Dienstag, 29. September 2015

WWE Raw results 09 - 28 - 2015

1. United States Championship Match: John Cena (c) defeated Xavier Woods. Cena won by DQ when the other members of The New Day interfered. The Dudley Boyz made the save, setting up a tag team match.

2. The New Day defeated John Cena and The Dudley Boyz. Kofi Kingston pinned D-Von Dudley after Trouble In Paradise.

3. The Big Show defeated Mark Henry. Show pinned Henry after a knockout punch.

4. Team Bella defeated Team PCB. This was set up when Charlotte and Becky Lynch appeared on Miz TV and were interrupted by Team Bella. Paige interrupted as well, and the match was made. Paige tried to walk out on her team at the end of the match, but Natalya replaced her. Paige attacked Natalya, which distracted Charlotte, allowing Nikki Bella to hit a Rack Attack and win.

5. The Wyatt Family defeated The Prime Time Players. Braun Strowman choked out Titus O’Neil to win the match.

6. Neville vs. Stardust ended when King Barrett returned, hitting both men with Bullhammer Elbows.

– Kane was evaluated by “Ashley” from Human Resources. She was interrupted by Seth Rollins, who tried to convince her that Kane was a monster. Ashley insulted Rollins for being rude. Rollins pedigreed Kane and attacked him with a chair, re-injuring Kane’s ankle. Kane was loaded into an ambulance, but reemerged as “The Demon” Kane. He came back to the ring, and Rollins fled.

7. Randy Orton defeated Bo Dallas. Orton won with an RKO.

8. Kevin Owens vs. Rusev ended when both men attacked Ryback, who was sitting in on color commentary. Dolph Ziggler made the save.

– Big Show confronted Paul Heyman, saying that Brock Lesnar is scared.

9. Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt ended in a double count-out. After the match they fought into the crowd, where Wyatt attacked Reigns with a production worker (really) and ran him through the ringside barrier. Wyatt posed on the announce table, so Reigns speared him through it.

pics (c) of wwe

Sonntag, 27. September 2015

WWE Smackdown Results - 9/24/15 (Rollins vs. Ambrose)

Roman Regins vs. Luke Harper
Luke and Roman come to blows early on in the match, a brawl that quickly spills outside. Roman sends Harper into the barricade and dropkicks him before tossing him back into the ring to continue the assault. He whips him against the ropes, but Luke manages to get a punch in and stops Roman from dropping him with a Samoan Drop. Roman turns the tide, hitting Luke hard in the corner as the crowd counts to ten. Roman whips Harper into the opposite corner, but Harper gets a boot to the face of Reigns. They battle in the corner until Reigns sends him outside over the rope. The fight spills back outside, with Harper trying to get back in the ring. Roman stops him, but it turns out to be a ruse as Harper gets a boot to the face of Roman again. He tosses him into the ring and lands a senton over the rope from the outside. Roman gets up, but Luke gives him a kick to the face before delivering a powerbomb for a nearfall. Luke waits for Roman to get up, but is stopped by a Superman Punch and a spear by Roman for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Roman Reigns

The New Day vs. Neville & The Lucha Dragons
Neville and Kofi start things off with a fast paced exchanged, and the Dragons come into the ring to take turns on offense, bringing the entire New Day to the outside as we go to commercial.
Coming back from commercial, Big E and Kalisto are in the ring and Kalisto kicks Big E in the knee. Big E quickly turns the tables, using his power to bring Kalisto to the New Day's corner. Big E and Kofi take turns beating up Kalisto as Xavier plays a tune on his trombone at ringside. Kofi takes Kalisto to the corner again, but Kalisto gets Kofi to the outside before tagging in Sin Cara, who gets in a flurry of offense including a springboard shoulder block and moonsault. Big E tries to get involved, but is stopped by Neville before Sin Cara brings Kofi to the outside, before all three man launch off the rope to hit New Day on the outside! Xavier feigns an eye issue as Sin Cara is slowed down by Kofi just long enough for Woods to hit a running knee for the win!
Winners via pinfall: The New Day

