goes for the Twist of Fate again, but Abyss spins him out of it,
Chokeslam finally connects! Abyss calls for Rosemary to distract the
ref as Abyss picks Nero up and takes him to Steve in the corner. Matt
simply watches on as Steve spits blood at Nero, but Nero ducks and the
blood blinds Abyss instead! Nero knocks Steve off the apron, Nero with
another Twist of Fate on Abyss, another two count!
Matt on the mic says that in his premonition, he saw that it was
Crazzy Steve, and Matt attacks Steve, biting his face and taking him
down to the floor! Nero on the top rope, but Rosemary gets him with the
mist this time! Nero falls, Abyss with the Black Hole Slam! One, two,
Winner: Abyss via pinfall (Black Hole Slam)
TNA Knockout Championship Match
Sienna (c) vs. Marti Bell vs. Madison Rayne vs. Allie vs. Jade
Allie is excited to be participating, but Sienna stops her from
getting too happy. Sienna hides Allie from the competition as Allie
psychs her up. Jade and Bell go after each other as the bell rings, and
Allie gets into Rayne’s face. Sienna attacks Rayne from behind, hits her
with a fireman’s carry roll. Rayne up into elbows, goes for a suplex,
but Allie wants to help! Sienna tries to teach Allie how to suplex to
poor effort and shoves her away, allowing Rayne to roll Sienna up! One,
two, kickout!
On the outside, Jade is smashed into the steps as Sienna ejects Rayne
from the ring. Marti attacks Sienna but Allie shoves her away and gets
her to stop as Sienna throws her into the corner. Maria comes down to
the ring as Allie tries to help Sienna stomp at Marti, and Marti throws
off Allie and Sienna straight smashes her in the jaw. Irish whip from
Sienna, and Allie wants to help her clothesline Marti, but they both end
up being taken down by Bell! Bell stomps away at Allie, and Rayne is
pulled off the apron by Maria! Marti chokes Allie with her foot, takes
to the ropes, but Allie moves out of the way. Sienna smashes Bell in the
corner, but is taken on by Jade!
Allie distracts Jade allowing Sienna
to try to twist her head off. Allie tries to help Sienna on Maria’s
behest, but Sienna tells her to back off. Jade with a kick to Sienna’s
head, and Jade slams Allie. Jade with the Asai moonsault, but Allie
moves and Jade crashes! Allie wants to know if Ms. Maria saw what she
did, Marti Bell grabs her from behind, and she has no clue what to do!
Wait, jawbreaker from Allie, and she’s super excited! Kick by Madison
Rayne, Rayne Check! Allie rolls away, Jade kicks Rayne, PACKAGE
PILEDRIVER! Marti breaks up the pin, and grabs her baton. Allie tries to
stop Marti from using it, tug-of-war for the baton, and Sienna tries to
break it up, but Allie yanks the baton and smashes Sienna in the face!
Marti gets the baton and cracks Allie in the head, and Allie falls atop
Madison as Jade dropkicks Bell; one, two, three!
Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Allie via pinfall
Winner will challenge for the TNA Championship at Bound for Glory
“The Chosen One” Drew Galloway vs. “The Ass-Kicking Machine” Ethan Carter III
Special guest referee: Aron Rex
An “EC3!” chant as Aron Rex calls for the bell. Galloway off the
ropes, big collar-and-elbow tie-up makes it to the ropes and Rex breaks
it up. Another collar-and-elbow, another break in the corner. Galloway
puts Carter in a headlock takedown, Carter transitions into a
headscissors and Galloway kicks out, Carter with a headlock takedown
this time, Galloway transitions into a headscissors, Carter kicks out.
Both men on their feet, stand off to pop the crowd. Galloway with a
headlock, Carter shoves him into the ropes and Galloway with a shoulder
tackle. Galloway off the ropes, Carter pops up and hip tosses Galloway.
Carter follows up with a Japanese arm drag. Another stand-off to pop the
crowd, but Galloway just slaps Carter. “It’s gonna be like that?”
Carter asks, and Galloway nods.
The two start to brawl, Galloway eventually shoves Carter off of him,
Carter ducks a clothesline, Galloway off the ropes ducks a clothesline
himself, both men off the ropes, both men go for a flying splash and
collide! Who will be the first man back to their feet?!
