Kickoff show: very good but short tag team turmoil match for the number 1 contender spot for the tag titels from the shield. 6/10 points
1. IC Title match Curtis Axel (c) vs Kofi Kingston
Don´t provoke the COO - so Curtis has to defend this title against Kofi Kingston. Kofi using high flying moves to get Axel more and more into trouble. Curtis gets back into the match with some cheap shots. The SOS from Kofi just get a 2 count. Curtis Axel using the ropes to weakend Kingston and get the victory. Fast match 8/10 points.
2. Fatal Four Way Diva´s Title - AJ Lee (c) vs Brie Bella vs Naomi vs Natalya
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It´s like a 3 on 1 at the begining of the match. Brie being very agressive but Naomi do some high flying moves. Everybody for themselfs now with some great moves for a DIVAs match and Naty showing a double sharpshooter on Brie and Naomi. AJ wins after Naty has to give up in the black widow hold. 7/10 points.
3. WWE World Title match - Alberto DelRio (c) vs RVD
RVD gets the better start into the match and dominate´s DelRio. DelRio is able to kick out of every cover and conter´s the rolling thunder into a back stapper. RVD conters the cross arm breaker and shows a top rope moonsault but didnt get the win. The 5 star frog splash landet directly on DelRios knees and gets RVD into the cross arm breaker. RVD gets to the ropes but Alberto doesnt let go and gets disqualified. Good match - poor booking. 7/10 points. After the match RVD flighs from corner to corner and puts a steel chair into DelRios face - priceless.
4. Fandango vs The Miz
Why is that match on the card? No idea - but i guess to bring Fandango into this FACE role and a heel turn for the Miz. Summer Ray is helping Fandango every now and than to keep Fandango on top in the match. The Miz getting better into the match and focused on the left leg of Fandango. Meanwhile the audiance cheers for RANDY SAVAGE and TALBES. Fandango missed the top rope leg drop and The Miz gets the win with the Figure Four. Totally waste of ppv time - 5/10 points.
5. Handicap match - CM Punk vs Paul Heyman + Curtis Axel
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The match is a No DQ match as well and Punk and Axel using kendo sticks to battle each other. While Punk is concentrating on Heyman Axel hit a low blow on Punk and dominates the match from that point on. Steel chairs come into play and a table too. Axel gots face first into the steel chair into the corner. He returned the favor by hitting Punk with the chair while he was flying thru the ropes.
Go to Sleep and the Anaconda wise getting Curtis Axel eliminated and so its Punk vs Heyman 1 on 1. Heyman try to run away but Punk gets him and hit him hard with the kendo stick. He handcuffs Heyman to be sure that he didnt tape out. The fans still wants the TABLE for Heyman. Ryback shows up in the ring and speared Punk badly thru the table and Heyman gets the win. WTF.... 8/10 points.
6. US Title match - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Dolph Ziggler
Hopefully the first title change of the evening. Ziggler and Ambrose showing a lot of quick moves. At the end Ambrose gets the victory over Ziggler after a front face ddt. Way to short match and the wrong winner at all. 4/10 points.
7. Tag Team Titles - The Shield (c) vs Prime Time Players
PTP dominating the first minutes of the match. But even a Powerbomb didnt get them the victory. After a while the Shield gets the upper hand and winning the match after a spear from Roman Reigns on Titus O´Neil. Too short and the wrong winner as well - 5/10 points.
8. WWE Title Match - Randy Orton (c) vs Daniel Bryan
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No outside interference´s promised by Triple H. So no Shield or Big Show. Randy startet aggressive into the match and get s a lot out of Bryan. Bryan flying inside and outside and attacked Orton with everything he has to offer. Randy contered with a DDT on the floor. After a while Orton is in the YES LOCK and near the submission but gets to the ropes.
Daniel Bryan flighs again from the tope rope to hit a flying headbutt but its look like, Daniel injured his shoulder. Foot to Ortons head plus the running knee to his face and DANIEL BRYAN is again WWE CHAMPION - YES YES YES YES. Very good main event with the right winner. 9/10 points.