Cesaro vs. Bo Dallas
They lock up to start the match, back and forth until Cesaro gets the upper hand. He rolls Bo up for a nearfall, before rolling him around and then pinning again for a nearfall. Bo battles back for just a moment before running into a clothesline by Cesaro, who whips him into the corner. Bo blocks him, getting a shot in before whipping him into the ropes…only to be met with a European uppercut! Bo falls out of the ring, but surprises Cesaro on the outside before bringing him back in and attacking him with the ring apron. Bo sinks in a sleeper hold, but Cesaro powers out. Bo continues the attack, focusing on Cesaro's injured back and hitting a back suplex for a nearfall. Bo quickly gets in a chinlock, trying his best to keep Cesaro down. Cesaro eventually powers out again, getting him in a unique package hold for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Cesaro

Ryback & Dolph Ziggler vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens & Rusev
Ryback and Owens start, but Owens tags himself out to Rusev, who immediately wants Dolph Ziggler. They lock up and Rusev sends Dolph to the corner, yelling "I BEAT YOU" as he continues the attack. Dolph gets a small comeback, but is distracted by Owens and beaten back down by Rusev, who tags Owens in now. Owens gets some hard hits in before tagging Rusev in, and Rusev gets some hard right hands in on Dolph. He continues by beating down Dolph on the ropes, as the crowd chants "We Want Lana." Rusev goes for another slam, but is met with a DDT by Dolph as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Owens is on top of Dolph before hitting a senton on Dolph, yelling "THAT'S WHY I'M THE CHAMP" and bringing him to the corner. Owens continues to punish Ziggler and starts taunting Ryback before going for the cover on Ziggler for a nearfall. He tags in Rusev, who goes right back to work on Dolph, bringing him down hard. He taunts Ziggler to tag his partner, but slams down on top of him. He goes for the cover and gets another nearfall, starting to look a little frustrated as he bodyslams the Showoff onto the canvas. He tags in Owens, who gives Dolph a boot on the ground and drops him with a bodyslam of his own. He offers Rusev a turn to "slam him good" as he tags him in, but Ziggler catches him off guard and gets a bodyslam of his own in! Rusev tags in Owens, who tries to stop Ziggler.

Ziggler gets a scoop slam on Owens and wills himself to the corner, tagging in Ryback as Owens tags in Rusev! Rusev tries to get in a kick, but is blocked by Ryback who drops him. Crowd chants "FEED ME MORE" as Ryback looks for the Meat Hook, but is distracted by Owens and kicked in the face by Rusev. Owens grabs his title and makes his way up the ramp, indicating he's done for the night. Rusev is infuriated, leading to being kicked by Ziggler and Shell Shocked by Ryback for the win!
Winners via pinfall: Ryback & Dolph Ziggler

Non-title Match
WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

They lock up, and Seth ends up leaving the ring pretty quick to get a breather. He comes back in, and they lock up again with Dean getting the upper hand, even stomping the hand of Rollins. Dean takes him down into a headlock, but Rollins comes back up and gets Dean to the corner before breaking things up. He whips him into another corner and drops some hard boots into Ambrose, until Ambrose catches him and begins a comeback as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Rollins slams Ambrose and goes for the cover for a nearfall. We see that during the break, things turned around for Rollins as he now is in control of this match. He whips Ambrose into the ring, but Ambrose wisely gets out of Seth's way sending the World champ out the ring. Ambrose looks to take a dive to Rollins, but Seth stops him in his tracks before climbing up to the top, dropping Dean with a kick to the temple for another nearfall. Rollins lays into Ambrose with some hard chops, taunting him in the corner as he goes. Dean turns things around, laying into Rollins with some chops of his own before following with an attempted DDT off the top rope, but Seth blocks and kicks Dean in the jaw for another nearfall! Seth is not happy with the ref as Dean gets to his feet. Seth charges at him with a forearm in the corner, followed with another, but Dean follows behind, eventually hitting Rollins with a clothesline.