We come back as Galloway chops Carter into the corner. Irish whip
into the far corner, and Galloway with a leaping forearm sends him over
the ropes to the apron as it connects. Carter shoved out of the corner,
but comes back with a dropkick to Galloway, knocking him to the floor.
Matthews mentions Aron Rex, but says the best thing they might be able
to mention about him is that they haven’t had to talk about him at all
because he’s been doing a great job. Carter takes to the ropes, suicide
dive is blocked by a big forearm by Galloway! Galloway hauls Carter out
of the ring, fireman’s carry, and Galloway up on the ring stairs —
Celtic Cross on the ring stairs smashes Carter’s brain, but also smashed
his own back into now-dented the steel steps! Aron Rex starts the
count, gets to 7 before Galloway is back in; Carter at 9. Galloway
mounts Carter and starts punching to the head before pinning; one, two,
Galloway fires another shot at Carter before getting up and stomping
him in the head, and then a jumping stomp to Carter’s ankle. A third
stomp to Carter’s face. Carter pulling himself up and a chop to
Galloway, and another, but Galloway with a clothesline takes Carter down
and pins; one, two– kickout!
Front facelock by Galloway as both men get to their feet, but
Galloway takes Carter down to his knees. “Ask him!” Both men back to
their feet, Carter falls back and throws Galloway off of him before a
clothesline knocks Galloway down. Big elbow from Carter keeps Galloway
off his feet. Jawbreaker from Carter sends both men into the corner.
Carter charges Galloway, but Drew grabs him, spins him to the middle of
the ring, overhead belly-to-belly! Galloway has someone’s blood on his
wrist tape, but nobody seems to know where it came from. Galloway
charges Carter in the corner, but Carter sidesteps and drills Galloway
with a side Russian legsweep right into the second turnbuckle! As Carter
mounts the corner, Matthews and Pope discuss their finishing moves.
Carter gets chopped on the top, Galloway mounts, looking for an
avalanche Celtic Cross, but Carter slides off and powerbombs Galloway!
Carter holds him into the pin; one, two– kickout!
Carter deadlifts Galloway back for another powerbomb, this time Carter sits out; one, two, th– kickout!
Carter gets up, looking for the TK3, but Galloway slides off, goes
for the Future Shock, but Carter won’t allow it, and manages to hit the
TK3! Galloway falls into the corner, and Carter splashes him as he
stands up. Carter sends Galloway into the ropes, Galloway falls away and
rolls Carter up right into the Claymore! Galloway covers; one, two,
Galloway immediately picks Carter up for a sit-out powerbomb of his own! One, two, thr– kickout!
Both men slowly getting back up, and Carter with a big chop. Galloway
replies in kind, and the two start chopping back-and-forth! Galloway
will gain the advantage, pushing Carter to the ropes and laying in with
chop after chop! Carter grabs Galloway and spins him into the ropes,
laying in with chops of his own. Galloway returns Carter to the ropes,
and lays in with some nasty chops that make that sound that hurts your
ears and also your chest. Galloway takes to the ropes, Carter meets him
mid-ring and gives him a flapjack. Carter commits a cardinal sin and
looks right into the camera before signaling for the One-Percenter, but
Galloway shoves him into the ropes and connects with another Claymore!
Galloway covers, but Carter gets his foot on the bottom rope!
Galloway grabs the leg and pins again; one, two, th– kickout!
Galloway argues with Rex, but grabs Carter, looking for the Future
Shock, but appears to change his mind. He drags Carter to the corner,
sits up on the top turnbuckle and grabs Carter in the double underhook,
but Carter breaks out and clubbers Galloway, grabs Galloway and hits the
One-Percenter while Galloway’s feet were hooked onto the middle rope!
Carter covers; one, two, thr– kickout!
Carter is in disbelief in the corner, but drags himself up and
signals for the One-Percenter again. Galloway has other plans, though,
grabbing Carter and spinning him into a tombstone piledriver! Galloway
covers; one, two, thre– Carter kicks out!
Galloway argues with Rex again, in disbelief, but Rex tells him
that’s the count. Galloway strikes up the band in the corner, and as
Carter stands up, Galloway charges! Carter side-steps the Claymore, but
Galloway turns around and connects with a big boot. Galloway goes for
the Future Shock, but Carter spins out of it, jackknife cover; one, two,
Winner: Ethan Carter III by pinfall (Jackknife Pin)