The match goes back and forth now, with both guys trading blows until Dean gets a second wind of offense on Rollins. He charges into Rollins with an elbow in the corner, then brings him up to the top rope for a suplex off the top! He goes for the cover, but Rollins kicks out at two. Ambrose goes back up to the top, but Rollins catches him off guard. The match goes back and forth again, with a series of roll ups for nearfalls by both guys. Dean sends Rollins out of the ring, then brings him in and gets a fisherman suplex on Rollins for another nearfall. Dean looks to finish the job with a Dirty Deeds, but Seth gets him with an enziguri! Both men trade blows again, until Rollins gets Dean with a Slingblade! He goes for a Pedigree but Dean blocks it. Dean whips him into the corner, but in the confusion involving the ref gets caught in a powerbomb into the turnbuckle. As Rollins gets ready for the next thing, Kane's pyro goes off! Rollins is looking around for Kane, being distracted just long enough for Dean Ambrose to roll Seth up for the win!
Winner via pinfall: Dean Ambrose

Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling Results - 9/23/15 (Elimination Match)

Lumberjack Match 
"Showtime" Eric Young vs. "The Sarge" Chris Melendez 
EY attacks Melendez from behind and then tosses him to the floor, but the wrestlers let him get back in the ring on his own. Melendez hits a shoulder block through the ropes on EY followed by a Slingshot Sunset Flip for a nearfall. EY comes back with a clothesline and puts the boots to Melendez. EY hits a Scoop Slam and then follows up with a Back Suplex for a nearfall. Melendez tries to fight back but EY cuts him off and continues to beat on The Sarge. EY puts Sarge in a chinlock but Melendez fights it off with a Jawbreaker. EY comes back sending Melendez into the turnbuckles and then chokes EY with his boot. EY lifts Melendez up by his leg but Melendez catches him with a series of clotheslines and then a Samoan Drop followed by a Bully Bomb! EY retreats to the corner and uses Earl Hebner as a shield. EY then rakes Melendez's eyes and hits him with his leg! EY lifts Melendez up for a Spike Piledriver but instead lifts Melendez up to the top rope instead. EY slaps him repeatedly and then goes for a Super Piledriver, but Melendez fights him off and hits a one legged Missile Dropkick off the top! 1...2...3! 
Winner: Chris Melendez via pinfall (Missile Dropkick)
TNA Knockouts Championship 
Gail Kim (c) vs. Jade 

As Gail made her entrance Jade nails her with a big Front Kick and then she chokes the champ in the corner. Jade charges at Gail but Gail sidesteps her and goes for a rollup only for Jade to block it. Jade goes for antoher Front Kick but Gail coutners with a Legbreaker and then a hurricanrana! Gail goes for a Wheelbarrow move but Jade blocks it and counters into a big German Suplex bridging into a nearfall. Jade puts the boots to Gail and gets another nearfall before lighting her up with a chop. Jade hits a big Running Yakuza Kick for another nearfall and then hits a big series of forearms. Jade lights Kim up with a series of chops and then as Gail is laying in the corner she attempts a Rolling Cannonball, but Gail moves out of the way and hits a series of forearms folowed by a Running Shoulder Block. Gail hits a Running Clothesline and then a Flying Cross Body in the corner. Gail drags Jade's legs out near the ring post and wraps her in the Hanging Figure Four! Gail drags Jade to the floor and hits a 619 around the ring post! Gail tosses Jade into the ring and gets a nearfall before then going for Eat Defeat. Jade blocks it and then Gail goes for a hurricanrana, but Jade blocks it and counters into a Sitout Powerbomb! 1...2...NO Gail kicks out! Jade and Gail trade counters and then Gail hits Eat Defeat for the pin! 
Winner & STILL Knockouts Champion: Gail Kim via pinfall (Eat Defeat) 

TNA X-Division Championship 
Tigre Uno (c) vs. "King of the Night" Kenny King 
Tigre Uno will defend his title against former X-Division Champion and now ROH star Kenny King. If you hadn't heard King made his return to ROH this past weekend. King shoves Tigre as the match starts and then they lockup and King tosses Tigre across the ring. Tigre hits the ropes but King runs him over with a shoulder block. Tigre hits the ropes again and this time King lifts Tigre high up into the air and Press Slams him. King whips Tigre into the ropes and attempts a clothesline but Tigre ducks and connects with a dropkick. Tigre hits a drop toehold and then a sliding dropkick. King rolls to the floor and Tigre hits a Springboard Tornillo onto King on the floor! Tigre rolls King back into the ring and then attempts a springboard move but King catches him in midair with a Spinning Enziguri! 1...2...NO Tigre grabs the bottom rope to break the count. King field goal kicks Tigre in the ribs and then whips him into the ropes. King hits a Spinning Backbreaker over his shoulder for another nearfall and then puts Tigre in a headlock. Tigre fights up to his feet and breaks the hold with elbows before King tosses him into the corner. King lifts Tigre up to the top rope and then climbs up with him and attempts a Superplex, but Tigre blocks it and shoves King to the mat. King backflips to his feet but runs right into a Flying Cross Body from Tigre! King hits a series of jabs but then Tigre ducks and hits a Spinning Headscissors. Tigre hits a Dropkick Salto followed by an Enziguri for a nearfall! Tigre attempts to whip King into the corner but King reverses it and then catches a floatover attempt from Tigre and hits a Spinning Backbreaker followed by a T-Bone Suplex! 1...2...NO Tigre kicks out again! King goes for the Royal Flush but Tigre blocks it and goes for a rollup. King blocks it and hits an Arn Anderson style Spinebuster for yet another nearfall! King gets frustrated and just starts punching away at Tigre sending him into the corner. King then attempts a Flying Knee attempt but Tigre moves and hits a Spinning DDT! Tigre follows up with a Springboard Frog Splash for the pin! 
Winner & STILL X-Division Champion: Tigre Uno via pinfall (Springboard Frog Splash)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship 
Ethan Carter III (c) w/Tyrus & Jeff Hardy vs. "The Ultimate Underog" Rockstar Spud
Spud and EC3 had a pretty intense feud earlier in the year which ended in a bloody Hair vs. Hair Match which EC3 won. This is Spud's second World Title shot ever, his first came earlier this year against Kurt Angle at Destination X.
EC3 offers Spud a handshake but then pie faces him and slaps him. EC3 lights Spud up with chops but Spud answers back with some big right hands and chops! Spud puts the boots to EC3 in the corner and then puts him in a headlock and continues to throw punches. EC3 answers with a Running Clothesline and then he mounts Spud and lays in right hands of his own. EC3 tosses Spud into the corner and beats him down and chokes him. EC3 puts Spud in a Cravate but Spud counters into a Jawbreaker! Spud then hits a series of leg kicks and punches that takes EC3 off his game. Spud avoids a Stinger Splash attempt from a desperate EC3 and then he connects with a sereis of Flying Forearms followed by a Sliding Dropkick in the corner! Spud then sends EC3 out to the floor and hits a Somersault Plancha over the top onto EC3 on the floor! Spud rolls EC3 back into the ring and then dives off the top with a Diving Forearm Smash! Spud attempts the Underdog but EC3 shoves Spud into the corner and then rolls him up! 1...2...NO Spud kicks out and EC3 dead lifts Spud up into the air and drops him with an impressive one armed Sitout Powerbomb for another nearfall! EC3 goes for the One Percenter but Spud blocks it by holding onto the leg of EC3. Spud then bites the hand of EC3 and hits an Enziguri followed by a Shining Wizard! Spud goes for the Underdog again but EC3 counters into a Spinning Facebreaker and then the One Percenter for the pin! 
Winner & STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: EC3 via pinfall (One Percenter)

Dienstag, 22. September 2015

WWE RAW results 21.09.2015 - Kane²

Seth Rollins runs into a very different looking Kane backstage. Corporate Kane is back, and he’s booked Seth Rollins into a rematch for the U.S. Title later that night. Kane has no memory of what happened at Night of Champions.

1. Neville and The Lucha Dragons defeated The Cosmic Wasteland. Kalisto picked up the victory for his team after a Salida del Sol to Viktor.

2. Ryback defeated Bo Dallas. Ryback pinned Bo Dallas after a Shell Shock. After the match, Kevin Owens ran in from commentary and attacked Ryback, but ran away after getting clotheslined.

– Ric Flair comes to the ring, and says that the proudest moment of his career was watching Charlotte win the Divas title. Team PCB is out for the Charlotte Celebration. Charlotte praises Becky, then says that Paige gave her someone’s footsteps to follow in. Paige grabs the mic and dresses down Charlotte, saying that she’s still got a long way to go, and she’s just a placeholder. There is no Divas Revolution, and she’s only there because of her father. Paige storms off as Becky holds Charlotte back. The Bellas come out to say that Charlotte is just jealous (there it is), and questions whether or not Charlotte is woman enough for the title.

3. Charlotte defeated Brie Bella. Charlotte tapped Brie out with the Figure 8.

4. Sheamus defeated Mark Henry. Sheamus pinned Mark Henry after a Brogue Kick.

5. The New Day and Rusev (with Summer Rae) defeated Dolph Ziggler and The Dudley Boyz. Woods gets up on the apron to distract Ziggler, but eats a superkick. Ziggler turns around into a superkick from Rusev before getting pinned.

6. Naomi defeated Natalya. Naomi won with a Rear View.

7. Big Show defeated Cesaro. Cesaro suplexed Big Show into the ring from the outside, but then almost immediately lost to a WMD from Big Show.

8. United States Championship Match: John Cena (c) defeated Seth Rollins. Rollins made his way to the ropes to break Cena’s STF. He hit Cena with a frog splash, but could only get a two count. After the count, Cena rolled through to pick up Rollins for the Attitude Adjustment and the win.

pics (c) by wwe

Montag, 21. September 2015

WWE Night Of Champions 2015 Results and thoughts

PreShow: Cosmic Wasteland def. Neville & Lucha Dragons

1. Intercontinental Championship Match: Kevin Owens defeated Ryback (c) to become the new Intercontinental Champion. Owens raked Ryback’s eyes to escape a Shell Shocked, then rolled him up for three.

-> good opener, right winner but a little bit too short. 7,5 of 10 points

2. Dolph Ziggler defeated Rusev. Summer Rae accidentally threw her shoe at Rusev, allowing Ziggler to hit a Zig Zag and get the win.

-> still a very good storyline and a good match. 8 of 10 points

3. Tag Team Championship Match: The Dudley Boyz defeated The New Day (c) by disqualification. The Dudley Boyz hit a 3-D, but Xavier Woods interfered leading to a DQ. After the match, the Dudleys put Woods through a table.

-> Thank god the NEW DAY are still the Tag Champs. Some pretty good matches and promos ahead for these both teams. 7 of 10 points

4. Divas Championship Match: Charlotte defeated Nikki Bella (c) to become the new Divas Champion. Charlotte won by submission with the Figure-Eight.

-> everybody knew that Charlotte will win this one. Divas Revolution is finally here. Thought about a Paige heel turn against Charlotte. 7,5 of 10 points.

5. Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman and Luke Harper defeated Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho. Jericho was the mystery partner for Reigns and Ambrose. Strowman made Jericho pass out to a standing choke to win the match. After the match, Jericho angrily pushed through Ambrose and Reigns and left alone.

-> again the right winner, even with Jericho in the team. Maybe a turn for Jericho against Ambrose ahead on RAW. 7 of 10 points.

6. United States Championship Match: John Cena defeated Seth Rollins (c) to become the new United States Champion. Cena won with an Attitude Adjustment. After the match, he delivered another AA to Rollins on the floor.

-> best match of the evening but with the wrong winner for my taste. 2 new moves from Cena - thats makes it 8 overall ;) 8,5 of 10 points.

7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Seth Rollins (c) defeated Sting. There was a scary moment during the match where Sting collapsed and appeared to be seriously hurt. Referees stopped the match, but eventually restarted it, and Sting was able to continue. Rollins countered a Scorpion Deathlock into a rollup to win the match.

-> And again the right winner. Maybe of the fact that Sting got injured during the match, Rollings keept the title. Next opponent is Kane while Sting is out of action. 7 of 10 points.

– After the match, Sheamus Brogue Kicked Rollins and tried to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase, but “The Demon” Kane — with his mask and wig — returned to stop him. Kane chokeslammed Rollins and appeared to be on Sheamus’ side, but chokeslammed him as well. Kane tombstone piledrove Rollins to end the show.

pics (c) of wwe